Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Forgotten and Found


Location: Far reaches of the Lipsec system, the wreckage of the FIV Der Flugel
Tags: Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr

Destroyed. Abandoned. Derelict. Testament.

All these words can be said of the First Imperial Vessel, Der Flugel. She sits in space, split in half, empty of all things valuable. She's sat this way, unchanging and unmoving, since her fatal battle nearly twelve years prior. Pirates, that's what she hunted for before that fateful battle. Hunting, raiding, and most of all, pissing off pirates who were losing credits due to her. Unknown to her and other members of her remnant flotilla, these pirates banded together and led her straight into a trap. If she was new, she might've survived the ambush, but her hull was already aging and repaired with different scraps that were traded and bartered for. The ambush proved too much for her, so she took it upon herself to protect what remained. Sacrificing herself for...someone, a brother maybe. Or perhaps a nephew, or both, its memory lost now.​

Until today, when her derelict electronics system finally held enough power to send out her distress call, twelve years too late, or just in time. Now, it was up to whoever listened to her call.
/// Beginning of recording. "This is First Imperial Vessel Der Flugel, we've been ambushed by a fleet of pirates. My ship is too damaged to run. If anyone can hear this help, I'm in the Lipsec system at coords [x,y]. I'm going to lock myself in the bridge's strongroom. I've rewired the bridge's defensive systems to be hard to slice open. Unfortunately that's set off my own security droids, they have gone haywire, shoot them on site, because they'll..." loud thumping and beeping can be heard throughout the audio, increasing in volume reaching its peak at this moment. "Kriff, they've found me, aannnd I'm running out of power and time. Listen, please he..." ///End of recording. It will not repeat.

Mission: Investigate Distress Signal

Ship: Modified Rectifier Heavy Cruiser named Verdict
  • Composite lasers replaced with NNJ-40 ION canons, optimized for stunning.
  • Big Cat lasers replaced with heavy duty Harpoon and Towcable turrets.
  • Hangar: one squadron of outdated surplus B-wings (two seated).
    • Aft cockpit turret is substituted with a Harpoon and Towcable for towing purposes.

"Well, it's a good thing we didn't spend a lot of money to get here." Grumbled Carvahan, one of Way'lurr's senior managers on board the Verdict. Way'lurr grunted his agreement in response.

The entire space-scape before them was a floating scrap-heap of twisted and torn metal hulls. Most of the ship designs were unknown to The Verdict's databases, but even if they were, most of them were too torn up to determine their exact make or model without a proper forensics investigation. Whatever battle had taken place here, it had been utterly brutal.

"At least we can get the scrap metal salvage" chimed in Breve, optimistic as ever. As a fellow senior officer, Breve's endless optimism was an appropriate offset to Carvahan's pessimism.

"We're not spice-heads, Breve! Stripping out piping and rare semiconductors takes time and the cost wouldn't be worth it. Man-hours are expensive and we're not properly outfitted to disseminate these derelicts efficiently." Countered Carvahan with an irritated tone. Ultimately, Carvahan was probably right. Whoever had fought here, both sides had been vicious and thorough with their kills. "There are better things we can be doing with our time."

Antio sighed and walked away from his two senior managers. Pensively, he strode over to the massive bridge viewport that made up the entire forward wall and rested his hands on the railing. He mulled over the words of his managers while passively scanning the scene with his keen pinniped eyes. He hoped that maybe his Dornean vision would give him some kind of sign that this trip would be worth it that his ship's sensors might've missed. It happened sometimes.

"What about that distress signal?" Antio asked over his shoulder, "some agencies pay out well for rescue efforts"

"Only if there's some kind of posted reward." Carvahan explained. His tone contained his annoyance at having explained this before, "There was a reason that this particular tip-off made it all the way to Abridon before we finally bought it. Tip-offs with posted rewards tend to not get very far before they're gobbled up by contractors."

"Yes, yes. I've never done this job before." Antio retorted sarcastically. He had over a century of experience doing this sort of thing, "but since we are passing through on our way to Vengler, it can't hurt to take a look. And we're ahead of schedule for our delivery anyways. I think we should do an exploration of that wrecked star destroyer over there." With a thick Dornean finger, he pointed at the largest hulk of metal in the debris field.

"Why that one?" Breve asked.

Antio grinned, happy to show off to his crew again, "because there's a First Order code written on the side of the hull."

"First Order!?" Both men came up beside Antio on either side to look where he was pointing.

"Wow, you have good eyes, Captain." Breve commented, "is that the one that was mentioned in the distress call?"

"It must be," Antio answered, "there's no other ship that could fit the description"

"Kark," muttered Carvahan.

Antio Way'lurr knew exactly what he was thinking, "now that we've identified the ship we're legally obliged to search it for survivors" he explained with a warning in his tone.

"That signal had a 12 year old time-stamp." Carvahan moaned, "surely the statutes of limitations has expired on that transmission"

Antio shook his head firmly, "some worlds recognize the statutes, but not all. And if we violate conventionally recognized rescue protocols, we could lose potential job contracts in the future. We need to be going out of our way for this to increase our viability for high-end contracts. So… we are searching that ship."

Carvahan shook his head stubbornly but didn't protest. He knew Antio was right, but he hated having to do a job where credit returns were not the end results.

Finally, Carvahan sighed and wheeled on his heels, "alright, sir. I'll go put a boarding party together. I'd like to get this done as quickly as possible"

And with that, he marched out of the bridge.

Boarding Party Loadout
Spacesuits | Skinsuits | jetpacks | blaster rifles | sidearms


The Devaronian Chief of staff, Lune, and his entourage of 40 suited-up employees stood just inside of the forward egress bay on board the Verdict. They all stood there, waiting for the red light to turn green and the massive door to open so they could space-walk into the Der Flugel. They didn't have any shuttles, so an EVA incursion between the star destroyer and the Verdict was the only effective option for getting boots inside the wrecked ship. Luckily, Verdict had been designed for such boarding actions back when it had been originally built as a warship for the Elysium Empire. It was designed to hold itself in place with tractor beams while the forward egress bays puked out soldiers into whatever ship it was fighting at the time. Since being converted into a hunting vessel, those bays had been, more often than not, used to hold large kills and cargo for profiteering purposes.

It was nice to use those bays for their intended purpose once again. Especially with the potential for armed security droids on board the other ship.

The light turned green and Lune checked his blaster. Then, the doors opened up. Magnetic pads in the floor kept him and his men from getting swept away by the torrent of venting atmosphere into the void. Once the doors were all the way open and the air was vented, the magnetic locks and artificial gravity released, and the group of men shoved off with their feet expertly to start them drifting towards the star destroyer.

He kept his jetpack bursts to a minimum to conserve fuel as his team followed him in. He carefully navigated the floating chunks of scrap metal, and angled for the exposed decks that had been made accessible by the removal of the star destroyer's forward hull.

Finally, as they drew close enough to see things clearly, Lune angled his flight path towards what looked like the remains of a large, empty mess-hall. As he drifted in, he re-oriented his body so that his feet would land on the floor where the tables used to be. One-by-one, each person touched down and then turned to help their comrades land safely. As their boots touched the deck, they activated magnetic locks to keep themselves grounded.

Once everyone was secured to the floor, he turned to his men and activated his Commlink, "Alright, let's get started. This looks like a pressurized door, and it looks locked, which means it could be holding air on the other side. If we can open it and close it behind us, I'm willing to bet that we'll be able to search the rest of the ship in some kind of pressurized atmosphere. I still don't want to breath the air in case it's poisonous, but being able to hear is a nice bonus. So don't wreck the door to open it! Once we're inside, watch the corners and doors in case those droids are still active and have itchy trigger fingers. Let's get this done quickly, but also safely. Use your hand signals whenever you can just in case our encryptions are broken by security measures. The less we give anyone to listen to, less likely our encryptions are to be broken. Any questions?"

No one spoke up. This was their second briefing for this mission, so it was just a redundancy.

"Alright, let's get this door open! Narkeem, you're up!"

Baron Von Nuked Baron Von Nuked

The hull of the ship creaks and groans as it slowly moves through space with the rest of the debris field. The mess-hall is completely empty except for the few tables that got stuck in the rafters above. Most probably flew out after the ship was cleaved in two or were taken as salvage. Looking around the husk of the ship, most of its valuable outer systems seem to be taken already, removed long ago; perhaps by her enemies. Moving towards the airlock and more importantly its wall-mounted console, the more astute of their crew would notice that while there are layers of cosmic dust, there are a few numbers and letters scratched into the durasteel wall:
X J 2 8 V Z F 0

Above it are several others scratched out; failed attempts maybe? If they try the code it will work. The door slides open with a silent hiss; no air rushes out as it is but a humble airlock, or what it was once before: a T intersection. Two doors facing either left or right. Both locked and holding back atmosphere and the ability to hear. Based on the outer design of the ship, either direction will lead them towards the bridge, and the strongroom it hides.

What our party of crew members doesn't know is that whichever direction they open up, there are a few corpses waiting for them, a total of three. Slowly mummifying losing all moisture, with several blaster bolts to the back. An omen? Maybe. A clue? Certainly, but to what? How long ago did someone try to investigate this side of the ship? If this body is here where are the rest? Many other questions can be asked but most of them would be answered further into the ship.

Again the more astute crew member might notice a datapad amongst the corpses which contains only a single recording. A gruff and tired voice emerges.
"This is Hallin Degros. I'm a member of Captain Lobo's crew and I was sent here to investigate this ship after letting it sit here for about six years, its currently 896 ABY. Captain said something about a bad feeling about this here ship, but I don't know about any of that. It's just an older imperial model with a strongroom that needs pilfering. We nine here are expecting some bots, but not much else. We'll get the job done."

Additionally, the crew would hear, after regaining their hearing, the echo of a few metal steps or the sound of metal scraping against metal in whichever direction they go. Here there be droids.

Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr
Last edited:
Mission: Investigate Distress Signal

Ship: Modified Rectifier Heavy Cruiser named Verdict
  • Composite lasers replaced with NNJ-40 ION canons, optimized for stunning.
  • Big Cat lasers replaced with heavy duty Harpoon and Towcable turrets.
  • Hangar: one squadron of outdated surplus B-wings (two seated).
    • Aft cockpit turret is substituted with a Harpoon and Towcable for towing purposes.

Boarding Party Loadout
Spacesuits | Skinsuits | jetpacks | blaster rifles | sidearms

"Narkeem, you were literally given the answer and you still got it wrong!" taunted one of the guys in their group as the words WRONG PASSWORD scrolled across the screen of the pad-lock screen. Over the comms, everyone laughed.

"I'm not used to these glove fingers, guys! Give me a break!" Narkeem whined. His tone was indignant, but there was a hint of amusement in his words. The boys all had a decent rapport and the fact that they could rib at each other made Chief Lune happy. This particular team had a good work culture.

Narkeem entered the code one more time, this time his fingers were more deliberate and cautious in their movements, and the door hissed open. Cautiously, they clamoured into the small space one-by-one until it was too full to take any more and the rest of the team waited outside for their turn to enter the airlock. Lune selected the left door of the T intersection and keyed it open as soon as the outer door closed.

The air buffeted them briefly as the pressurized air refilled the small airlock with noise once more. Lune and his crew switched on their headlamps and looked around at their surroundings.

"Looks like a warning," said Narkeem as he looked at the one corpse in front of them, maintaining a casual tone, "I bet the other door has one or two just like this body behind it."

Narkeem was one of the few who had previous military service similar to Lune's. He knew the importance of maintaining unit cohesion in the face of traumatic attempts at psychological warfare. His casual tone was intended to set the precedent for the rest of the team: It's normal.

Lune picked up on Narkeem's intentions and decided to add his own flavour to the atmosphere amongst them. "This is good. We need content for the company newsletter anyways. You two!" He pointed at two young guys that had very little field experience, "go sit next to the corpse! Lean it up against the wall! Yes, good job! You, put your arm around the body… like it's your sister! Aaaaand smile!" And with that, he whipped out his datapad and snapped a holo.

While Lune dolled out his ridiculous orders, the men laughed at the hilarity of the two boys' incredulous body language as they awkwardly scrambled to obey their chief's orders. The one struggled visibly not to puke inside his helmet while he struggled to keep his arm around the body. The laughter got louder at the antics, and the second young man decided that he liked the attention. He proceeded to start making poses and gestures in the holos.

"Can you stand him up?" Narkeem asked one of the boys. With that, they both attempted to lift the body up and as they did so, a datapad fell out of its pocket.

The laughter stopped, so Lune picked it up and began navigating it. Soon, he found the recording;

"This is Hallin Degros. I'm a member of Captain Lobo's crew and I was sent here to investigate this ship after letting it sit here for about six years, its currently 896 ABY. Captain said something about a bad feeling about this here ship, but I don't know about any of that. It's just an older imperial model with a strongroom that needs pilfering. We nine here are expecting some bots, but not much else. We'll get the job done."

"Bots?" Narkeem commented as the recording ended. And with that, the sound of scraping steel could be heard rising through the depths of the old star destroyer.

Lune decided to get serious. He keyed his comm to the guys that were still outside of the airlock, "ok, kids. Get through that airlock and split your numbers between the right and left doors when you do. I need you guys to cover this exit while we search the ship."

"Copy that" replied one of the men on the line.

Lune keyed another channel, "Verdict, come in. This is Chief Lune."

"We read you Chief. Go ahead,"

"The security droids still appear to be active. We could use support."

"We understand. We don't want to encumber you with more troops, but the Captain had an idea. The current loadout of the Verdict is heavy on ION weaponry. If you can locate clusters of the droids and give us target data, we could provide improvised artillery support."

"Yeah," Lune muttered, "but then we could get caught in that if we're too close"

"Yeah," said the operator on the other line antagonistically, "so keep your distance, Lune."

"Oh that's helpful. I'll call you when I need more useless ideas" Lune shut off the comm, annoyed.

Just then, the airlock door opened and more armoured troops poured into the hallway. Lune began to address them, "ok, half of you guys — yes this half" he said while partitioning the crowd with a chopping motion of his hand and then sweeping to the right, "comes with me and we move quickly. The faster we move, the less likely we are to get bogged down by a firefight. I want to remain mobile, so keep your minds geared towards that end. The rest of you fortify this door and keep our exit open. If Verdict decides to be useful and sends us more troops, instruct them to start their own search grid when they get here. Any questions?"

There were none.

"Alright, let's move out!"

Baron Von Nuked Baron Von Nuked
The first couple of minutes inside the ship are eerie as this sealed part of the ship hasn't been in contact with the elements, effectively creating a large time capsule. There are a few more bodies in either direction, some are the pirate crew that boarded long ago, and a few are dressed in older First Order attire, both wearing the same blaster marks.

Most of the rooms in either hallway are filled with standard living equipment from long ago, making some of it a rare item to be found. A few of the First Order bodies carry holsters with older hard-to-find FO blasters from when they were the dominant faction against the Galactic Alliance. There is a lot of junk, but If you were to slow down you'd find some rarities. But that's not why you're here now.

The nice calm, and stale air of the hallway was unfortunately broken when a pair of security droids rounded the corner.

<<ALERT. YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO BE ON- Der Flugel -LETHAL FORCE IS AUTHORIZED. ALERTING NEARBY UNITS FOR ASSISTANCE.>> They immediately raised their blasters and let forth a hail of fire. While old and poorly maintained, they moved faster than one would expect, but much slower than they probably could in their prime. They took cover in open doorways, peeking out to take a few shots before ducking back in cover.

The sounds of metal footsteps grew louder as three more rounded the corner. Two of them wielding blasters, the other wielding a riot shield and a stun baton. Both of the ones wielding blasters take some cover behind the riot shield peeking out to take potshots as they move forward acting as a cohesive unit.

After the Ensuing Battle
Looking at the droids, they seem to be well past their service date. There is a lot of corroded metal and a lot of their belt-mounted power cells seem like they'd be explosive if moved. One looks a bit more officious than the rest, the riot shielder, they have an arm-mounted datapad, with a few old code cylinders.

Looking through the limited files on the datapad shows the manifest for the bridge's strongroom.
1x CONFIDENTIAL -Captain Only
24x F-11ABA Heavy Blaster Cannons
4x Carbonite Tibanna Gas Crates (Large)
1 Status: deactivated, awaiting reactivation​
2 Status: deactivated, awaiting reactivation​
3 Status: deactivated, awaiting reactivation​
4 Status: Active, Original Cargo not Detected, LOW POWER​
(The rest of the manifest seems either corrupted or are items of lesser value than those listed above, although they might still hold some value)

Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr

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