The Dragon
A familiar face
Coruscant was a big planet. It was so big, in fact, that Remus still had yet to find a friend. Back on Endor, he had his brother and that was enough. But now that he and the wolf were separated, the boy had been really lonely. There had been no word from the man who brought him to the massive cityscape. Perhaps he needed to go out and try to make a few friends. If only that girl were with him. "Ka...tar." Yes, Katar. That was her name. If only she were there, he wouldn't be as lonely. The two seemed to share a kind of friendship that lasted beyond words, partly because neither of them spoke, excepting for their names. It was a mutual feeling that only two mutes could understand. If he could find his counterpart, things would be happier.
Coruscant was a big planet. It was so big, in fact, that Remus still had yet to find a friend. Back on Endor, he had his brother and that was enough. But now that he and the wolf were separated, the boy had been really lonely. There had been no word from the man who brought him to the massive cityscape. Perhaps he needed to go out and try to make a few friends. If only that girl were with him. "Ka...tar." Yes, Katar. That was her name. If only she were there, he wouldn't be as lonely. The two seemed to share a kind of friendship that lasted beyond words, partly because neither of them spoke, excepting for their names. It was a mutual feeling that only two mutes could understand. If he could find his counterpart, things would be happier.