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Equipment: Vibro-Arbir Blade, Lightsaber (Blue), Throwing Knives
Location: Tryast, Empress Teta System, Deep Core
Status: Learning to accept her new reality
Unknown: [member="Eighth Guard"]

These days, it felt like she was standing still while the world passed her by.
She was lost and adrift in the vast ocean of emotions that she could barely name. There were fleeting moments of clarity where she broke through its surface and thought to herself – perhaps this time – only to find herself dragged back into the depths of self-loathing and desolation. Marriskcal was drowning, and she did not know how to save herself.
She only knew she wanted to go home and how much she missed the only life she had known. But she also knew that the path was barred to her now, and the people she once thought of as her family will hunt her without mercy. Just like she would were she in their place.
Her eyes continued to burn, but tears refused to fall. For her pride did not allow for such an indulgence.
In her need to escape from a place her heart refused to acknowledge as her new life just yet, the young woman seized every opportunity to wander, often vanishing from Byss without word for a few days before returning to her brother’s side.
The blonde continued her journey, her gaze focused intently on every single step that she took. Before, Marriskcal would have once paused to peer in wonderment at the breathtaking panorama of verdant trees and silver mists that laid over the edge of the precipice, but alone and trapped in the dark mire of her thoughts, her usual curiousity and zest for adventure were subdued.