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Faction Founding the Corporate Council || The Confederacy

Founding of the Corporate Council

Invitational to Confederacy affiliated corporate heads

Money has always made the galaxy go round and like every government, the Confederacy would need a thriving economy in order for its citizens to be prosperous and its planet's to be safe. To this end, the Confederate Parliament had determined to see that it's corporate partners were well looked after and that they would be given a voice at the table to ensure the best possible environment for mutual cooperation.

Zhuan Cao in her position as Viceroy of Commerce had personally invited the companies at this conference to attend, they were chosen because they were extreme net worth companies operating in, or expressing and interest to be part of the Confederacy. Some had sent CEO's others might have sent a lower level ambassador, she hoped that the invite information might tempt the correct voices within each company to attend.

The finer details had not yet been ironed out, but the invites had mentioned the fact that this would be their opportunity to be part of a collective vote in the parliament, to have a direct line of communication to law makers and most practically of all, enjoy lucrative contract and taxation opportunities that might present themselves to those willing to back the growing power. She had not dictated exactly how this should be done, as she wanted to hear their honest voices and get a measure of whom she would be dealing with.

The venue itself was luxurious, a fabulously appointed executive room on Rothana, Decorated to the tastes of Zhuan Cao the moment she took office, the corporate officers here would be very comfortable and would be looked after to the highest standards, as befitted men and women of their wealth. The only thing Cao lamented was that the large windows looked out to the gloomy Rothana weather giving the room a somewhat ominous lighting which she had tried hard to correct with elegant interior lights. She sat at the end of the table with her personal assistant to one side typing on a holoterminal and her ever present protocol droid standing nearby. She quietly chatted in arkanian to one of her scientific advisors as the room filled, In ten minutes the people in here would hopefully begin on the path to even vaster wealth and power.

Invites have been sent directly to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Runar Ævar Runar Ævar Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Eva Malström Eva Malström they are on the roster. But if you feel like your character's mega-company has been missed, hit that roster and drop me a dm.
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Invitational to Confederacy affiliated corporate heads
Interacting with: Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Open for interaction
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

The skies over Rothana were just as gloomy as Danger had expected, but the weather hardly dimmed the grandness of the first Corporate Council meeting with the Confederacy. No expense had been spared, that much was clear. Tatooine wasn't far, so attending in person had been easy, and she'd brought Rue Arceneau Rue Arceneau along for the trip. The ten-year-old was still on the ship with her tutor, working through class assignments. Depending on how long this meeting ran, Danger figured they'd find time to explore nearby stations or see the sights.

Rue had taken the news about Myra's pregnancy surprisingly well, already excited about the baby. Myra, on the other hand, wasn't handling it quite as gracefully. Danger had been concerned, and she'd made sure every aspect of Myra's medical care was in place, though Makai had already taken the lead on that.

Still, hovering wouldn't do much good. Rue didn't need to see her sister that sick, so for now, they'd take things one step at a time. Danger had made sure Aeri Vyn Aeri Vyn would keep her updated, ready to pull her out of the meeting the moment something happened.

For now, though, the Queen of Trade entered the corporate office, her strides purposeful as she made her way toward the executive boardroom. Iridescent inky black pearls draped her neckline like a fleet of battleships, and her navy blue Shimmersilk dress flowed with her movements. A sleek holographic chronwatch adorned her wrist, a smart contrast to the elegance of her attire.

As she stepped into the room, feline green eyes swept across the expansive space, taking in the polished desks and the figures already seated. The first familiar face she spotted was Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao , Viceroy of Commerce. With her striking white hair and flowing silk robes, she was impossible to miss.

A soft, polite smile curled at Danger's lips. She hadn't yet had a chance to speak one-on-one with the Viceroy, and while this meeting wasn't the place for that, she could at least make an introduction.

"Viceroy Cao, a pleasure," Danger drawled warmly, her voice smooth as silk as she approached. Her attendant followed quietly in her wake. While she was inclined to offer a handshake, she held back, unsure if the Viceroy had a moment for pleasantries before the meeting started. No need to interrupt if she was already preoccupied.



Wearing : X

Breeze kicked up as he exited his Santhe Challenger, taking in the cloudy skies of Rothana. Not quite the refreshing weather he had been experiencing lately around the Hapes Cluster, but he wasn’t here for pleasure. The first meeting of the Corporate Council for the Confederacy had been called and his presence was needed.

While Makai had initially attended a parliament meeting on behalf of the companies, with the condition of Myra, it was quickly decided that he would take over and become the Ambassador for the company. With Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell starting his own company seemingly out of the blue, changing his mind on joining the family in the business, Judah was now working on coordinating a large umbrella corporation ; Dashiell Incorporated.

With Makai understandably busy with a sick, pregnant wife, his youngest son joining the business realm, and a grandchild that could potentially take the helm one day, it was best they began to streamline the corporation and put the other businesses as subsidiaries. Right now, keeping up with different streams of communication while trying to assist Makai on Ralltiir and in the Hapes Cluster was a bit to juggle. Hopefully, it would make running the company and future succession much easier.

After a short walk through polished corridors, Judah found himself entering the luxurious executive room, tastefully decorated and overlooking the Rothana landscape. The Viceroy was already seated, talking to someone. It wasn't wise to interrupt, but it also wasn't wise to enter a room without at least greeting those on the inside.

Adjusting the blazer on his light mushroom colored suit, he nodded slightly to Danger.

“Viceroy, Miss Arceneau. A pleasure to see both of you. Viceroy Cao, thank you for coordinating this council.”



Eva Malström stopped just inside the threshold to the executive boardroom to take it in at a glance. Her Shadow had been left outside so as not to unduly intimidate would-be allies. The noblesse jacket she wore was freshly pressed and pristine as always. People often judged you by your appearance; as someone that fought their way to power on Nar Shaddaa she knew that better than most, and had exploited it just as often.

The large windows presented a strategic weakness to the chamber; one that could easily be exploited for a hostile takeover. As for the view, Eva noted the terrain beyond but otherwise had no opinion on the harsh color is sought to introduce into the boardroom itself. Many people never even saw daylight on the Smuggler's Moon. Most couldn't even fathom it in such a dark place.

With the interior committed to memory, with likely exits and intrusions mapped, Eva's boots resumed their roll over the clean floor.

"Viceroy Cao." Eva stopped off to the side with a thirty-degree bow of her upper body. The Arkanian ancestry was quite evident with the woman's stark white hair, not that she sought to exemplify them; no, research had it she favored her Artrisian heritage. More to the point there was a spirituality angle to her that could be useful, or detrimental depending on the nature of those beliefs.

"Miss Arceneau, Mister Dashiell." Eva gave them nods with a small smile. "I hope Manifold Materials may provide resources and services for your enterprises' enduring success. I am Eva Malström." Her attention slowly swung from one to the next as she spoke so those in attendence did not feel left out.



Location: Rothana
Attire: [X]

It wasn't like he hadn't been to Rothana yet, after all...he had been at that parliamentary session which ended on a rather...disagreeable note. Even though he officially had no vote in that session, it still felt a bit like a blow to hear how the newly convened parliament of the Confederacy was so blind to the opportunities openness of communication and dialogue would grant the newest iteration of a powerhouse from the past. Tertius had read his history and knew it by heart; the very reason the last Confederacy of Independant Systems buckled and collapsed was due to their inability to adapt, to reach out and create dialogue. The exclusion they excercised was their undoing and now right at the very beginning, they already prophessed the same ideals which made the old version crumble and fall.

However, the Eriaduan Marquis still had some hope, for the one person that did openly support his desire for dialogue was none other than the mesmerizing woman from Atrisia; Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao who he now realized to be the leading political figure for the Confederacy's corporate sector.

Obviously the Eriaduan noble was quite stunned to receive an invitation to come to Rothana once more, though he dreaded to face the cold and bare climate of the planet again, it was an invite that felt almost like a summons, for it was something Tertius couldn't ignore nor deny.


While away from Eriadu, Tertius could be certain that Mir Rhor Mir Rhor would keep up with the day to day affairs of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, after all...she had been his assistant since he had taken over the company, despite the fact she was technically now the new Division chief for the newly reorganised security division of the N&Z.

Arriving on Rothana, the first thing, Tertius did as he left from the shuttle at the landing dock, was tighten his overcoat around himself, refraining from cursing loadly about the fact that he had not gone for the furrlined cloak he still had somewhere in his closet, a gift from his late grandmother when it was clear the young Tertius didn't have much luck with cold weather.

Finding his way through the buildings in order to reach the place where he had to be, only to find himself entering a warm and pleasant space, luxuriously appointed in a style that seemed to reminisce of the woman who had managed to captivate his eyes with her serene appearance. And it was in this very room that Tertius noticed a woman who would probably clash so hard with the viceroy's appearance, for from the corners of his eyes he could see the infamous Queen of Trade; Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau who in her own way commanded awe and respect, comparing as a blazing fire to the serene snow of the viceroy.

There was also Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , who had presided the first meeting of the CIG, and was the defacto spokesperson of their group. It was actually not a bad thing to have this man around. Though Tertius did have a bit of an...oopsie with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell at Ord Radama, preventing any more cracks to form in his corporate image would be the best choice in this case. However, firstly...before even trying to mingle with this tight-knit group of corporate juggernauts, the Marquis had to greet the Viceroy.

"My sincere apologies for this late arrival, Viceroy Cao," The Marquis leaned forward in a courteous bow, before springing back up with a gentle smile on his face as he turned his head around for a bit, his eyes looking around for those who had already arrived and who had already greeted the viceroy. "It would seem that we are still expecting a few more guests, are we not?"




The defeat of the Galactic Alliance by the Sith Order has raised significant concerns regarding the internal economic stability of the galaxy's foremost superpower, adversely affecting market performance. Although such military setbacks are infrequent in the Alliance's history, even one loss to a rival power can swiftly undermine investor confidence and destabilize stock portfolios in the region.

This situation could prompt a sudden and alarmed recognition among investors and potential investors that their primary assets may no longer be safeguarded against potential Sith incursions as the threat of the Mors Mon Super Dreadnought remains overhead.

As the principal financial supporter of the Alliance, the Trade Federation of Planets faced significant risks if the banks and other lending institutions deemed the Alliance a high-risk market. Consequently, Rulonom chose to remain within Alliance Territory to foster economic growth and implement measures to prevent potential unrest among the population, leveraging his position on the Commerce and Finance Committee.

The argument can be made that the Alliance was not the sole market of significant value to the Federation, as the newly formed Confederacy was beginning to demonstrate considerable profitability, albeit with an excessive presence of corporate interests.

The territory they now inhabited was previously under the control of the Mandalorian Enclave, which had developed the area with industrial and military manufacturing capabilities during their campaign against the Alliance in the past. Presently, these facilities are available for anyone with the ambition to seize them from their previous owners.

The Mechno-chair glided silently into the conference room at the behest of the Viceroy of Commerce, Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao , as the holographic representation of Rulonom materialized for all present. Among the attendees were several recognizable figures, including the Queen of Trade, Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , the Scrap King, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , and the Chairman of the N&Z Corporation, Marquis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath .

All individuals involved possessed an interest in the future of the Confederacy; however, they would be hindered by their idealistic views rather than embracing the fundamental principles of materialism and credit accumulation that the Federation prioritized.

"AWRORROROROR...We may dispense with the pleasantries and get down to business." The Skakoan articulated its thoughts amidst the hissing and squealing of the pressure suit, modulating the sound levels to restore a degree of clarity to the conversation.

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The Confederacy of Independent Systems—once an alliance in which the Aqualish were founding members—remained a defining era in Aqualish history. However, the hardships that followed its defeat were even more infamous among the people of Ando. Though these events occurred centuries ago, the trauma of the brutal subjugation by the Galactic Empire lingered in the collective memory of all Aqualish.

But this was not the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This was its spiritual successor, known simply as The Confederacy. So why, then, would Brakkus Ka'bo, a staunch patriot of Ando, align himself with an organization that traced its roots to those who had caused his people such suffering? The answer was straightforward: to prevent history from repeating itself. With The Confederacy establishing its presence on Rothana and likely to expand toward Ando, Brakkus saw an opportunity to safeguard his homeworld. By securing a seat on the Corporate Council—and thus a voice in the Confederate Parliament—he could ensure that this new regime would not meet the same doomed fate as the CIS. He would not allow his people to endure another era of oppression.

And then, of course, there was the matter of credits. There always was, for Brakkus. Joining the Corporate Council would undoubtedly provide the Ando Mining Collective with opportunities for expansion, and his fellow council members might prove to be valuable business partners in the near future.

So here he was, walking through the corporate offices on Rothana. The weather was bleak, the skies overcast—reminiscent of the wet season back on Ando. But this world, with its cold metal and unfamiliar faces, was far from the sea-covered planet he called home. Beside him, a chrome-plated protocol droid clattered along, its metal feet echoing through the corridor as it struggled to keep pace with Brakkus's determined stride. The droid, as expected, was there to serve as a translator. Though Brakkus was fluent in Galactic Basic, he preferred the use of a protocol droid for formal meetings, especially with the high-profile council members he was about to face. In such delicate situations, even a minor miscommunication could be costly—a risk Brakkus was not willing to take as a newcomer on the galactic stage.

"Viceroy Cao, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Ka'bo apologizes for his delayed arrival and hopes he has not kept you waiting," the protocol droid announced as they entered the meeting room.

In truth, Brakkus had not spoken these words. Like his Skakoan counterpart, he had little patience for pleasantries. He was here for business. However, appearances mattered, especially for someone as new to the scene as he was. The droid was pre-programmed to deliver these formalities whenever they arrived late.

Brakkus took his seat, glancing at the small plaque before him: Ando Mining Collective. It was likely that most of the individuals around the table had no idea who he was unless they had dealings in the Lambda sector. But that anonymity could be his greatest advantage in a room full of power brokers.

Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Eva Malström Eva Malström Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Location: Rothana Corporate Council
Objective: Meet
Tags: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Eva Malström Eva Malström Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Brakkus Brakkus Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra
Gear: Ship - Rì chū | Protocol droid

*NB all of Zhuan's dialogue is spoken in atrisian and translated in real time

"The pleasure is mine" she said to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau warmly through her droid. She was pleased, a woman with the moniker queen of trade seemed like the perfect ally. Next she nodded at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell who gave a very similar greeting. Her research of the Dashiells again had been promising for work towards partnership.

More people filed in including Eva Malström Eva Malström a materials specialist and likely the producer of many of the materials that would soon be required for their military complex. Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath introduced himself, Zhuan was curious about this one. He was an Imperialist, a political view that went at odds with herself, but he was still a strong corporate so their must be room for not handing everything over to an emperor. He also voted along side her regards the mandalorians to there was that. As he mentioned further guests, she gestured to the mobile holographic projector of Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr as it entered the room, and exceedingly wealthy and powerful man, and very skakoan it seemed. "But trade federation viceroy, pleasantries are part of the business. It's a shame you could not attend in person to sample my hospitality, but I am very grateful for your visit in this manner nonetheless." she smiled and nodded her head.

Brakkus Brakkus was a miner, she suspected he would soon be suppling Maelstrom with much of the raw materials that the confederacy needed, it seemed like they had many of their needs covered quite well in this room. Zhuan allowed people to take their seats and for the chatter indicative of greetings to subside before a small gong sounded behind her to bring the meeting to order.

"My ladies and gentlemen of the corporate sphere." her own voice was strong but low to allow her droid to translate clearly from her atrisian. "You have been invited because the confederacy has noted you as among the heads of your respective industries, but I am sure none of you need to tell me that, I have seen your luxury transports.

Besides the government of the Confederacy, the people in this room represent the greatest power in this part of the galaxy and I hope that the wisdom that we have shown in order to make our wealth can be turned to both the prosperity of the Confederacy, and also even greater wealth for ourselves.

There are no zero sum gains."

It was one of her core beliefs that the greatest wealth could be found when everyone prospered together.

"We will grow together, establish lucrative trade arrangements and of course be positioned as rhe backbone of the economy for trillions of sentients.

By joining this council, you will have a voice in parliament. Of course you each have the rights to speak as you wish, and to lobby as you see fit, but we shall have a collective vote on any new laws."

She paused for a moment.

"The only thing I ask is that members of this council must be willing to see the long picture. We are rebirthing a civilisation, some of the decisions taken may have short term costs. But none of you would be where you are without knowing that the greatest riches come to the patient."

Honesty was important, she was already drafting legislation that would make tax free enterprise harder in the Confederacy, but would strengthen the market position of those within its borders considerably in the long run, so it would eventually be in their benefit.

"Now, I shall cede the floor to allow you all to ask any questions and state your priorities for the first steps."


HPI representative, Crime boss
Objective: Founding of the Corporate Council
Location: Rothana, CIS Space
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant rapier | Kaldrweave noble attire | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit || OPBC-01m
Tags: Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Eva Malström Eva Malström | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Brakkus Brakkus | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Runar was delayed because of some minor problems at customs, which caused him to wait quite a long time after arriving at Rothana. He was here on a new errand. Why was the man here? This was an order from the High Command, who could really be called the managers of the company. The HPI was a bit of an interesting arrangement, as the company was fully under the control of Terraris Command and thus had their protection. Another issue was that the head of Terraris Command and the official owner of HPI was the same person, the Empress. As a matter of fact he was mainly in close contact with her children.

It wasn't so important at the moment, though; the important thing at the moment was that he had to meet with the new CIS' corporate council. Specifically, with members of the future Corporate Council, to which HPI was invited. The man was familiar with such boards, contracts, and contacts. Even Runar knew that making connections in the CIS was definitely to his advantage. He was well versed in such things, having been a Crime Boss in the Netherworld. It was another matter altogether that here in Realspace, the man didn't have much influence, only those behind him. But that could finally change today.

As Runar was representative of the HPI, he arrived on the planet in an HPI shuttle. So far, he didn't know much about why he had to wait so long at customs. He spent several hours here, but finally managed to get through all the bureaucracy and was able to step onto the planet's surface. Upon this, he got off the shuttle and let himself be led to the place where the host was waiting for him and the other company owners and representatives. He was indeed too late, for the whole deliberation had already begun and was well under way when the man finally entered the room. He walked closer and bowed respectfully to one of the CIS leaders.

"Welcome, I am Runar Ævar, representative of the HPI Consortium. Ladies and gentlemen, other life forms. I'm sorry for the delay, I ran into a minor fiasco at customs." he told them.

After the introductions, the man looked around the conference room, then sat down in one of the chairs, if there was a name tag, he looked for his own, if not, he sat in the one closest to him. The sangnir was already wondering where this was all going and what he and the HPI Consortium stood to gain from it. He knew that HPI still had a stake in this area, as the family and the company had lived and worked on Nelvaan for centuries, only later moving to the Unknown Region, first to Kalidan, then to Terraris. The man pondered and listened to the other participants, trying to catch up and get an early picture of the affairs.



'Tango Till They're Sore'

Stability was the aim of the game, yet Ily' fervently believed that money should never stagnate- and that expansion was the best way to stay ahead in business. For some time now Moonveil Inc. had remained a major player in the intergalactic telecommunications business, with numerous headquarters in and around the core systems, a stable foothold in countless territories and a stabilized revenue stream, it was believed by Iliana and The Board that expansion was the way forward; And with the rest of the board occupied elsewhere, Ily' was chosen to represent the telecommunications organization after receiving the invitation.

Although Ily' had a personal agenda: attending the meeting could highlight an opportunity to expand her own business, to tap into an underrealized market that lies untouched.. or perhaps to even create another subsidy to take over Moonveil's telecommunications venture, and thus reducing the risk for the parent organization.

.. Moments had passed, her daydream disturbed by her enforcer: "
Ma'am- The council meeting has begun.." he spoke sternly in his usual steely disposition, eyeing the local time on his communicator. "Chit.." Ily' muttered to herself, frustrated about being behind schedule.

In quick succession, the pair rose from their seats in a nearby lounge and began storming towards the council chamber, "
Mm, I don't know how long we'll be.. try to keep yourself entertained, will you?" she jested as her enforcer humored her with a polite smile, offering only a hum of agreement.

Leaving him behind, she meandered into the council chambers quietly, not far behind Runar Ævar Runar Ævar , though unlike the tall, blonde man, she decided not to announce her arrival and instead quietly took her seat; Introductions could wait until a more appropriate time.

Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao , Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , Eva Malström Eva Malström , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , Brakkus Brakkus , Runar Ævar Runar Ævar


Interacting with: Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Open for interaction Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Brakkus Brakkus Eva Malström Eva Malström Runar Ævar Runar Ævar Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

As the room filled with more faces and introductions, Danger found herself intrigued by new faces and the presence of fellow corporate giants, already planning ways to get better acquainted later on. But then, out of the blue, Judah strolled in, and a flicker of surprise danced in her eyes for a moment. She hadn't expected to see him here, especially with Makai so wrapped up in Myra's pregnancy. Was Judah's sudden appearance tied to that?

Still, she smoothed it over with a warm smile and a nod as the Viceroy greeted her. Danger took her seat, watching as the rest of the corporate representatives also settled in. The Trade Federation Viceroy, along with the Marquis, was in attendance. She inclined her head in greeting while providing a genuine, cordial smile to the others. She’d done her best to research regarding her counterparts so it would be interesting to see them in this setting.

The Viceroy of Commerce soon launched into her opening remarks, setting the stage for the purpose of this Corporate Council gathering. Once she finished, the floor opened up for questions and comments.

There was one matter in particular that had been on Danger's mind, and now seemed the perfect time to bring it up.

When the chance came, she made a subtle motion to speak, her polished manner never faltering. The Queen of Trade stood, and her voice — smooth as honey with a soft, husky drawl — carried across the room.

"Thank you kindly. I'm Danger Arceneau, representin' Arceneau Trade Company, and it's a pleasure to discuss these opportunities with y'all in such an open forum," she began, her tone as gracious as ever. "Now, I do have a few questions, but the main one that comes to mind is this — how much will members of this Corporate Council be expected to assist the Confederacy, especially if it finds itself in conflict with other governments? While I'm not opposed to lendin' a hand, particularly with refugee relocation or triage efforts, I'm curious if this assistance would be considered voluntary... or if it might become mandatory down the line?"



Eva slowly turned her head only far enough to catch sight of the hologram that had spoken. It wasn't the squeal that caught her ear, but the demand the group proceed directly to business. Ordinarily, she would have agreed. This, however, was one of those gatherings where the pleasantries were the point -- at least so far as this humble Chief Executive of Manifold Material, and Hutt Space gang boss, was concerned. Unlike some, she didn't have all day to study literally everyone that might have shown up for this gathering. The space the Confederacy desired to ensnare was no small neighborhood where everyone knew one another.

Although from the looks cast about the room, some of them were obviously acquainted.

The Aqualish seemed of a similar mindset to the Skakoan, but his droid at least provided a name to the face and made no verbal demand to dispense with formalities. The lack of speech that needed translating in the first place said as much, of course.

It was a good thing her Shadow was not in attendance. This was not a meeting of crime bosses or gang leaders; any perceived slight did not warrant a response. Cao's favor toward Arceneau, for instance, was likely merely recognizing the 'bigger Hutt' in the room. Vexing, but Eva knew she was no galactic trade mogul.

A fact that did not bode terribly well for the events that would follow. Well, accidents were known to happen in space.

The Viceroy soon laid her intentions out for the council for those assembled -- even those tardy -- to hear. From what was said so far there was nothing to be concerned about. After all, the long-term was what preoccupied Eva the most. Unnecessary short-term losses were to be avoided, but minor inconveniences happened at times. The market performance of her company was not her primary concern, but she wasn't foolish enough to disregard it entirely.

That said, Danger's first topic of interest did attract Eva's attention. "A Confederacy interested in the growth of industry would not command its partners to participate." She directed her attention back to the Viceroy. "Though they might provide incentives." She said it as a matter of fact whether it was true or not. If anything, Eva left it in Cao's capable hands to refute what had been said -- to their detriment. No one in the room was going to accept an invisible hand of government dictating what their companies did or did not do, and how their resources were utilized. Nothing said they couldn't otherwise encourage participation, however, to 'grow together.'

"I'm curious how the vote shared by this council will be decided and presented in chambers." They were free to continue discussing and debating the matter of Confederacy-Corporate relations, but Eva added her own topic to the list to be discussed by the meeting's end.


Location: Rothana Corporate Council
Objective: Meet
Tags: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Eva Malström Eva Malström Brakkus Brakkus Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra Runar Ulfsson Runar Ulfsson Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr
Gear: Ship - Rì chū | Protocol droid

*NB all of Zhuan's dialogue is spoken in atrisian and translated in real time

The last of the attendees arrived and the chatter reduced to a quiet murmur after speak, Zhuan allowed the floor to have their questions. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau brought up an excellent question, one which did not suprise the viceroy at all. "A valid concern and I would like to reassure you that your corporate fleets and security forces shall be under no obligation to participate in our national military actions. Of course as Eva Malström Eva Malström has suggested, hopefully the value that the confederacy adds to your companies provides significant enough incentive that you shall choose to fight against whatever alternative comes visiting from across the galaxy." she smiled and nodded. Her own fleet would be in a poor position to fight any battles, being mostly medical vessels and science ships, but she knew many of the people possessed quite large military assets.

"I hope that this is acceptable and the rest of this council is in agreement." she looked at Maelstrom next.

"The collective vote shall be at discussion from this chamber, or remotely as I know we are all very busy people." and she gestured to Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr respectfully. "I am very open to discussion about the specifics, but I feel like a simple majority shall suffice. Of course if you disagree with the final vote, then there are other avenues and anyone here will be able to speak in parliament even if we do not get a vote each" she smirked as she thought about all the canvasing that might go on by people who disagreed with the majority, but that would be the fun of the game.


Both excellent questions were laid out in front of Viceroy. Judah had his own concerns with the military - not so much with the voting system. He didn't expect the corporate groups to hold a massive amount of sway. In a sense, he considered this a lobbyist group or even a sub-committee of the Confederacy. Their concerns would be brought forth but naturally taken with a grain of salt. Most of those assembled were interested in profits above all else but he knew a few others, including himself, also cared for the everyday citizen that would soon be working under their banners.

"Viceroy, to piggy-back off the military question, do you anticipate government nationalization to occur in times or crisis or would you expect the intrepid leaders of the Confederacy to lend an olive branch at first? Many of us are agreeable sentients, there is little need to turn a back on business much as the government of the Dark Empire has."

When push came to shove, often helping with materials or citizen and refugee needs was in the best interest of the corporation. Winning over the hearts and mind, not to mention a stable workforce would only increase profits in the long-term. He knew firsthand the pains of training new hires, especially for dangerous work.




The Skakoan's holographic form shifted very slightly as Viceroy Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao began the actual conference proceedings, and made her opening statement. The address conveyed a distinctly political tone, characterized by a strong sense of idealism and aspirations for a prosperous future for the Confederacy, supported by various corporate entities and their representatives present on the council.

Following this speech, the forum for public discussion was made accessible, allowing even latecomers such as Lord Brakkus Brakkus , representing a significant mining collective, and the HPI Representative Runar Ævar Runar Ævar , along with Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr from the telecommunications sector, to voice their concerns and inquiries about the economic challenges currently confronting the Confederacy.

The Queen of Trade Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau was the first to voice her question regarding how much the Corporate Council was expected to assist the Confederacy when it came to conflicts with another power such as the Spacer's League nearby and the Sith Order. It is would be essential to differentiate this assistance in terms of particular industries and their leading figures, as well as to clarify whether such support would be voluntary or obligatory.

Eva Malström Eva Malström made her own remarks a short while later, highlighting that the Confederacy's focus on economic growth could be adversely affected by the insistence on corporate partners' participation. However, she noted that there exists the potential for offering benefits and incentives to significantly bolster this collaboration in terms of direct military support. Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao provided clarification on several points raised during the discussion, although she momentarily glanced over in his general direction to make a point although it was discarded by the Commanding Viceroy.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell explained his perspectives on the issue and subsequently posed a critical inquiry concerning the nationalization of industries during wartime, drawing parallels to the events that transpired within the Dark Empire following their defeat on Coruscant at the hands of the Galactic Alliance.

"AWEROROROROROR....The establishment of a solid economic foundation is considered the cornerstone of any new emergent power. However, it should come to our attention that Underworld Markets are bound to rise once we start to absorb more and more territory through direct conquest or through negotiations. What implications would a burgeoning black economy have on our internal sustainability and if there are counter-measures in place to prevent a total collapse of legitimate market principles.?" The Skakoan said through the holographic device.



Location: Rothana
Attire: [X]

The late arrival of not just the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, but also the seeming representatives of other companies was met with little grumbling or disregard. There was no time for quarreling or rancune, any resentment for tardiness was swept aside quite quickly by Viceroy Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao quickly opening the preceedings.

"Hmm," Tertius couldn't really say much when the pleasantries and formalities had been completed and the viceroy moved on to hearing the questions the attendees might have had in regards to the Confederacy and its potential future policies. His attention got grabbed quite quickly by Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau who as the head of Arceneau Trading posed a very good question in regards to the sovereignty of the corporations trading with and within the Confederacy, to which the Viceroy managed to give a satifying answer for now, in the Marquis' eyes.

This question was quickly followed up by another, concerning the process of voting and in which manner it would be presented. A very good question by Eva Malström Eva Malström who Tertius did not know, but considering she was within this council, no doubt she had to be a big player at least in these parts of the galaxy.

Finally, the questions began to increase in tempo, with Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell quickly posing a follow up question on the matter of the sovereignty of the corporate council's participants and from The Trade Federation's representative Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr the question could be heard on how the Confederacy would handle any emerging black market or illegal trading within their domain. This last question did get the N&Z chairman's full attention, as he nodded towards the Trade Federation's Viceroy in recognition of the validity and importance of the question they had posed to the Viceroy of Commerce. "I suppose we might also ask the other question, which plays in well on whatever implementations and countermeassures the Confederacy has against any emerging black market...namely, the import Tarriffs of the Confederacy and what incentives the Confederacy would offer for us to start propping up facilities within their borders?"

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Eva Malström Eva Malström | Brakkus Brakkus | Runar Ævar Runar Ævar | Iliana Röhr Iliana Röhr | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao



Ily' took her seat just in time as discussions began almost immediately, her eyes shifted across the room to see who else made it into the council- and she was impressed by what she saw. Good points were made as the debate began to boil, with Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau starting the forum off with an excellent point on the nationalization of military corporate assets.

She listened keenly as Eva Malström Eva Malström & Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao provided their own responses, though she found the Viceroy's diplomatic response to be curious in itself; Followed by Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell who's question she particularly appreciated herself, as the attempted nationalization of Confederacy-based financial institutions would decimate her own business.

Though a frown soon grew on Ily's face once the hologrammed Skakoan, Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , began talking about the underworld markets, only to be even more disturbed by Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath 's own additions to the commentary; Recognizing that underworld market countermeasures could slow her own progress in the region down, she decided to chip in with her own question:

Building on the discussion of regulation and tariffs.. will the Confederacy be building upon a free-market economy, or will the markets be regulated by the state? Economic freedom would put the Confederacy in a prime position for any planned expansion efforts, and, to expand on Ms. Arceneau's & Mr. Dashiell's points, could allow the state to work with private corporations without the need for nationalization.. at least in the case of economic growth.."

Ily' leant back in her seat, now itching for another cigarra; She had more to say, but it could wait a while longer...

Zhuan Cao Zhuan Cao , Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , Eva Malström Eva Malström , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , Brakkus Brakkus , Runar Ævar Runar Ævar


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