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Approved Location Fresh Air Resort

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Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation

Name: Fresh Air Resort

Image Source: [x]

Intent: Location for a battlefield of the event.

Classification: Hotel and Resort

Location: Argyra IV

Affiliation: <pending event results>

Description: The Fresh Air resort is a full scale hotel and resort destination designed for tourists who want to get away from it all. The main structure was built on the location of an old quarry which created an artificial cove on the outskirts of one of the many isolated islands of Argyra. The quarry itself was far away from civilization so it wouldn’t interfere with the tourism industry and was re-purposed by local corporations to be an inclusive luxury resort.

Topping outat twenty stories the Fresh Air resort is a fairly large structure hidden within a cliff wall. The main portion of the hotel is arrayed as an oval around a central arboretum. Luxurious rooms are encircled around this central axis and along the edge of coves wall. An artificial waterfall flows over a portion of the hotels room where the main concourse and the secondary hotel rooms meet.

The cove itself has multiple docs for yachting and three sectioned off swimming area’s. In addition there is a domed off section of the resort which acts as a massive indoor pool letting guests swim in the ocean despite any weather conditions. On the pier is also another Overlooking the cove is an observation dome containing recreational facilities including a high scale restaurant and arcade.

History: The Fresh Air resort was the brainchild of local business leaders, designed to create a high end and isolated resort for the wealthy. They picked an island with a small rural population and placed their resort in an old rock quarry. Cost overruns were huge but soon the luxurious resort was completed. Unfortunately only four years after operation the entire planet of Agryra was occupied and the resort was closed to all but VIPs of the occupation force.

Links: Argyra IV

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