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Approved Armor Foundation Trooper Armour

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Manufacturer: Doreva Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average

D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S




  • Classification: Multipurpose Armour
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • EMP/Ion: High
    • Electric: High
    • Cold: High
    • Heat: High
    • Sonic: High
    • Force: Low
    • Radiation: Low
    • Pressure: Low
    • Acid: Low

  • Helmet:
    • Insulated helmet with thermal gel as well as padding inside
    • Transparisteel visor with night, X-ray and thermal vision modes along with a basic HUD
    • High security comms system
    • IFF recognition and spoofing system
    • Automatic polarising visor

  • Body:
    • Mounting points on back for items
    • Insulated armourweave undersuit and removable gloves
    • Temperature regulation system
    • Electromagnetic panels and linkages for storage
    • Mounting points on back for items such as backpacks and jetpacks.
    • Utility belt with a medpac and space for extra storage

  • Arms:
    • Electromagnetic panels and linkages for storage
    • Left vambrace outfitted with comms and suit systems.
    • Right vambrace outfitted with an optional compact computer with a scomp link

  • Legs:
    • Magnetising soles in boots
    • Electromagnetic thigh plates and linkages for storage

  • Chameleon - This armour is highly modular, so plate can be added to or removed or it can be modified to fit various roles in the field.

  • Armour go brrrr - With Duraplast for the main plate and an armourweave undersuit, there's some good resistance in all manner of fields. And though it won't withstand repeated blows from a lightsaber, it will deflect glancing blows.

  • Not that heavy - Though it is a robust armour, it is not as heavy as one would expect, enabling its wearer to still move with relative ease and not get weighed down.

  • Quite a light armour - Though robust in resistances, it is still not a full-body armour. There are gaps that can be exploited and the wearer taken out.

  • Not pressurised - As this is not a full-body armour with closed helmet, there is no space walking with this armour. You will not be protected and the vacuum will destroy you.

  • Armour go bye bye - This armour has some good conventional resistances, but almost none against the Force or other unconventional threats. Acid or Radiation among others will get through.


With being contracted to reasonably kit out the Foundation, Doreva Industries designed a standard armour for any volunteers or troopers aiding the organisation in order to protect them in most situations when dealing in conflicted areas to secure refugees.

An armour designed more for guerrilla conflicts, it was created to be highly modular and quite light for its versatility. Though various volunteers would make use of their own armour, the Foundation Trooper Armour was requested as a standardised armour for the Foundation should it be needed.

Though not greatly resistant against the Force or other chemicals, it does provide protection against the elements and blasters among others and can even hold its own against a lightsaber for a while.

For a standard armour, it is quite effective.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make Rebel Armour
Permissions: NA

Technical Information

Affiliation: Doreva Industries | The Foundation | Selected Clients
Modular: Yes
Material: Duraplast, Armourweave, Transparisteel, Thermal Gel and various other materials
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
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