Fist of Yag'Dhul
OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION- Image Source: Image Found Here
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: Free Givin Manufacturing Caucus
- Headquarters: Rothana
- Locations: Abrion Major, Roon
- Operations: Shipbuilding, Droid Manufacturing
- Parent Corporation: N/A
- Subsidiaries: N/A
Following the reformation of a Confederate State in the Outer Rim, many have begun seeking a haven from the turmoil of endless war in the galaxy. Others came to support the ideals of the new government, though in this case, this seemed to be a means of settling an ancient grudge. Na-Nihilus Soth , a prominent member of the Yag'Dhul defense forces defected from his homeworld to join the Confederacy, and along with him came a small, talented group of scientists and engineers who sought to lend their talents to the new Confederacy.
Since the days of the Clone Wars, the Givin people have proven to be able shipbuilders, their homeworld being a key shipyard for the Confederacy of Independent Systems before its collapse and the formation of the Galactic Empire. The probability of a Confederate victory in the Clone Wars had been all but certain to the Givin people when they seceded from the Galatic Republic and the failure of their mathematical predictions has long rooted itself in the consciousness of many who still lived on Yag'Dhul. While a good chunk of the species sees a future in their continued efforts to support the Galatic Alliance, many are still bitter over their defeat so long ago and their continued subjugation under the bootheel of various Galatic governments.
To this end, Soth sponsored the creation of a manufacturing group that could serve the Confederate State directly, volunteers who sought to provide new ships and various combat automata for the sake of preserving the Confederacy. While Givin refugees make up the majority of the Caucus, various other species are welcomed into the manufacturer's ranks should they be skilled and dedicated to the Confederacy.
As the Confederacy expands, so too does the capability of the Manufacturing Caucus. Soon, vast fleets of warships and endless armies of battle droids will again usher in a new birth of freedom for the galaxy.
Na-Nihilus Soth broke free from his homeworld and severed ties with the Galatic Alliance, bringing quite a few other members of his species who, for various reasons, see the Confederacy as the superior choice of government to all others currently active. As Soth is now an Admiral in the growing Confederate Navy, he is in a key position to dedicate naval resources to the development of various new warships and droids that can bolster the Confederacy, especially as it currently lacks the resources to field large organic armies. As the Manufacturing Caucus is a volunteer collective under the direct control of the Confederate government, it has little need to engage in the corporate bickering and backstabbing that plagues other manufacturers. As the Confederacy seeks to model itself as the improved version of the ancient Confederacy of Independent Systems, vast numbers of droids will need to be produced to bolster the Confederate Army and Navy, especially improved designs of older models that could be used to combat larger galactic powers.