Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Former Jedi/Sith?

I'm slightly confused on this. I know that the entry level of any Force user is that of an apprentice, but I was wondering if you could say you were a former Jedi Knight etc. and were exiled as part of your backstory? That way, you're still starting out as an "apprentice" when you actually write the character.

For the record, I'm not interested in this for the purpose of making my character powerful, just to fit with her age and some other things.


Disney's Princess
Rank Tags ~= IC Power


So yes. You could be an old Jedi Knight. However, if you don't transfer your Knight rank from another board according to the site rules? Then it would be assumed that your power and skill were forgotten. Or, just really really rusty. So yeah. It would be like starting all over again. With a Padawan tag. Which, is the way it's supposed to work.

New members start from the beginning and gain power as they go. They do not start as Grandmaster level characters with uber powers. And, that has worked for us as a community for many many years now. :)
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

As I said, I'm not interested in being uber powerful.

To what extent are your powers assumed to be forgotten? I'm wondering if its possible to retain a few esoteric powers that might help you survive in the wild, but that seems unlikely from the sound of things.

That said, it's not a big problem for me since I plan on my character being rusty anyway. I could just write in that she's stopped listening to the Force for a few years.

Also, if my character's an exiled Jedi Knight, would she be a "Rogue Padawan" or just "Padawan"?
[member="Red Falcon"]
You need to be an apprentice/padawan/acolyte "tier" character. Whether that means you've lost your edge, or whether that means you've forgotten or gotten worse at using the force, you cannot RP being as capable as a Jedi Knight/Master while using the Padawan/Apprentice/Acolyte/Initiate tags.

You can still use the portion of originally being a Knight as part of your backstory, but your abilities need to reflect your rank title.


Disney's Princess
Red Falcon said:
To what extent are your powers assumed to be forgotten?
That is entirely up to you.

However. As an example. My first character Karen was 24 years old when she started as a character. That is a bit old to still be a Padawan but I was not allowed to start as a Knight. So... I wrote in her bio that she had simply never received the rank of Knight. Essentially, she went into her first RP as a 24 year old woman with years of experience, but no power or rank.

It was tough. But I made her abilities match her title. A 24 year old Padawan.


I'll also state that this website is very generous with it's rank advancements. You can make Knight Rank in as little two weeks. Pew! Fast. Easy as pie. Master Rank takes longer sure. But you can get that one super fast too.

The idea is not just that your character is experienced. It's that you, the writer, are experienced with the website and it's people too. Being a veteran member has less to do with how strong or mighty your character is, and more to do with how fun and friendly you are as a community member. A cool writer in a cool community.

So. Is it weird sometimes to craft 'Padawan' characters? Yeah. But it's the journey that counts. Just as much as the destination. Being an awesome writer and friend. :D
Who decides the best answer? If it's the OP, then I must've accidentally hit it somewhere around [member="Braith Achlys"]'s post. But everyone's answers have been helpful so far. Thanks!

Jay Scott Clark said:
That is entirely up to you.

However. As an example. My first character Karen was 24 years old when she started as a character. That is a bit old to still be a Padawan but I was not allowed to start as a Knight. So... I wrote in her bio that she had simply never received the rank of Knight. Essentially, she went into her first RP as a 24 year old woman with years of experience, but no power or rank.

It was tough. But I made her abilities match her title. A 24 year old Padawan.


I'll also state that this website is very generous with it's rank advancements. You can make Knight Rank in as little two weeks. Pew! Fast. Easy as pie. Master Rank takes longer sure. But you can get that one super fast too.

The idea is not just that your character is experienced. It's that you, the writer, are experienced with the website and it's people too. Being a veteran member has less to do with how strong or mighty your character is, and more to do with how fun and friendly you are as a community member. A cool writer in a cool community.

So. Is it weird sometimes to craft 'Padawan' characters? Yeah. But it's the journey that counts. Just as much as the destination. Being an awesome writer and friend. :D
I don't think there's anything weird with starting out as a Padawan character, which is fair. I just think it's more natural for my character to be a Knight in their backstory.

I'm willing to work my way up through actual storywriting, whether that takes two weeks or two months. As I said, I'm not so concerned with where they are now, just if it was possible for them to have been a Knight in the past.

Anyways, can someone answer my question on whether I would pass a "Rogue Padawan" if I'm an exiled Jedi Knight? Or do I have to be actually opposed to the Jedi Order or anything? For the record, my character probably won't ever join the Order again.
Red Falcon said:
Anyways, can someone answer my question on whether I would pass a "Rogue Padawan" if I'm an exiled Jedi Knight? Or do I have to be actually opposed to the Jedi Order or anything? For the record, my character probably won't ever join the Order again.
Yes, you just need to have the capabilities of a padawan.


Disney's Princess
Rank tags are open to interpretation. So if you're a rogue? You get to determine what qualifies that. Similar Sith. You get to determine what kind of Sith you are. No one faction has claim to the words 'Sith' , 'Jedi', or 'Smuggler'. There is some wiggle room there.

And yes. You can keep, build, or re-build a lightsaber at your leisure. I started my first character with two. :p
Jay Scott Clark said:
Rank tags are open to interpretation. So if you're a rogue? You get to determine what qualifies that. Similar Sith. You get to determine what kind of Sith you are. No one faction has claim to the words 'Sith' , 'Jedi', or 'Smuggler'. There is some wiggle room there.

And yes. You can keep, build, or re-build a lightsaber at your leisure. I started my first character with two. :p
Good to hear.

Thanks for the help! I'll get around to making my character soon. If there's any problems with the profile when it comes out, feel free tell me. I don't intend on infringing on site rules or customs. :)

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