Aston Jacobs
I'm trying too
A small voice went off inside the head of the young padawan as he stood on his hands and was upside down somewhere surface of Tython, about 1 mile away from the Jedi Temple and near a small lake. Aston had taken it upon himself to do some self training anytime he got the chance, to clear his mind and not worry about things so much. He was either doing this or spending time with his sister whenever he got the chance to, his wonderful sister. Aston opened his eyes a little bit and lofted a brow as a small bird flew low enought to where it disrupted the natural rotation of the rocks that were floating around him. The young padawan let go of the force and jumped to a standing position and all the rocks fell to the ground slowly.
The young seventeen year old moved over towards the speeder he had borrowed from the temple and grabbed the towel that was laying across the seat and wiped his brown with it and tossed it over his shoulder. Aston let out a deep breath as he walked over towards the lake and plopped himself down somewhat close to it, as he pondered going for a swim. This place was so serene for him, Tython in general was a great place to be in his opinion. There was so much to explore here, so much history that seemed to be forgottne but was now being rediscovered, he had such a long way to go still. The young padeawan was looking forward to every single minute of it though, no matter what.
I'm trying too
A small voice went off inside the head of the young padawan as he stood on his hands and was upside down somewhere surface of Tython, about 1 mile away from the Jedi Temple and near a small lake. Aston had taken it upon himself to do some self training anytime he got the chance, to clear his mind and not worry about things so much. He was either doing this or spending time with his sister whenever he got the chance to, his wonderful sister. Aston opened his eyes a little bit and lofted a brow as a small bird flew low enought to where it disrupted the natural rotation of the rocks that were floating around him. The young padawan let go of the force and jumped to a standing position and all the rocks fell to the ground slowly.
The young seventeen year old moved over towards the speeder he had borrowed from the temple and grabbed the towel that was laying across the seat and wiped his brown with it and tossed it over his shoulder. Aston let out a deep breath as he walked over towards the lake and plopped himself down somewhat close to it, as he pondered going for a swim. This place was so serene for him, Tython in general was a great place to be in his opinion. There was so much to explore here, so much history that seemed to be forgottne but was now being rediscovered, he had such a long way to go still. The young padeawan was looking forward to every single minute of it though, no matter what.