Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fringe vs. OP - Invasion of Yag'Dhul


Most of you have heard not only whispers, but full details of our intentions. I am putting this up to let you know that the Lords of the Fringe will be invading the Omega Protectorate at Yag'Dhul, hopefully next weekend or the weekend after.

The Terms are as follows, cemented and agreed upon unless otherwise noted...


Alt Limitations
Two characters per writer

Yes, allies allowed (ten per side); I would not be adverse to anyone who wishes to declare in advance their intent to ally in this invasion, as such...
  1. [member="Reverance"]
  2. [member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
  3. [member="Kassandra Distorith"]
  4. Open
  5. Open
  6. Open
  7. Open
  8. Open
  9. Open
  10. Open

Structure of Action
Fleeting and PVP

Fleeting: 10,000m - Uncemented number - may change between now and the date of the invasion; fleeting for the Fringe will be handled by Ashin Varanin

PVP: Due to the nature of Yag'Dhul, PVP will take place in vacuum and atmospheric areas on the planet; variable terrain and environmental obstacles/challenges/advantages, details forthcoming
That is all we know for now. Full details, cemented details will appear in this post over the coming days and so on.

That is all.
I want to be there but this character isn't made for fighting in vacuum. Need to be absorbing and oh lets see about some boarding action maybe.

Or I'll just have Bundori appear and fight alongside her master. She's been training with her illusions and chainsword
[member="Lady Exedō"]

PVP will be occurring in vacuum and in atmospheric areas. Consider it a challenge to try and not leave the atmospheric areas... or, you know, wear a spacesuit. Options, they exist. =)
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] - You and I both, my dear. Ships, not my thing. Doling out violence like a WalMart greeter handing out stickers? All over it.

Darth Vornskr said:
I might join if I don't have any prior engagements.
I suggest you resurrect your wife before she smothers your heir and then kills you in your sleep.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

If everyone who's enthused now shows up then, this should be a pretty decent win.

Also, we need at least one person to handle ground tactics with massed NPCs and tanks and walkers and such. Fairly sure they're hoping to steamroll us in that department.

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