Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forums Marked for Deletion

In the process of streamlining and cleaning up the board, we are going through the Forums marked for deletion by their faction owners.

The following have more than ten members, and we'd like to confirm their deletion.

  • The Black Empire [member="Darth Carnifex"]
  • The Triad [member="Lord Ajihad"]
  • Bounty Hunters' Guild [member="The Dark Templar"]
Please include:

The Outcasts of Arkaos - Vacant 01 (WolfMortum).

This faction has been stagnant for a long time, the original request had been stalled but nothing came of it.

I'd appreciate it if it could be considered in your efforts,

The Dark Templar

The Guildmaster of the Bounty Hunters Guild (Lawfu

Hello The Guildmaster here,

I believe my faction should be deleted because for one thing, it's pretty dead and I don't have neither the time nor efforts to bring its activity back up, there is also another Bounty Hunting Guild on board with more capable faction owners, so instead of splitting membership and activity between the two of them, we should just focus on working on one

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