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Freynk Porkins

Freynk Porkins


Freynk Porkins

NAME: Freynk Porkins


AGE: 848

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 8"
WEIGHT: 189 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Copy Machine adept

+Good Reader/ Public Speaker

+Masters of Science in Biology

+Former Storm Trooper


-Drinks too much

-Is afraid of Snakes

-Self esteem issues because of last name

-PTSD from time as a Storm Trooper

-Has poor Vision but won't get it corrected


-Can't sing but tries anyway


-Hates flying

-Has a Masters and doesn't use it




-Has a temper

-Can be a jerk

-Poor Spelling

-Bad Penmanship

-Thinks he's funny but he's not.


-/+ Likes alien women (because human women are heartbreakers. You know who you are :( )


Freynk is average height and weight. He is of a stocky build with broad shoulders. He also has grey eyes and brown hair. He squints slightly because of poor vision and has a large nose but pretends it is distinguished.


Freynk was born to a poor upper lower class family on Telos. His father was a speeder truck driver and his Mother a cleaning woman. Freynk was the oldest of three children and spent a good portion of his youth helping raise them. His parents later divorced and Freynk stayed with his father while his Mother and youngest sibling, a sister moved to Corellia. During his school years Freynk was an active child participating in various sports as well as doing slightly above average academically. At graduation an imperial recruiter told him they would pay for his degree is he enlisted in the storm trooper corps. Freynk, being from a poor family accepted and a month later was sent to the 3 month storm trooper boot camp. Freynk did well in training and was given the STOS (Storm Trooper Occupational Specialty) of Heavy Blaster Rifle Specialist and learned basic hand to hand combat. During his time as a "Stormie" he did get a degree over the course of an 8 year enlistment and left the Storm Trooper Corps as a Sergeant.

Later that same year after not being able to find work as a Biologist he was force to take a factory job running automated metalworking equipment. While at the Factory he met a woman named Kayren Tavia. The two became drinking buddies and later married. After 7 years together and 2 children the two divorced because they could not agree on where to set the thermostat temperature. Kayren left, took both children with her, and settled on Coruscant where she still resides.

Freynk now a journeyman Machinist works double shifts to pay the Child support and alimony and spends the rest of his time reading holonovels and drinking at the local sports cantina. He hopes to one day do something again but instead usually ends up talking about his exciting past and hoping for a better day tomorrow.

He can't afford a Bus Pass what's this ship business?

Republic and Mandalorian NPC confirmed kill count of 57.


I... I want to give you a Captaincy. Just... just so I can see where it goes. You just have this bumbling through life aspect about you. Though you are successful at the things you do, to a degree. Life just tears it down or something. (See's you hate flying. Does this include space?)
Or I could hire you as a weapons and armor maker for Sun Forged Industries.
Or make you a criminal.

Freynk Porkins


I hate my job now I guess it wouldn't be much different. I will let you know in about 3 days.

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