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Approved NPC Fortress Coruscant

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  • Intent: The creation of a radical organization/movement on Coruscant.
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: A radical right movement on Coruscant.
  • Links: N/A

  • Group Name: Fortress Coruscant
  • Classification: Movement
  • Headquarters: Coruscant. Primarily Central District and The Works.
  • Loyalties: Coruscant First
  • Group Sigil: A spiked bulwark like this one.
  • Description: Fortress Coruscant is an extreme far-right movement based on Coruscant formed mainly from thugs and societal outcasts. They are generally low earners, ignorant, close minded and xenophobic to non-Coruscanti. Fortress Coruscant believes in the superiority of the Coruscanti natives over the others, although not officially. Nonetheless, their stance on the priority of native Coruscanti over foreigners is clear.
Members of Fortress Coruscant are known for their hooligan and aggressive behavior. Although condemned officially by the group, Fortress Europe is actually supportive of attacks on non-Coruscanti establishment and populace.

  • Hierarchy: One head honcho above all, commonly called 'The Leader'. Below him the movement is divided into different divisions based on the region they are from/live in and they are led by a local 'capo'.
  • Membership: Signing up with name, birth certificate and proof of living.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: A more radical vision of the Coruscant First one. They believe in the dominance of Coruscanti natives over foreigners in their homeworld and less rights for offworlders. They are heavily opposed to the Alliance's political ideals using various derogatory terms against them, while claiming the Alliance is clearly working against the good of Coruscant.
  • Curios: Some tattoo the group sigil on their bodies, but it is not mandatory.
  • Goals: The goals of the group coincide with the Coruscant First political party's view of an independent and sovereign Coruscanti state where the natives are far more benefited than they are supposedly now.

Fortress Coruscant was formed by ringleaders of various racketeering schemes initially. They saw opportunity in the world of politics with the tools of populism and founded Fortress Coruscant with the idea of protecting Coruscanti natives from foreign aggression. Their physical might on the street changed from racketeering to safekeeping Coruscanti native streets. More often than not, a non-Coruscanti would be attacked out of simple hatred and sometimes even mugged, while the group would officially claim some sort of guilt on the foreigner and paint their members as proactive citizens aiming to protect the streets from criminals.

In whatever small protests that have ever formed in the history of Coruscant against its government, be it One Sith or Galactic Alliance, the group tends to occupy the front lines of the manifestations and any subsequent melees or trouble that might occur with local law enforcement.

To build their positive image, Fortress Coruscant popularize and heavily 'irradiate' any information outlets with good deeds such as buying a month's reserve of groceries for poverty stricken citizens and helping out elderly citizens of low earning class with almost anything they require.
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