RC 212
Fort Holstice

- Intent: To create a main stronghold for the Commonwealth Systems
- Image Credit: Here
- Canon: NO
- Links: N/A
- Military Base Name: Fort Holstice
- Classification: Fort
- Location: Nubia
- Affiliation: Commonwealth Systems
- Population:
Over 10,000 Personnel, Pilots, Navy and Marines - Approx 5,000 Civilian Staff
[*]Accessibility: Nestled between Mountains and the open fields, with an ocean to it's east, this location is accessible by air, sea and land. Four entry points in total, two being land based.
[*]Description: At a glance Fort Holstice appears to be a giant blockhouse contrcution of several acres. It is essentially a multi leveled square fortress, brislting with launch tubes and hangars mid level, and defensive guns at the top and ground corners of the structure. Deck Cannons also protrude from the mid level.
- Holstice Armory: Where a majority of the weapons, and tech is kept. It sports enough arms and munitions to maintain the bases defense in most situations, save a multi-year siege.
- The Shield Generators: Hidden deep in the core complex, near the Reacotr, these shield gennys are the primary defense for the base, protecting it from orbital bombardment and ground based ranged attacks.
- The Ballroom: Every Base need recreation, that's where the ballroom comes in. Lavish and decadent it sports the colors of the Commonwealth and multiple levels of banisters overlooking the central dance floor.
- The Barracks: Simple enough, a very large barracks where the Armed forces and staff of the base can sleep, shave, shower and eat.
- Command Room: An isolated room with blast shielding and blast doors, this acts a s a central ground based hub with which Commanders can reach out any part of the Commonwealth, provided their relay satelites are intact. Complete with a Tactical Operations Center, Holotank and many modes of communications. Also where the guns are controlled from.
- Weapons Emplacements: Across the top, the middle decks and the lower corners are assorted weapons turrets to bolster the defenses of the base.
- Motorpool: At the bottom level where all ground based vehicles are kept. Speeders Armor units etc.
- The Hangar and Launch tubes: Hangars that link to magnetic launch tubes. 500 Fighters are stored here, their pilots on standby to defend the Base and the citizens of the Commonwealth.
- 72x Jast Heavy Fighters
- 100x Armadillos
- 50x Privateer Class Mulchers
- 100x Mass Driver Cannons, rooftop
- 4x Heavy Turbolasers, Corners
- 40x Deck Cannons, Mid level, 10 per side.
- Ray Shields
- Particle Shields
- 1000 Royal Marines
Holstice base started out as a simple outpost on the world of Nubia. As the Commonwealth took control and house Falcon established themselves in the planetary government, they were able to develop mass popular support for a heavy military garrison, citing the unrest in the core, the Fall of the Alliance, Commenor Systems Alliance, and the Free World Coalition. What came to be was a massive construction project that supplied jobs for many years.
A major part of the Forts construction was the removal of old archaic infrastructure, and it's replacement by modernized components. Once upon a time it had been a trading outpost, then it had transformed into a military stronghold. The location of the fort, adjacent to mountain, land and sea makes it easier to control the points of ingress and egress.
The last and final cap was the addition of the fighter decks. So long as the Commonwealth focused on their Naval power, fighters would play a pivotal role as Close Air Support, giving Holstice an even sharper sword in the protection of her world.
The finished product, Fort Holstice is the primary hub of the worlds military defense. It was staffed heavily and created to be able to outlast a siege if need be. With the the Sith and First Order a stone throw away, it serves as a primary deterrent to would be invaders.
Day to day life at the base is easygoing. When drills are not being run, approx a quarter of the population is on shore leave, mingling with the local cities and villages. Much of the personnel remain behind on the base, and it features several large barracks, as well as housing for the Senior Officer ranks. The most notable addition is the Armory, which holds thousands of weapons and rounds, enabling the garrison to mount a stalwart defense against any attack. The majority of the population looks to Fort Holstice and feels safety. With regular Combat Air Patrols and such a large presence of forces, it marks a determined effort by the Commonwealth Systems to keep its citizens safe.