"The Krae"

Fracture: Calista
Location: A hotel in Belazura
Objective: Unclear.
Belief: A hotel owner from former royalty.
Dressed in black and gold, the woman roamed the hotel watching as the people went about their lives. It was a pleasant place in the mountains. Many windows overlooking the nature beyond. It was designed with multiple classes in mind, split into multiple sections so that the hotel might profit off of anyone whether they mingled or not. There was even an accompanying market, however small, and often overpriced.
And it was all hers. A purchase made to the previous owner whose position she had taken a couple of months before and begun raking in the profits.
Or at least, that's what they believed. So many minds, so many memories, so many lies. It was easier to sneak in a memory than it was to completely change one. To add a belief that Calisa had done all this. That she was some kind of former princess who'd lost her homeland but managed to get away with just enough wealth to purchase this place. A power, she didn't even realize she'd used.
It hadn't been months, it had been days. A telepathic and empathically inclined and powerful mind that reached out to so many minds adding her own beliefs into them. It wasn't perfect. But it was easy to believe. It was easy to believe they just missed something. Really the only people who truly needed to be fully convinced was the real owner and the upper management. After that, it was only a matter of assuming they'd missed something.
But it wasn't the first time that this had happened. And it likely wouldn't be the last. Calisa had not truly existed for long and yet already this sort of thing had happened before. False memories, thoughts, or emotions, implanted upon the rather sudden arrival of a small young woman with black hair and an illusive history. They weren't always this grand in nature, or advantageous to her, but they were accompanied by these rather sudden changes in the belief's of nearby people and assumptions. Eventually, this kind of power could draw the wrong kind of attention.