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Approved Tech Fortressa

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Intent: To create a unique material for future submissions and role-playing.
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Name: Fortressa
Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Homeworld (optional): N/A
Production: Unique
Modularity: No
Material(s): Turadium, Impervium, Phrik, Alusteel, Beskar

Classification: Alloy
Weight: Light
  • Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Extreme
  • Kinetic: Extreme
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Other, Pressure: Average
  • Other, Sonic: Very Low
  • Other, Radiation: Average
  • Other, EMP/Ion: Average
  • Other, Elemental: Average
  • Other, Acid (And other corrosive substances): Average
  • Other, Force Abilities: None

Color: Dark Matte Grey

  • Offers incredible protection against blasters and similar weaponry, lightsabers and similar weaponry, and also kinetic damage, with good overall protection against most other forms of damage, save only for sonic weapons and Force attacks.
  • Amazingly lightweight and workable, can be configured to meet most any design specification.
  • An extremely rare alloy, created using an experimental formula whose final ‘recipe’ was lost when the computer system it was on suffered an ‘accidental’ disintegration.
  • Extreme protection against blasters and lightsabers and similar weapons, as well as against kinetic damage.
  • Lightweight and generally easy to work with, it can be forged into most any shape or design needed.
  • Vulnerable to sonic weaponry.
  • Vulnerable to Force-based attacks.

What does one do when they find themselves with smaller-sized amounts of five of the galaxy’s strongest and most sought-after materials? Why make an alloy of course!

The painstaking metallurgical process went on for months until finally “Fortressa” was born. Extremely resistant to blasters and other energy weapons (Seriously, this stuff barely even scratches!), it proved equally impregnable against lightsabers and lightsaber-type weapons, as well as to kinetic damage! (Seriously, not a scratch!) The metal also proved to resist other types of damage fairly well, except for two glaring vulnerabilities. Against sonic weaponry, it proved less resistant, and serious focused attacks by sonic weapons showed some measure of effectiveness. Against the Force, however, it offered literally no protection whatsoever.

An accident in the research facility aboard her ship, involving a MSE droid and a box of thermal detonators used in testing however saw that the computer, which stored the only copies of months of research and notations, was thoroughly destroyed. As a result, only one batch of Fortressa was ever produced, and Visanj ordered it to be placed under the utmost security to await the day when she’d find just the right project to use it for. Right before she spaced every single MSE droid aboard the ship where the research had been conducted and ordered the gunners to keep firing until every single one was just a bad memory!

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

Ratings are a little high at the moment, but otherwise an interesting concept. Really digging the recent trend of new materials coming through the factory. Give this one a little rejiggle and I'll be happy to pass.
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