Arrbi Betna
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Okay, so, here's the idea. We're the Protectors, which means we need to be prepared in the event an invasion occurs. We're Mandalorians, so we need to be prepared to protect Mandalorian space specifically. With that in mind, the idea is this: Fortify the kark out of what we can.
I figure we'll start with our headquarters. Everyone goes for places like Keldabe or Sundari and other areas that are well known. I think staying under the radar and making it hard to find us is key. So, here's the idea.
Let's fortify this.
Ciryc Gaht is the north pole of Mandalore and is currently pending approval. Once it's approved, it'll need a military base. Specifically, a Protectors' military base. I've garnered a contract with Mandal Hypernautics for HAS Shielding and some automated defense guns and I've started getting a contract with Firemane for some of their planetary defense weapons. I figure building a fortified base in the tallest mountain ranges and then arming it to the teeth would be a good start. Toss in a hangar big enough to land shuttles and maybe some smaller corvettes and we should be good to go.
I'd like to get this started as soon as the location is approved and the contracts hashed out. Any ideas, thoughts, comments, etc?