Feather in His Cap
It wasn't often that Oni traveled alone, especially this far away from Galactic Alliance space. He was still very new to the Jedi Order, and notably rather young, at least by the future's standards. But, following the discovery of a ruined Infinity Gate, more artifacts from the era began to spring up. When word of a Rakatan Forcesaber began to spread, the Jedi saw it necessity to secure the artifact. Oni, being from that era, was an obvious pick for the task. He had fought the Rakata, after all, and was thus very familiar with what he was searching for. A dark artifact in unskilled hands seemed to be a good start for a solo mission, especially for someone who had once done battle against said artifact. Unfortunately, the Pantoran's unfamiliarity with the future quickly caught up to him.
Oni was terrible with directions, as the size of the Je'daii settlement on ancient Tython was modest at best. That combined with a massive sea port did not make for a good concoction. The swordsman was left wandering the ports in confusion, following cold trails and strange observations. Very quickly, Oni determined that he was, indeed, very lost. With seemingly nothing else to follow, the padawan perched himself atop a large box and withdrew a wrap from his pocket containing his lunch. He might as well eat while there was seemingly nowhere to go.
"I should've picked up a navigation droid," he sighed to himself, beginning to sink his teeth into his sandwich.
This break could only last for so long. Eventually, he would need to figure out where this weapon was.