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[Freg's List] Looking for a Surrogate


Professor of Alchemy
Looking for a Surrogate

Hey there Extranet! Life is proving to be a wonderful adventure for me and my partner steve.


But recently we've experienced some . . . complications. See, we'd like to expand our family, but we'd a bit skiddish about adoption. We want our child, our precious little boy or girl to be ours without a doubt. Because of that we'd like to look out into the galaxy and see if we can find somebody that can help us. We're looking a human or near-human female who'd be willing to help carry around our little baby for that first mile. That mile that we can't really take him or her on ourselves. We understand that this is a huge burden to impose, but we'e willing not only to pay for your trouble, but also to live and learn with you, and make you a part of our family as well.

If any of you are interested, please send us an hmail at We'd love to talk with you and arrange to meet with you in person.

Have a nice day.


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

Jianna typed out a brief message after scanning the spacebook listings for work opportunities.

Dear Jarvis and Steve,

My name is Jiana and as I was perusing ads I saw yours and thought I'd enquire. I am a near human female and have a great deal of skill in mechanics, programming and advanced mathematics. I'm single and am currently a full time employee/production manager of a Mining company. If you would like to know more i can be reached at 000.867-5309.662.

Jiana Korr


Professor of Alchemy
'Jarvis' looked at a couple responses, the first being one of encouragement and the second being one looking to take up the offer. Near human check, female check, intelligence check. Based on what she said it seemed it was unlikely that she'd have any genetic defects. "Production Manager" implied a stable job with reasonable income, and one that could stay out of the way of the rampaging Sith Lords and Force Wars that consumed the galaxy, keeping the child safe during gestation. Dropping a line he contacted the woman on frequency 000.867-5309.662.

"Excuse me, is this Jaina Korr? This is Jarvis from Freg's List, and I was hoping we could talk."

[member="Jiana Korr"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

Jiana was in the middle of a game of TechWarrior 7 against her Astromech droid when her comlink thrumbed on the table. Her Astromech tossed in a couple of cheap hits as she reached for the device and forced her to pause, nevet trust a droid. Her simple grey sweats and glasses a far cry from her former vahla battle gear.

"Hello?" She said lofting a brow at her droid as it reached for her controller with a tiny manipulator, "oh! Yes this is Jiana Korr. A meeting? Sure where would you like to meet?"


Professor of Alchemy
"Well Ms. Korr, we're not expecting you move up and abandon your life, so we'd like to meet you close to home. See what kind of environment our child will be in before he comes to see the galaxy. If that's alright with you of course."

[member="Jiana Korr"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

"Sure." Jiana replied looking at her suite, "I live at the Glorious jewl high rise on Tion. 137th floor. The whole floor is mine."

She tossed a pillow at the droid.

"It's just me and a few droids here. When could I expect you?"


Professor of Alchemy
Tion. That meant she was likely an employee for somebody he knew. She had mentioned a mining company, Valik actually happened to own significant stock portions of one mining company until about a week ago, when he'd traded it for a Murakami Orchid and a promise of silence. As Valik spoke on the comm he pulled out a datapad and began typing out a response to one of his old contacts in Mohc Extratives.

"Well anytime is god for us. Well, Steve is going to be on trips for a while so he won't be able to make it, but I can head over and be there in about a week. Whatsay we meet up at 1900 on " His words hung a big, as if he were looking at his calender. "Benduday?"

Meanwhile a message was sent to his old Mohc Contact.

Hey there. Sterk Heldad here. I know my ownership in the company is quite a bit less than it used to be, but I was hoping I could get you do a background check for me. One Jiana Korr I met the other day. Not sure if she works for us, she said "mining company", but I figured we'd have tabs on other companies if she wasn't. Thanks for the hard work


[member="Jiana Korr"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

Jiana checked her datapad as the droid trundled off to do who knows what. Her schedual was clear that day and she could see no hinderance in the meeting. In all honestly she had incapacitated a star ship's crew by herself. What danger could one man be when she knew he was coming...right...guys...amiright?

"That sounds perfect." She said into the comlink, "I'll look forward to meeting you then."


The response to his enquiry would be swift. She had been hired by Rave Merrill directly before the company was divided and remained as V.P. of production and sales until the recent purchase by South Systems. She was well known as an easy on the eyes by the book manager with no social life to speak of.


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Jiana Korr"]

"Excellent. Looking forward to meeting you Ms. Korr." Valik said before hanging up the pho- commlink. He checked his holomail, seeing that Sterk Heldad had gotten a swift reply. The woman had been hired by Rave, a good books manager, and had a ridiculous amount of unclaimed vacation days. Cushy white-collar job along with no apparent social life? It was like he struck gold for a host. Fortuitous indeed. If Valik was one to believe in foolish concepts such as 'destiny' or 'the will of the force' he'd believe it was with him today.

Valik would arrive a day early on Tion, using the day to scout out the apartment complex she stayed in to scout for possible traps and surveillance, all under the guise of an alternate identity of course. After finding the place was nothing unexpected of a high-dollar apartment complex he would come up to floor 137 the next day, knocking at the door or elevator way or however one got to an apartment floor.

"Ms. Korr? This is Jarvis, we spoke on the comm?"

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

The day came and everything she had turned up on the man had checked out other than Steve who she hadn't found much on at all. She had dressed in typical high end "casual wear." and made sure her combat gear (lightsaber, alchemized knives and body armor) was secured in her bedroom vault.

She carefully pushed her blond hair behind her ears as she walked to the door and opened it to meet the man. He looked just like his picture...definitely gay...and very unassuming. She offered her hand in greeting and waved to the inside of her apartment.

"Nice to meet you finally." She said, "come on in. Can I get ypu something?"


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Jiana Korr"]

Valik took the blonde's hand and shook it firmly when it was offered.

"If I could trouble you for some caf or something warm that would be wonderful. It's frightfully chilly out there." He said as he walked into the room, being waved inside.

"Oh I love your furniture darling. And those drapes look fierce! You must give me the number of your decorator." Valik said as examined the room, getting into character as it were. "And how have you been doing? Have any questions for me?"

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

'So gay.' She thought as she mentally reminded herself that this was her personal decision and not an assassination, 'so wonderfully gay.'

She smiled and thought of the fact that she didn't need any money. She was very single and her nearest relative was a Jedi and likely gay as well. She wanted something more but whether this was it was beyond her for the moment.

"Caf, absolutely. " she said walking toward the island that separated the kitchen from the living area. "How about a nice pepermint mocha latte?" Seemed frufru right? "I have more flavors than i know what to do with."

She began setting up the caf droid and adding the fresh beans.

"You know." She said as she worked on the drinks, "I saw how adorable you and Steve looked and heard your story and I just had to respond. Have you been together a l9ng time?" Good for them if they had. Finding a decent man was hard in this galaxy. She knew all too well. Meet a good guy next thing you know they are a Sith or Jedi or sexually repressed holonet nerd. Just saying.


Professor of Alchemy
Peppermint Mocha Latte? Perhaps I'm selling this too well. Valik thought to himself before replying.

"Oh that sounds delightful." He said with a wave of a hand, before she headed over and began to set up the caf droid. She asked him about his 'lover', how long they'd been together, how they looked, all those silly things. People. What can you do about them?

"We first met about . . . six, seven years ago I think? Been together for a little over five. Hit the half-decade a month ago. It's been wonderful. But don't let me keep talking, tell me about yourself darling! I'd love to hear more of your story."

[member="Jiana Korr"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

"Hmm, this is so good." She lied, it sucked. I mean peppermint? Come on. "Isn't this so good?"

She walked around the island and sat on the couch. It was odd that Steve only showed in any records recently but her gaydar was pretty keen. Still she was an Tion agent and something just raised little questions in her pretty little head. Maybe, some bait?

"I am a near-human as I said before. My people are called the Vahla. You wouldn't have heard of us." She unbuttoned a few buttons on her collar and leaned into the cushions and crossed her legs into a lotus position, "I wandered a while doing odd jobs after I left home and let me tell you it was not easy. There were a lot of times I had to take jobs that were very difficult but almost a year ago I met a woman named Merrill and was hired for her mining company. Now here I am."

She spread her arms and then sipped her caf.

"Any questions?"


Professor of Alchemy
"Oh it's excellent." Valik's face smiled as he drank the peppermint, though his stomach did not. Still, anything hot to contrast the cold of the ocean world outside was welcome.

Vahla. Valik thought to himself as she mentioned her ancestry. That was a species he didn't know offhand. Must not be very public species with the lack of knowledge Valik had on them. And confirmation on being hired by Merrill was a plus, woman had a knack for finding talent. By the looks of her apartment and the background check/recommendation he got from his old contacts in Mohc it looked like she had done well for herself in that position.

"Well, our doctor did recommend we ask a few questions. I apologize if any of them are invasive." Valik said as he pulled out a datapad and began scrolling around, before 'finding' a list. "What is your day to day life like, what do you do in your off hours, are you prepared to go the next nine months without any consumption of alcohol, spice, or other recreational drugs, any history of genetic disorders, blah blah blah. Stuff like that."

[member="Jiana Korr"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

'Oh, boy....' she thought.

"Well first I'd like to say..." she thought about the one drunken night with Siobhan and Sacha, "I rarely drink and never touch anything stronger." She thought about DJ-S3Y's beats and how she wanted to throw herself at him in her drunken state, "I like music and dancing." She flashed back to making out with Siobhan and Sacha on the dance floor, "it really is nice. Umm..."

She thought of her infiltration of a phrik mine and disabling the security system. "But I like to stay low key and in the background most of the time." She remembered unfolding her self from a small shiping crate "I like to be flexible in my activities as much as I can." She remembered running down the corridor of the silk ship and killing a guard. "I love to stay active and get plenty of execrcise."

She thought about it and finally ended her history.

"And I don't have a history of illness or injuries tgat I know of."


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Jiana Korr"]

Her answers seemed thought out, as if they weren't questions she was prepared to answer. That meant she was either lying about what she was saying and was a horrible candidate, or that she didn't really have a social life and that she was the perfect one. By all the reports he got from his Mohc contacts she was extremely dedicated to her job, and didn't have a lot of extra-curricular activities going on. After a moment of thought he was inclined to believe the latter. He had found his surrogate it seemed.

"All excellent responses." He said, before pulling out a 'murse' and looking through it. "Now, there was just one more thing. Our doctor wanted us to get a blood sample. Something about seeing whether you're more compatible with me or steve and what will produce the most healthy child." He said, and pulled out a little finger-pricker. "And he wants you to sign this." He said, and pulled up an official-looking contract. "It basically says that he's allowed to run tests on your blood, the results of it won't be shared with anybody except for me and Steve, and only in the case of an issue that might arise with pregnancy."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

Jiana scruntched her nose is a cute manner that the gay man would likely not notice at all since "totes gay" and all.

"Will is hurt." She asked playing the nervous Nancy.

She took the contract and gave it a read through and finally signed. Then she stuck out her finger and faked being afraid of needles bur to be honest if that was all she would be getting poked with who cared right? She waited for the poke and for the sample to be taken then pulled back her hand.

"So, when do you think you'll hear back from the doctor?" She asked, "so I can schedule my time off."


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Jiana Korr"]

The girl wiggled her nose and asked if it would hurt, seemingly afraid of the needle.

"Oh just a little" He said with a click and a wave of his hand. "We had to do the same thing about a week and a half ago." He then took the woman's finger, and then put the device on her finger. "One, two, three!" He said before the device pricked her finger. He then put a small batca patch over the wound, before she retreated her hand back towards herself.

"Now that wasn't so bad." He said. "Our test results came back yesterday, so you should have them in eight, nine days." He said. as he stood up and went to shake Jiana's hand. The without a bacta patch on it.

"It's been great Ms. Korr. We'll be contacting you as soon as the doctor gets back to us.

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