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Fringe Ground Forces [Organization and Rank Structure]

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The Fringe Marines


The Fringe Marines are made up of the remnants of the Fringe Army, in conjunction with local armies that have been assimilated into a single fighting force. Organised at their largest scale into Legions, the Marines specialise in planetary entry from orbit, and are a multi-role fighting force. Able to deploy from Fleets as well as hold a planet, the Marines are highly-disciplined and are becoming famous for their tough-nosed tactics. The sub-branches of the Marines, known as Corps, are as follows: Light Infantry, Mobile Infantry, Engineers, Signals, Armoured, and Special Forces.
Unit Structure

Battle Group: 2+ Legions (160 000+ men)
Legion: 4 Divisions (80 000 men)
Division: 4 Brigades (20 000 men)
Brigade: 5 Battalions (5 000 men)
Battalion: 7 Companies (1 000 men)
Company: 4 Platoons (140-145 men)
Platoon: 3 Sections (35-40 men)
Section: 3 Fire Teams (12-14 men)
Fire Team: 4 men

Rank Structure

General Officers

Archon [OF-*] - If the Commander-in-chief of the Fringe Marines is made Commander of the Armed Forces, he becomes an Archon and a new First General takes his place.
First General [OF-11] - Commander-in-chief of the Fringe Marines. A member of Fringe High Command and able to take command of the entirety of Fringe ground forces if necessary.
Lord General [OF-10] - Can command a Battle Group, or equivalent. As Battle Groups can only be found during times of war, Lord Generals also act as advisors to the First General or administrators for internal organisation.
Legate General [OF-9] - Can command a Legion, or equivalent.
General [OF-8] - Can command a Division, or equivalent.
Sub-General [OF-7] - Can command a Brigade, or equivalent.

Field Officers
Staff Colonel [OF-6] - Generally serve as senior staff officers for General Officers. This is a position that exists as a stepping stone to the highest ranks of the Fringe Marines.
Lieutenant Colonel [OF-5] - Can command a Battalion, or equivalent.
Centurion [OF-4] - Can command a Company, or equivalent. Also serve as Battalion XOs.
Staff Commander [OF-3*] - Special Forces Company commanders often hold this rank.
Lieutenant Commander [OF-3] - Serve as Company XOs or as Battalion specialist officers.
Lieutenant [OF-2] - Serve as Senior Platoon Leaders
2nd Lieutenant [OF-1] - Serve as Junior Platoon Leaders

Non-Commissioned Officers
Optio Major of the Marines - Highest-ranked NCO, responsible for representing the interests of enlisted men
Optio - Highly-experienced NCO. Often serve as advisors to Junior Platoon Leaders, leading a Section.
Gunnery Chief - Experienced NCO. Often serve with Senior Platoon Leaders, leading a Section.
Service Chief - Often lead a Fire Team.

Trooper 1st Class
Trooper 2nd Class

Player characters who hold the rank of Arbiter can be deputised to hold the equivalent rank of any General Officer under certain circumstances. When those circumstances have abated, the Arbiter relinquishes command. When deputised as a General Officer in the Marines, the Arbiter is referred to as "Arbiter General", no matter what role they are serving in.
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