Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Freya En'Livous

Freya En'Livous


NAME: Freya En'Livous
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Pirate / Criminal
SPECIES: Half-Human - Half Ryn​
Homeworld: Kira
AGE: 30​

SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 5"
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Red
SKIN: White


+ Strong willed and determined to complete her goals​
+ A smooth talker and seductress​
+ Swift with a sword and a keen shot​
+ Technologically attuned mind​
+/- Willing to sacrifice what is necessary​
- Not as physically strong as men​
- A little bit crazy​
- Greed driven​
- Blind in her right eye​


Freya would be considered a scrappy looking woman at first glance. A few scars mar her body; battle damage from when she sailed the stars. Her face often holds its seriousness. Not smiling often because she's no reason to with her hard life. And apart just the way she looks. But you can't help but notice it and wish she smiled to bring out her beauty it hides. A very worn brown leather hat sits atop her head. Apart of the brim folded upwards and the other swinging down to hide her blind eye. The shadow it casts may also explain the serious look, but that's just a theory. Her cheeks are slightly gaunt. Heritage to her half blooded nature. Her nose is slightly long its its appearance and her chin is strong for a woman's. She often wears her red hair straight and hanging in front of her shoulders, keeping a natural look to it. A black coat covers her body. But you can ask and many will say she's as curvy as a wave. The coats held closed somewhat by a belt, which two swords and several pistols are housed. Hidden underneath her sleeves are spring loaded knifes attacked to the forearm. Handy for killing a target after she woos them to a vulnerable state. Otherwise for clothing she just wears plain sorts you'd expect someone of her status to wear, and a good pair of boots.​

A Pirates life is a life for me. That being because she was born into the culture. For a century or so Kira was a haven for Pirates and criminal types. Or those wanting to be free of many oppressive laws many nations enforce.​
That came to and end when The Republic took Kira in their sweep to Seltos. And years since the big name Pirates had abandoned for greater deals. Some like Freya hadn't the opportunity to leave, and so made due with crime and odd jobs. It wasn't the gloriously dangerous work of a Pirate mind you. She very much missed being in the vastness of space. Unbound and free so to speak. But you must do what you can to support yourself in lean times.​
Even though its only been some months since the world was taken over. Freya has grown sick of her own idleness and that of others. And it was high time she did something to turn her fortunes around.






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