Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Friends in the big city

Coronet City ~ Corellia
The hustle and bustle of the city was winding down for the night. Emeline, in Corellia on business, was standing on an upper terrace of a large residential unit. Her silk robes falling over her armor, she stood on a balcony overlooking the streets below. Her thoughts bounced from one thing to next, her anxiety having no end it would seem. Her hair had been thrown up in a messy bun, and her eyes pierced through the darkness. Her legionnaires armor peaked out from the cloaks she wore, and that alone was enough for people to leave her alone. Taking a deep breath, she meditated on the Force and its ultimate power, feeling the various people that walked past her as she did so.

Some of them were young and reckless, on their way to parties of some sort no doubt. Emeline was young, just like them, but had decided on a different path. Before she fled her home on Alsakan, she was no different then these young men and woman. Partying was something she once enjoyed, though she did not have the stomach to do so anymore. Now, her life was filled with rigorous training and dueling. Crossing blades with dark Jedi and Sith had a tendency to mature a person rather quickly.

Thinking on her friends and allies, Emeline took another deep breath, the cold air slightly stinging her lungs. The invariable cold season had arrived on Corellia, and cast everything in an icy sheen. She would need to be careful looming over the balcony, but she had her balance at least. Letting the air whip across her face, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the present. She could not think about the future at this point, as that would only cause more stress.

Awkwardly enough, she was dejected by the people of Corellia, but she needed a friend more then anything right now. Someone to speak with and laugh with. Other legionnaires were usually rather terse or serious. She on the other hand was no such thing, having a penchant for good jokes and laughter.

[member="Vhennu O'Nhoa"]

The teetering YT-2000 light freighter soared over the ever busy and bustling Coronet City. Vhennu took the freighter out of autopilot and directed it to an open-air spaceport. Reverting the ship onto his repulser engines, he alighted it onto the ground and activated the entrance ramp. He stepped out the cockpit and walked down the ramp where he was met with two security officers, to which they discretely gave him a handsome amount of credits as the Gotals inside the ship unloaded the cargo.

This had been an easy supply run. The officers had paid him two-thousand five hundred credits to deliver fifty kilos of highly illegal giggle-dust. Vhennu was happy to oblige when they requested him to bring it, especially since he had a friend that refined it on Draboon. Though he had agreed to those dirty, vile-looking Gotals that he would share the profits with them. It's not like they'd do anything productive with it, they'll just use the money to get drunk and buy drugs. But he did agree to share, but yet Vhennu was never one for upholding deals. And Gotals were a dumb lot - it didn't take too much mental stamina to double-cross them. He gave a curt nod to the officers and left the spaceport.

Corellia's sun descended onto the scarlet horizon as Vhennu traversed Coronet City. The city's residents were retreating to their homes for the evening as the nightlife scene emerged to seize the city. The young man wanted nothing other than a cold Corellian ale at a pub, but he wasn't in the mood for the blaring music and crowds of wasted, aggressive people.

His steps led him to a tall residential building. It seemed like a good place to relax, so he entered the building and took the turbolift up a few levels to a public lounge. The area was variation of Twi'leks, Humans, Ithorians, Bothans, and Duros drinking, chatting, laughing, or playing cards. Vhennu smiled, it was rather pleasant to be within a calm area to relax and unwind. He ambled to the bar counter and ordered a glass of Corellian ale, tossing a couple credits onto the counter. He gave his gratitude to the bartender and walked to the balcony, seeing a young woman overlooking the city. He took a sip of his drink and stopped at the pole. "Evening," he greeted.
Looking at the new arrival with some interest, Emeline smiled. By his looks, she could only assume he was some sort of privateer or smuggler. Nursing an ale with one hand, he joined her on the balcony overlooking the city proper. "Hello." It was a simple greeting, but did she need to say anything else? Warmly receiving him, Emeline turned towards him to converse with him further. Was he looking to talk or something more? Emeline was not sure, but she was happy to speak with him.

"Are you a local Corellian? I cannot honestly tell." She smiled as she took a sip of her wine. It was sweet and smelled of lush fruits, and it went down easily enough. Keeping her eye on the surrounding area, she could feel a slight amount of Force power emanating off of the young man. He was no Jedi or Sith, at least not yet. Relaxing herself near him, she scanned him up and down, drinking in his appearance.

[member="Vhennu O'Nhoa"]

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