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[Freg's List]Looking for Crew, Have Money, Will Pay

Dear Would-be Adventurers

Tired of being cooped up on world? Want to see new places, meet new people, see the stars of every nation? Spacelanes Shippings and Supplies is looking to fill out of one of it's crews. Positions needed are:

Mechanic- A person skilled with operating technical machinery especially pertaining but not limited to: starship components, speeder maintenance, securing of cargo of volatile and non-volatile natures, maintenance of blaster weaponry and commlinks personal and vehicular. Previous work experience not required, but in the absence of work experience skill will need to be demonstrated on interview.

Security- A person skilled with maintaining the safety of the ship, her crew, and her cargo against personal attacks and possible space-based excursions with privateers. Providing your own weaponry is required. Expected to possess knowledge of many culture's weaponry laws in order to comply with the local governments of wherever SSS travels take you. References preferred.

Co-Pilot- A person skilled in flying, diagnosing, and performing emergency repairs to freighter class starships. Expected to be able to adapt to adverse flying conditions on the fly. Experience manning laser turret preferred, but not required. Previous experience flying a ship under contract, whether for the private or public sector, highly preferred.

Any person able to "fill in" as a backup to one of the other duties is highly preferred, and will justify a salary increase. Based on the experience and skill of each job position one person will also become entitled to a "First mate" position which includes fulfilling in duties for the captain when he is away and acting as the captain's primary consultant. The First Mate will be entitled to a salary increase, added to the "flexibility" salary increase if applicable. Space transportation not necessary for applicants, SSS will come to the applicant if they are selected for the interview process. If hired the applicant will be expected to provide their own personal effects, including but not limited to clothing, hygienic care items, commlinks, etc. If interested please send a message to

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

The retired high councilor had a rough year with finding out about her estranged sister's murder and of her allies involvement. She needed a place to hunker down for awhile - to think, to do more of her own research about who this Selkus person was. 'Sides, Alen was off doing his own thing. It was time for her to return to her roots.

She sent the comm message in response to the ad.

Dear Mister Michigan,
Name's Kitt. I'm the second best mechanic in the Southern Corellia sector. The first is my ol' man. I've got my resume attached and three references. I prefer we keep it on a first name basis. I'm trying to shift gears from my old life. Don't worry, I won't bring any trouble.

Oh, and I can bake. I can gaurntee you the best cinnamon-Apple pie that you've ever tasted. You can reach me on this comm channel if the job's still open and you're interested.

- Kitt
Dear Kitt

From my experience everyone that's done some living has stories they'd rather not tell. You keep on your word and not bringing trouble and keep on half your word on your mechanical skill and we'll get along real well. Probably even better than that once I've tasted some pie. I'm currently in the process of delivering a shipment of metal to CEC, so if you'd like to meet up somewhere around Corellia I'd love to meet you for an interview. Keep in touch.


With the email sent he logged onto his SSS account and signed up for the durasteel shipment job. Within the hour SSS loading droids would be at his dock with the shipment, and he'd be heading out for the stars. He'd heard claims like "Best pilot this side of Coruscant" from many a spacer, but in honesty he didn't need it to be true, so he didn't care if [member="Kitt Solo"] was exaggerating or not. And if she wasn't, well, he'd be getting a lot more than his money's worth.
[member="Flint Michigan"]

Varon leaned back in his chair, boots kicked up on the console as he perused his commmail. It was a large galaxy, and every day, like billions of others, he got the same type of messages. [looking for a pilot] [Please save me] [The *insert relevant government* is coming for me] and so on. He ignored most of them, as well as a slew of messages with titles such as [Please your mate with the new Genosian sand-supplement] and [I, the exiled prince of Kuat, need YOUR help!]

"Once you get on a list..." He muttered to himself, stopping at one that looked a little more promising. Who used the term adventurer anymore?

He browsed over the message. It was a fairly standard "looking for a crew" deal, one that normally he would ignore. Having his own ship made Varon reluctant to deal with other people's. But he was bored, and so he typed out a quick message.

from: Vpryde@var.Cor



If you're still looking for a security person, i'd be willing to sign on assuming the pay is adequate. A decade of military experience and another decade living as a freelancer on the outer rim counts for my experience.

I also fly my own freighter, so I can fill in as a pilot/co-pilot if needed.

<Message sent> flashed across his screen, and he sat back again, eyes going to a viewscreen above the control panel. It was almost time for Corellian Family...

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

Dear Flint,
How about meeting up at the Coronet City Spaceport - Dock 27? I'll even bring some pie. Just let me know what day and time works best with your shipment. I'll be in the area for the next two weeks and I'll have my comm on me. Look for the dark-chestnut haired woman carrying a pie.

Flint hastily wrote a reply to [member="Kitt Solo"]

Dear Kitt,

Sounds good. I should be making it to Corellia in two days. I'll be around the dock at around 1900 hours looking for you if that's amicable.

See you soon,

If the terms were indeed amicable Kitt would find Flint looking about for her with cautious eyes and eager nose. Chances were with her experience as a bounty hunter and the whole force thing she'd find him before he'd find her, but that was assuming she'd even be there in the first place. Who knows, she might have plans to go clubbing that night, or go to a gravball game or something. If that were the case Flint would probably agree to meet her the next day in the next holomail message he sent to her.

As for this [member="Varon Pryde"] character, well, he was a tad skeptical. As a man with a decade of service under his belt(albeit not at the same government the entire time) he knew that "vpryde@var.Cor" be well trained, and life on the outer rim definitely "builds character" as many would call it, but the individual owned his or her own ship, and seemed primarily in it for the credits. Neither of which were really a bad thing, except Flint was oozing in credits and his ship wasn't really the prettiest to look at. Still, if there was a chance he could hire the wanderer and keep 'em around it'd fill the slot he needed with a pretty capable person.Typing up a holomail he replied to the mysterious veteran.

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Pryde

I know personally how a decade of service can build a man, and your offer is intriguing. I'll be in and around the Corellia Sector for the next week or so if you'd like to meet me there for an interview. If not I can meet you anywhere I won't get blasted for landing on, but it'll take me a little while to get there.

-Flint Michigan

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

Coronet City Spaceport - Dock 27 1900

Two feet squirmed beneath the belly of a speeder car. Fresh grease splattered across her forehead. A slew of Corellian curses left lips. The astromech droid beeped from the nose of the speeder. "Don't rub it in Bobbles, I haven't forgotten about the interview." She adjusted the hydrospanner and squeezed off the leak. She grinned in the darkness of the underbelly and wiped the back of her hand across her head. "Tell Da it's as good as new."

Bobbles tooted and trundled off.

She wiggled back into the open and clicked the hydrospanner back to a tool belt that clung around the curves of her hip. Looking across the hangar, she saw the profile of someone that could be the Michigan guy. He seemed to be looking around like he was trying to find someone. It gave her a good indication to move forward and holler his name across the open expanse.

"Fliiiiiint! That you?"

She just hoped he wasn't a wack job and she honestly had no idea now much he knew about her. She didn't give him a last name for a reason but it wouldn't be too hard for him to dig up what he wanted to dig up. Just like it wasn't too hard for her to look up his past military history. Of course she wasn't privy to all the personal and intricate details but she saw enough to know his life hadn't been easy.

She waved and stood-up, knowing she wouldn't win this interview on looks. A somewhat grease-covered hand scooped-up the pristine white and ribbon wrapped pie box as she walked to meet her potential employer.
Based on Kitt's reply, or lack of one rather, he guessed the meeting time would work out for this "Kitt" lady. Not being one to follow the news, and a bit too gullible to think of doing things like 'background checks' the name Kitt didn't really mean anything to him except that of a potential employee, and one very well recommended by her three references. He arrived at Coronet around 1700 hundred hours, dropped off his shipment to CEC, and then headed back to the docks to find the mechanically inclined dark-chestnut haired pie bearer. While Corellia wasn't exactly Coruscant it was still pretty crowded so finding her wasn't an instantaneous thing. Flint's chrono, a bit fast and rusted, turned 19:05 before he heard his name screamed over the cacophony of other minor conversations that permeated the air of the spaceport. Looking over he spotted a woman of decidedly average size and perhaps middling appearance bearing a box of pie kept in immaculate condition. A stark contrast to the rest of her body and outfit, being covered in splotches of grease here and there. That was probably a good sign. With a small smile he headed over.

"Hey there, Flint Michigan, pleasure to finally meet you Kitt." He said and extended a hand to shake hers in kind. If she decided not to shake his hand, well, it'd be terribly awkward. "My ships docked just over that way, and your 'interview' " he said letting the word hang loosely as he spoke it "will pretty much just be examining the ship and telling me what you'd do to it. Lets me see you in your environment and give you an idea of what you'd be working with, though I'll warn you it's probably not the simplest of mechanic jobs." He said, warning her a bit of what was to come but not really stressing how bad it was. "We can eat the pie here or there, after the interview or before, whatever's convenient for you."

[member="Kitt Solo"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

The Southern Corellian didn't hesitate in shaking Flint's hand. "Likewise," grease-covered palm shook his firmly before releasing, a genuine smile on her lips. He looked young and she'd like to think he was a lot younger but who knew these days? [member="Hannibal Oryen"] never believed her when she told him she was in her twenties, anyhow. Looks were only good for those first-taste, surface-impressions.

"Why don't you take the pie," she offered him the box, "and show me to your ship. Depending on how bad it is, I may need a slice mid-interview, Darlin.'"

Stars, she hoped he wasn't taking her to that crappy-looking freighter.

Catherine Romanov

[member="Flint Michigan"]

Catherine was polishing her beskar'gam, when a sharp beep on her data pad, indicated a new alert. She had been subscribed to many of the bounty and adventuring bulletin boards and occasionally, she would get suitable advertisements and offers that would ping her on her pad. This one in particular, looked promising and was definitely more interesting than the rest before. It promised seeing new places and meeting new people.

What intrepid explorer and keen adventurer would turn down such an offer? Of course, Catherine was more than just a simple adventurer, she was also a Mandalorian, a highly-capable warrior, and a skilled ex-republic military pilot. Fitted with a full suit of Mandalorian armour which came with a complement of weapons and gadgets, along with her piloting and technical expertise, she was definitely one to keep around.

Chucking the polishing cloth somewhere in the room, she grabbed her datapad and tapped furiously on it, replying the advertisement with much haste.

Dear Mr. Flint Michigan,

Catherine here, I'm interested in joining you for your adventure. I am a seasoned adventurer, and as a Mandalorian, I am also a highly-capable fighter, and I have piloted a variety of miltary ships for the Republic Military in the past. I will be opting for your Security position, and in the event that is not suitable for you, I can also take up the position of Co-pilot. I look forward to hearing from you!
[member="Flint Michigan"]

\>Incoming File...

Contact Details
Address: 19th Floor, 4/12 Cais avenue [Dragon Palace Casino], Antecedent, Primeval System.
Cryptnet #: 5935-2842-6934-JS
Holomail: Jul-Solo@Antec.Holo

Dear Mr. Michigan,

I am sending this transmission as I have interest in either position of security or co-pilot, with a preference in security detail. I served the New Order as a Rifleman in the Stormtrooper Corps, and later grew a career in bounty hunting. I have taken employment on behalf of various confidential employers, all with notable success, such as the Invasion of Barab I. I believe I have what you're looking for.


Julian Solo
The Previous Day

During Flint's flight to Corellia he'd check his emails to find a message from a Mandalorian by the name of Catherine and. Describing herself as a 'seasoned adventurer' she seemed eager to join, or at the least advertise her skills. He quickly typed up a response, hoping to fill a slot on his crew.

Dear Catherine

I've met a Mandalorian or two in my time, and suffice to say I am thoroughly interested in meeting you for an interview. I'm currently on route to Corellia for another interview tomorrow, but I could be in Mando territory in about three days. Any particular planet or city you'd prefer to meet at?

[member="Catherine Maxwell"]

Later that day he also got another email, from a "[member="Julian Solo"]". New Order, Storm Trooper, Bounty hunting, and "Employment to various confidential employers". If that meant what he thought it meant than not all of his business was exactly considered 'legitimate'. Still, he could be wrong, and the man did have experience. A bit cautious as he typed he decided to give the man a chance, and sent him a holomail.

Dear Julian Solo

Hey there, I would love to head over and give you an interview. Heading over to Corellia tomorrow then probably towards Mandalorian Territory for the next three days. Mind having an interview in about five days?

The Now

"Excellent" Flint replied as he took the pie with now-greasy hand and headed over to the docking bay. "She's the Detroit Nexu, just in this bay over here." He continued as he lead her over towards his ship. Once they got in a few glances would reveal a couple of damaged weapon systems, a few laser cannon burns on the hull, some carbon scoring here or there. Evidence of more than a little 'hard livin' as it were. "Now I'll admit she's not the prettiest bird in the air, but she'll get you from point A to point B and fly straight doin it." He said as he began to press some buttons on the side of the ship, inputting a code to let down the ramp. With the ship open he'd lead her inside, provided she wasn't already scared off. Once she entered the ship she'd probably notice an unpleasant odor, slight, not overpowering, but present nonethless. A sign of something interfering with the Life Support was his guess, but it could be anything he supposed.

"Branch out right and we get to the engine room, left and we head towards Life Support. Quarters and escape pods are around the right. Shield Generator's at the middle of the ship, and navigation and communications are at the bridge. Tour can go in any order you like, just tell me what you think on what you see." He said, giving her a bit of rein before putting out a bit of a laugh. "And if you need to, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings."

[member="Kitt Solo"]
[member="Flint Michigan"]

\>Incoming File...

Contact Details
Address: 19th Floor, 4/12 Cais avenue [Dragon Palace Casino], Antecedent, Primeval System.
Cryptnet #: 5935-2842-6934-JS
Holomail: Jul-Solo@Antec.Holo

Dear Mr. Michigan,

I am free for an interview in five days. If you require a demonstration of my skillset, that can be arranged. Send me a location and time, and I'll certainly be there.

Julian Solo

Catherine Romanov

Catherine's face brightened into a smile as Flint's reply came through on her holopad. She did a fist-bump and for the second time, chucked that same cloth which she took an hour to find previously, somewhere, oblivious to the consequences. He wanted to meet in Mandalorian Space. Or in anywhere really, but he would be in Corellia first. Hmmm..'s been a long while since she had been back "home". Maybe she'll take this opportunity to see what's changed in more than a decade.

Tapping excitedly, she replied :

Dear Flint,

It's okay, you don't have to come all the way to Mandalorian airspace, you'll do fine staying in Corellia. It's due time for me have quick visit "home" anyway. I'll meet you in Coronet City soon? I'll be there in two days.

[member="Flint Michigan"]
Still the previous day

Replies to Flint's replies came remarkably quick from both end, which left Flint in a hurry to shuttle out some responses. First came [member="Catherine Maxwell"]'s

Dear Catherine

Sounds great, I'll be parked somewhere in Coronet City Spaceport- Dock 27. Depending on how my other interview goes I might be spending the morning helping somebody move in, so later's probably better. Whatsay meet at 1800? I'll be the one in the leather jacket with short blacker-than-night hair.

Then he sent a message to [member="Julian Solo"]

Dear Julian

I was thinking I'd meet you on Antecedant, considering the address inclusion in your holomails and all, but if you'd prefer to meet somewhere in the middle that's perfectly agreeable, and I can probably hit you up a couple days quicker if you like. Whatever you prefer.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

Aaaaand we're in the crappy-looking freighter.

"I'm sure it ain't nothin' a quality bucket of grease won't fix," she tried to sound optimistic as she stood next to Flint and silently tallied the problems on the surface she had managed to see. Who knew what lay beneath?

"Just like Ma's baking pans," she murmured further.

"You say she'll get you from point A to B, so let's check out her engine last. I'm more worried about Life Support." Freckled-nose crinkled against a smell between rotting vegetables and sewer. Myrtle-ellipses shot him a look over the bridge of her nose. "How much you payin' again?"

Her lips twitched slightly, like she wanted to smile.
[member="Kitt Solo"]'s first comment amount about the bucket of grease gave Flint a little laugh. Sure, it wasn't the most confident reply but it showed a little humor and a willingness to give a second glance. He hadn't lost her. Yet. Her first impulse was to check the Life Support, which was a good one. If she could figure out where the hell that smell came from and fix it he'd be immensely pleased. As he noticed the little nose on her freckled face twitch a bit before asking about payment, with the faintest raising of her lips. She was looking for something to smile about. She wanted to be here, despite the uh, rigors, that being mechanic would require. Come on Flint, I can sell this. He thought to himself.

"Well, I work for SSS, a small shipping company based in Laekia run by a nasty business minded Tiss'shar. Since SSS is small and they want to attract good pilots they don't give a salary or flat rates. Instead we make a rather nice percentage of profit off of each commission. SSS only technically employs pilots and our managers, but I'll be paying you a chunk of what commission I get after each job. It's not nearly as . . . consistent as other jobs, but say we get a shipment of Durasteel for 10,000 credits by the ton at Laekia, take 100 tons of it, sell it at a factory world that'll pay 15,000 credits per ton or more? It can rack up pretty well, if not better than any other shipping job in the galaxy." Flint explained as they reached Life Support.

"Here it is Kitt. Tell me what you see."

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

"Sounds like it's enough creds to put food on the table and hopefully pay for some parts for this-uh-very unique ship." She offered him a wink and rolled up the sleeves to her already grease-splotched shirt. She squatted down next to the system, hydrospanner in hand. She pried open a wall-panel to the box. Myrtle-ellipses tracked back and forth on the circuits.

"Whelp Mister Michigan, I see alotta work. You got a leaky system here. Your camshaft needs replacin.' And this axle here," index finger reached slightly into the box to point it out to Flint, "appears to be slightly off-balance keepin' these wheels from turnin' properly and wasting a good third of your oxygen levels." Fingers acquired some new grease as she jiggled with the parts a bit. She leaned back on her heels and stood, wiping them on the pant-fabric over her thighs.

"I'm a little surprised you've been getting from point A to B with the shape this is in. You must be lucky or something."

There was still the mysterious smell.

"You wanna continue this tour?" A single-chestnut brow lofted. "And mind showing me to your refresher?"
Flint watched with more than little envy as the Corellian woman opened the wall panel faster than a kid on his birthday, with many times more grace and precision, and then began diagnosing this and that here and there, finding problems in seconds flat. Flint himself had also found the problems, but it took him a couple of hours of examination and more than a few holonet references, and he didn't exactly have the talent to fix it. Most importantly she didn't add any problems that weren't there to try and fluff up her bill. Corellia might have a reputation for scoundrels and crooks, perhaps even deservedly, but this one wasn't trying to pull a fast one over his eyes.

"I've got too much stuff to do to be unlucky now." He said with a bit of a grin, before she asked about continuing the tour and seeing the refresher, a single brow raising inquisitively. "Of course, just down here." He said with a wave and headed towards the refresher room. "Now, it's my ship so I'll be fronting the costs for new parts. Just make me a list, sort it by importance and I'll purchase what I can after we complete a job." He said before he got to the refresher door, opening it than backing up a bit cautiously. He expected her to examine it, but on the off chance nature was calling the mechanic he didn't want to be thought of as some twisted weirdo.

[member="Kitt Solo"]

Catherine Romanov

With a low hum, the engines died down as the fighter touched down gently in the Coronet City Spaceport. The glass panels forming the cockpit windows lifted up, revealing a fully armoured figure clad in the iconic armour of a Mandalorian. The warrior descended from the ship, gave the spaceport a quick survey before a removal of the helmet unveiled a young fair-skinned blonde woman.The eyes the colour of Azure glanced around, observing the surroundings. Catherine was a day early for her appointment with Flint, and It was always good to be aware of your surroundings. Helmet under arm, she started to head out of the spaceport, and into the nearest cantina, hoping to catch a drink or two before heading to find accommodation for the night .

[member="Flint Michigan"]

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