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Approved Starship Fortuna Stations

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Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

Image Source: Artstation


  • Specifications
    • Length: 100m
    • Width: 250m
    • Height:250m
  • Traffic Control Room
  • Communications
  • Living Quarters
  • Docking Bay


  • Defensive Weapons
  • Shields
  • Hypergate
  • Self Destruct
  • Tractor Beams


  • Hypergate:
The entire station is built around a hypergate, the entire station’s raison d'etre. When powered up the hypergate can be connected to any other hypergate in the galaxy, allowing ships to travel instantaneously between stars.
  • Powerful Communications:
The Station contains powerful communications equipment, allowing it to send and receive heavily encrypted communications throughout the galaxy. These communications are essential to make sure that other stations know when it’s time to bring their hypergates online.
  • Taida:
The Locke and Key Master AI monitors each station and is able to support the staff onboard, or take control of the station if needed.
  • Coded Power System:
The hypergates are generally powered down so no-one can just connect to one and jump into a system. The hypergates have a power system that is code locked, requiring the staff onboard the station to enter their codes to bring it online. This process is part of the connection checklist, leaving a very small window for anyone to connect, and the power can be shut off to disconnect any unauthorized connections.
  • Self Destruct:
Each station contains a self-destruct which can be activated in case a station is boarded.
  • Tractor Beams:
The stations ring is seeded with tractor beams, allowing them to move and direct ships entering and exiting the hypergate.


  • Can be hacked:
Despite all the systems in place, the station's security isn’t unbreachable and they can be hacked. If this is done then an outside force can take over the station and use it’s hypergate.
  • Not Longterm:
The station isn’t designed for longterm living, it needs constant resupply to maintain life, and the crew on board will need to be rotated out or visit nearby planets for recreation.
  • Defenses:
While the station has shields and defensive weapons, it has no ability to fight back, nor raise its shields while the hypergate is activated. The station will rely heavily on outside forces to provide it with security.
  • Size:
The Fortuna stations aren't the largest stations in existence, in fact they're designed to be small. The hypergate aperture only has a diameter of 200m, which drastically limits the size of ships which can pass through it.


There are many mysteries that fill the galaxy, but few hold the imagination as the Hypergates. Ancient artifacts that promise instantaneous travel, if you could just master the technology of those who came before. It was a feeling, a promise that had consumed generations of scientists without success...until today.
It took them years, but Locke and Key Mechanic’s researchers had finally managed to pierce the heavens, gaining an understanding of the exotic technologies that underpinned the artifacts that allowed ancient races to bend the laws of physics.
The new generation of Hypergates were built into manned stations packed with the latest in Locke and Key’s stabilization and communications technology, allowing the company to create portals all over the galaxy that would vastly decrease transport time for goods and passengers.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create stations for a future project
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/a
Permissions: N/a

Technical Information

Affiliation: Locke and Key Mechanics
Model: Fortuna Stations
Starship Class: Other
Starship Role: Transport
Modular: No
Material: Frame: Alusteel Sectional Plating: Turadium Blastdoors: Turadium Internal walls: Durasteel Hull: Quadanium Steel Viewports: Theiaglass
Armaments: N/a
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: None
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 19
Optimal Crew: 20
Passenger Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: Small
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
John Locke John Locke

It is very cool sub, and amazing art!
  • The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
  • And these fields are missing from the premade fields and these are still important, because of this, I would like to ask you to add these to your template:
    • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: Differs based on manufacturer and affiliation. See Factory Rules.)
    • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: Differs based on manufacturer and affiliation. See Factory Rules.)
    • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: Differs based on manufacturer and affiliation. See Factory Rules.)
    Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
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