The small
Dromund Kaas/Dungeon
Unknown Time/Dark and Gloomy
Dark and cold. It was something Yenna was tired of waking up to whenever the dungeon's floor got too uncomfortable. She had been broken down in the dungeon with no idea of how long she was in there or even where she was. Another violent cough erupted along with more dry heaving as she laid on the floor. Her body was shivering constantly, a combination of the cold as well as a lack of alcohol. The cold sweat didn't help things either. This was arguably the lowest she had been in a very long time... physically as well as mentally.
Her mind was a mess. Every now and then a thought would creep into her mind that caused her to cry all over again. Fears that she would never get out, fears that she would be used as an experiment for a project, fears that people would forget all about her and simply carry on with their lives. But there was one hope that kept burning brightly. The hope that Cas would come swooping in and break her out. The hope that he was out there looking for her and trying to hatch a plan to help her. It was that hope that gave her the power to emit a small sliver of light from her little palm. It was a little ball no bigger than a marble and the light it gave off was weak in the overwhelming darkness. But it was a tiny sense of comfort that kept her hopes alive and her sanity in check. The Force was testing her, she was sure of it. And she didn't want to disappoint. Not after everything the Jedi Order and Cas had done for her.
She looked to the door again and raised her hand to release a force push. It was little more than a gust of wind at this point. She had tried before to break out, but there was no way out. She laid down again as another tear rolled off her withered cheek. Her golden eyes were faded and almost empty... but there was still that glimmer of hope as she stared at the sliver of light suspended in the palm of her hand.
The was the thought that she could die in this hole. She meant nothing to the Sith. She wasn't surprised if her captors actually forgot about her. But if that were to be her fate... she was ready for it. A very small and dark spot in her mind told her that she expected it. She had been for the last hundred years. Every time she watched a family caring for her die or a loved one she cared deeply about, there was the hope that she wouldn't survive. That desire was familiar to her... and if her hopes weren't going to become reality, she was fine with the outcome.
Aristeia Zambrano