[Social Information]
Name: Forren Creed
Faction: The Galactic Empire
Rank: Imperial Moff of Bresnia
Homeworld: Bresnia
Places of Residence:
- Moff's Palace (formerly Prime Minister's Palace), Bresnia
- Moff suite, Kamino
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Unwed
[Physical Information]
Species: Human
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 208lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Grey
Skin: Fair
Scars: One long scar snaking across his forehead and down across his left eye
[The Force]
Force Sensitive: No
Forren is often distrusting of outsiders to the point of shirking the use of the Stormtrooper corps, rather he uses his own planetary forces when called to war by the Empire. He is also a rather stern man set in his ways when it comes to the political. Although he should not be seen on the battlefield he can very easily be found on the front lines comanding in a method
Large man with broad shoulders, Forren is the very definition of stocky, if one could be considered stocky at six foot two. His grey hair is cut short and his face is clean shaven, a large nasty scar snakes across his forehead, down his left eye and onto his cheek. In his old age Forren works hard to maintain his impressive physique, although a small layer of fat covers areas of him, a result of his slowing metabolism, he can still easily throw around men half his age.
Rather than a proper Imperial uniform Forren is usually seen wearing the pre-imperial uniform corresponding with his planet's defence force, although when meeting with other Imperial officials he will, uncomfortably, wear the proper uniform. An accessory that he is more often seen with than not is a cigar, although in situations where smoking is not permitted he will leave it unlit.
Forren was born to a fairly normal life and at 18 enlisted into the Bresnian military, he worked his way up through the rank and file, attaining him at the age of 50 the rank of Marshal, the supreme commander of the military. By the time he had had turned 57 the Galactic Empire came knocking, and although Forren advised against it the prime minister had wanted to resist the take over, seeing no other solutions in the short time available he instituted a military coup and turned the metaphorical keys over to the Empire. His actions awarded him the position of Moff, but this was not his forte and he let most of the day to day running of the planet fall to the the old parliament system.
Armor & Clothing:
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