Darth Ferus
To those who don't know, Ferus once slaughtered a whole planet to create a massive basin for Alchemy. Which was eventually turned into the Temple of Pain by Sage Bane (Heh, it rhymed). Why am I bringing this up? Cause I want to make a Sithspawn army with another of these massive basins for the Black Empire.
Where the pigs wait for slaughter of course!
[member="Darth Venefica"] and [member="The Gray Assassin"] will both be there, post below if you're interested!
And it goes without saying, but there will be alchemy training involved for those looking to learn Blood Magics.
Where the pigs wait for slaughter of course!
[member="Darth Venefica"] and [member="The Gray Assassin"] will both be there, post below if you're interested!
And it goes without saying, but there will be alchemy training involved for those looking to learn Blood Magics.