Warlord of the Empire
- Intent: To create a Right-Hand man for Trins Knylenn
- Image Credit: Here
- Role: Public Leader of the Kuati Restoration League , Trins Knylenn’s Second-in-Command
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Age: 40
- Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
- Species: Human
- Appearance: [ Describe the NPC. Height and build? Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? ]
- Name: Foster Chaffey
- Loyalties: Trins Knylenn (Secret) , Directorate (Secretly) , Kuati Restoration League (Leader)
- Wealth: Quite Wealthy : Is the member of the House of Knylenn having acess to their wealth
- Notable Possessions:
- Personal AT-ST Raider
- Personal Tie Outlander
- Skills:
- Hand-to-Hand Combat
- Skilled Sharpshooter
- Strategist
- Personality: Intelligent , Ambitious , Ruthless
- Weapon of Choice:
- Electrostaff
- Blaster
- Combat Function:
- Good at Hand-To-Hand Combat
- Skilled Sharpshooter
- Tactician
- Skilled Fighter
- Skilled Sharpshooter
- Great Pilot
- Overconfident
- Arrogant
[ Include a description of the NPC's history here. ]