THE Wookie Jedi
Location: Mandalore
Since the destruction of his old body and the armor he crafted to matched it. Kezeroth was in dire need of a suit of armor that could protect his new lesser form of self. He was no longer a Gen'dai and could not regenerate complete limbs within seconds, he needed protection. He needed a Beskar'gram. Iron Skin. The Mandalorians for almost their entire history worked around Beskar, Now it was time for Kezeroth to do the same and by doing so forge a better relationship with people he called Vod.
But there was one problem...
Despite the Epicanthix's advanced mental age. Kezeroth had no clue how to handle and shape Mandalorian Iron. 2508 years old and he never learned such a art. He felt slightly bad he didn't spend his time better. But Luckily there were those who had.
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] was one such rumored individual who knew, well much. Waiting by his ship Kezeroth kept one hand on a hover crate full of Beskar and some equipment he wished to use later on in the process.
Since the destruction of his old body and the armor he crafted to matched it. Kezeroth was in dire need of a suit of armor that could protect his new lesser form of self. He was no longer a Gen'dai and could not regenerate complete limbs within seconds, he needed protection. He needed a Beskar'gram. Iron Skin. The Mandalorians for almost their entire history worked around Beskar, Now it was time for Kezeroth to do the same and by doing so forge a better relationship with people he called Vod.
But there was one problem...
Despite the Epicanthix's advanced mental age. Kezeroth had no clue how to handle and shape Mandalorian Iron. 2508 years old and he never learned such a art. He felt slightly bad he didn't spend his time better. But Luckily there were those who had.
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] was one such rumored individual who knew, well much. Waiting by his ship Kezeroth kept one hand on a hover crate full of Beskar and some equipment he wished to use later on in the process.