Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forging a new skin.

Location: Mandalore

Since the destruction of his old body and the armor he crafted to matched it. Kezeroth was in dire need of a suit of armor that could protect his new lesser form of self. He was no longer a Gen'dai and could not regenerate complete limbs within seconds, he needed protection. He needed a Beskar'gram. Iron Skin. The Mandalorians for almost their entire history worked around Beskar, Now it was time for Kezeroth to do the same and by doing so forge a better relationship with people he called Vod.

But there was one problem...
Despite the Epicanthix's advanced mental age. Kezeroth had no clue how to handle and shape Mandalorian Iron. 2508 years old and he never learned such a art. He felt slightly bad he didn't spend his time better. But Luckily there were those who had.

[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] was one such rumored individual who knew, well much. Waiting by his ship Kezeroth kept one hand on a hover crate full of Beskar and some equipment he wished to use later on in the process.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
The day was coming to a close on the continent which Saera landed on. She had not been to Mandalore in years, since the days her mother would venture off to battle the Sith in the name of the Mando'ade. It was only because of her mother that she was even a Mandalorian, born by blood to the Clans, only accepted for who she was on her mother's reputation. Not many Sith practitioners in the modern day called Mandalore home after all. The veil of night followed her shuttle as it descended into the atmosphere.

Saera's personal shuttle landed on a platform not far from where [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] stood among his own. The sound of decompressing air and folding hydraulic lines hissed as airlocked doors the loading ramp to the craft descended. From it emerged several ship hands lift-hauling the containers which held her travel equipment and supplies. Not long after, Saera -- a strange, pale green-skinned girl with long, free hair and a figure appearing no older than eighteen standard years -- descended onto the landing pad to greet Kezeroth personally.

"Good evening, vod," she said with a bow and smiled. "I understand you have some Mandalorian iron you want turned into beskar'gam. Luckily I was in the sector and decided to stay here a while to help. You should probably know, forging armor is no simple task. It might take days or weeks, and this would have been ideally done at my own forge." Saera nonchalantly sighed.
The whole thing got her into thinking perhaps she should construct an alchemy forge in Mandalorian space as well, to cater to the requests of her compatriots more effectively.
Kezeroth examined the girl who came to greet him. His eyes squinting as he questioned her appearance in relation to her skills. " Very unexpected. But i guess I do not have a whole lot of room to talk." he commented. " As for time. I can live with time." he chuckled as he brought up some old memories. Suddenly the area around him started to come alive with activity as droids and crew workers on her ship poured out to prepare the area.

" Are you always prepared to craft armor?" he questioned as he looked around. It was good to be prepared but from what he was looking at, the Crafting of Beskargram would take quite awhile as she previously stated. He rested his arm on the hover crate guarding it as if it held his own armor inside.

[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Saera looked around to follow the man's line of sight and giggled.
"No. These are just containers of tools and personal belongings. Though you do bring up a valid point.... I think I'll have some supplies machined on my ship and shuttled down to Mandalore to make a new forge. At this rate it should be done by sunrise!"
She reached back and shuffled her hands through a small satchel to find and remove a reinforced datapad. On it, the girl began looking for large real estate on Mandalore which she could buy as an away-home and planetside workshop.
"In the mean time, you should find a place to stay until that's finished -- unless you don't mind helping?"

[member="Kezeroth the Unyielding"]​

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