I want these rings.
Another vague employer that has enlisted his services. All he had, additionally, on his datapad, was a picture of the two rings in question. Luckily every bum with half a brain knew what those rings were. The only homework was to figure out where they were holed up now.
It's been like a gazillion years.
Luckily barmen hear things and it just so happened that Mic's big contact in the industry was a barman on Nar Shaddaa. A hop, skip and a holo call later, and Mic knew where to go now.
"Olly, plot us to Tepasi, mate." Mic said as he slid into the pilot seat.
The droid bleeped at him.
"Oi! Watch your mouth."
Olly grumbled as he put his scomp link in the navicomputer's socket.
Mic sighed. Why'd he have to end up with the most arrogant droid in the Galaxy?
Another hop, skip and a jump later, they entered the Tepasi system from hyperspace and descended toward the planet. He had to work quickly. He wasn't exactly part of the Alliance and he did show up unannounced. They could descend on him any minute if they weren't already waiting somewhere.
"Stay with the ship and don't let anyone take my booze." Mic said before he left the ship and made his way to the ancient building that once belonged to the original Tagge family. Luckily it was well after hours, so the place was relatively quiet.
Finding a way in, wasn't too hard either. He had some nifty, fun tools to get him through a window. Now it was just careful moving inside to not get caught by some dafty patrolling.
And then to find Fortune and Immortality.