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Approved NPC Fragment of the Chorus

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  • Intent: To codify a recurring character for future RP and establish an NPC to be used by other writers.
  • Image Credit: Ursula Andress
  • Role: A member of the Cult of the Brain Demon, she is an ally of House Io with a peculiar connection to Percival Io.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: Unknown; at least 700 standard years old
  • Force Sensitivity: Dark Side Master
  • Species: Chaldean Changeling (formerly Hapan)
  • Appearance: The Chorus possesses shapeshifting abilities, and therefore can alter her appearance. Her most common form is of a statuesque blonde with a chilly sensuality. There is something missing in her eyes. She wears a long, flowing gown of cream-colored chiffon.
  • Name: The Chorus | Queen Ayesha the Undying (formerly)
  • Loyalties: Cult of the Brain Demon | House Io
  • Wealth: Access to Cult and House Io funds/resources
  • Notable Possessions: Lightsaber pike
  • Skills: The Chorus was a Cult Witch with a deep knowledge of the Dark Side, as well as an accomplished duelist. Any other skills she may have possessed are so fragmented they cannot be ascribed to any particular surviving Witch carrying her persona.
  • Languages: Basic, Huttese, binary droidspeak, Sith.
  • Personality: A cruel and sadistic creature, the Chorus knows thousands of ways of causing suffering and death. Any trace of empathy has been long since drained away by the overwhelming ethos of the Cult, which seeks to spread the influence of the Dark Side through suffering and evil. One trait that was passed on to the Chorus from her previous life as Ayesha is that she isn't very bright. This persona lacks the cunning required to thwart her foes, which lead to the original Witch's death at the hands of Percival Io.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber | The Force
  • Combat Function: The Chorus is best utilized as a tank, drawing damage away from weaker allies. She is exceptionally skilled as a fighter, but not strategically inclined. She is most likely to charge into a fight lightsaber blazing rather than wait for the right opportunity to strike.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only):
  • Shapeshifter: The Chorus is a changeling, and therefore able to shapeshift into virtually any form - though becoming significantly larger or smaller than usual may take more time and effort, and if she stays in one form for too long she may become stuck.
  • Glamoring: The Chorus is able to use telepathy to enhance her disguises, as well as make herself seem more appealing (or revolting) to a particular person based on their personal preferences. She mainly uses this as a tool of persuasion and manipulation.
  • Evil Sorceress: The Chorus is a master practitioner of the Dark Side of the Force, with the knowledge and skills of several different Force Users at her disposal.
  • Vampirism: The Chorus can feed on the Force energies of others to restore herself, healing wounds and going without rest for long periods of time.
  • Colder Temperatures: A consequence of her biology, the Chorus cannot tolerate temperatures below zero. Exposure to extreme cold will impair her ability to shapeshift and make her flesh hard and brittle.
  • Uncanny: Something about her just doesn't quite seem right. Force Users can sense a darkness about her, and even ordinary folk see something missing in her eyes.
  • The Light Burns Us: The Light Side of the Force is anathema to the Chorus, whose corruption runs deep.
  • Meathead: Despite her great power the Chorus isn't particularly cunning. She lacks patience, intelligence, and can be impulsive and even foolish.
  • One of Many: Absorbing minds leads to a crowded head full of discordant voices. With the death of her original body, the Chorus is just one of many personas, each with their own fears, loves, hates, desires and agendas. They are all fighting for control in order to achieve their individual goals, regardless of whether they clash with the others'.
  • Vampirism: The Chorus must routinely feed on the Force energies of living beings to sustain herself, roughly every eight weeks at bare minimum.
Ayesha "the Undying" was once a Hapan queen who longed for immortality. She made a deal with the Brain Demon to cheat death, ignorant of the price she would have to pay. She was later absorbed into the Cult, becoming the Chorus. Her main personality was later killed by Percival Io, but fragments of her are scattered among other Cultists, who can assume her form at will.
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