It had been long since Timir engaged or bothered to even acknowledge or show care for the universe and those within it. The fall of the Confederacy as he once knew it had shattered, again Timir was forced once more into hiding with nothing to do but scrounge out a living on the bbackward cesspits of The lower Slice. It seemed to him that whever he roam disaster struck snd oppurtunity always lay dried up at his presence. What then brought this despondant soul to The Colonies? What other reason than for renewal and personal gain but not a gain of the unsavory as had been guiding him thus far. No. Not this time....Timir was determined more use from life. The CISs fall was not the end all, rather it shed new light on an otherwise belighted and disrespected being, Timir learned that simple servitude and being 'amongst the ranks' got him absolutely nowhere fast, instead; Timir realized he had to work for himself and build his own assets on his own time per Skakoan tradition- Timir first thought of private enterprise- A shipping company!; What do shipping companies need first and foremost? Thats right, a ship nor just any ship, but rather his....own brand. Inspired, Timir rushed into his dank and cramped Danus apartment fitfully punching away at his drafting computer, it would only be a matter of time.....