Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Atrisia With Love (Mirien)

In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

Naboo had always been a beautiful planet, but this was particularly the case in Lake County and today was no different. The sun was shining brightly, a most welcome sensation for all sun-bathers. A soft breeze swept across the land and the trees bent slightly, harmoniously. The lake was a luminous blue that seemed very inviting. Doubtless many natives and tourists agreed, since a number of them had gone boat-riding or swimming.

Here the people could forget the troubles of the Galaxy and be at peace. A few children were building sand castles, laughing joyfully. It was all so artificial. Sumiko Tanaka sat in a chair near a beach bar, sipping from her drink while she studied a datapad. Ostensibly she was just one of many tourists, hence her being clad in a bikini and such. Ostensibly she was just here to get her tan up and enjoy the wonders of Naboo.

How ironic that this world of peace and naive pacifism had given birth to the Great Dictator, Palpatine of Naboo. Far as she was concerned this was not as surprising as one might think. At some point someone had to break free from the shackles Naboo's deluded society imposed on its youths. Where others saw peace, she saw an attempt by the well-off to escape the Galaxy at large.

Waves crashed against the beach and a sand castle was swept aside and collapsed. The children seemed annoyed, then started tossing sand at each other. All just a game in good fun, no harm done. Other kids were playing 'Omegans' and 'Reavers' with toy guns, making cute 'pewpew' noises. How easily it could turn serious, she thought to herself while she sipped her drink. Innocent children can so easily be turned into little monsters. They respond well to indoctrination. That is why the Inquisition wanted its recruits young. Or the Jedi and Sith, for that matter.

Much like the sand castle, the once so powerful Protectorate had collapsed before the maelstorm of chaos. Truth be told, it had been on the way out long before Akala arose once more and unleashed a cataclysm upon the Galaxy. Now it was deconstructing itself and abandoning its former subjects. Returning back to its 'mercenary roots'. She doubted its fomer, now abandoned subjects would be hiring Omega Pyre any time soon. Right now Naboo was still peaceful, but rumblings had been heard. Placards and grafitti had appeared in the streets of Theed, condemning OP and the Queen.

But in the end...she did not care. Indifference to the comings and goings of the Galaxy, the vicissitudes of galactic politics was something she had cultivated since escaping from Atrisia. Empires rose, prospered and fell. It was axiomatic that every nation came with an expiration date. All these people who were laughing, swimming and making merry might one day have a rude awakening. For now there was no one protecting them in this unkind Galaxy. Sumiko politely asked a waitress to refill her glass, then with an air of indifference went back to reading.
Lake Country

Mirien couldn't remember the last time she'd been to Lake Country but here she was. Out in the clear blue waters she was just treading water and doing her best to relax. After all, this was a thing called a vacation. This time it had been forced upon her, and really Mirien needed it whether or not she would admit to it. The girl hadn't taken a vacation in a good ten to twelve years now. And only a handful of days off scattered through those years. Also for her, there was no such thing as a weekend. Intel never stopped, and spooks never rested.

Finally getting a little tired of being in the waters, the brunette ducked her head under the water to slick her hair back from her face as she surface. Then she made her swim for the shore. Still being in great shape it too her no time at all. Soon enough Mirien, dripping wet was stepping out of the waves and onto the sandy beaches. Her plan had been to go spread out in one of the beach lounge chairs and catch some sun.

Keen eyes swept the area, always careful, always watching. Danger really was everywhere in a spook's world. And then she saw her, Sumiko Tanaka. Sitting there in a beach chair, sipping a drink. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach, though the concern and slight anxiety did not in the least bit show through on any of her features as a soft smile formed upon her lips. Her stride relaxed an graceful. Everything about Mirien seemed normal, calm cool and relaxed, with that certain air about her that screamed if you look at me wrong I'll snap your neck.

Gods if only I could ever find a way to hide a blaster in a bikini, life would be so much better. She thought to herself. Though, she did have a hold out bolter on her neck, if things were to go wrong there was that singular weapon and the element of surprise.

For now, she chose not to approach as she headed for the lounge chair as planned, grabbing a towel from one of the servant boys running around the area. After mostly drying herself off, hair excluded, she flopped down upon the lounge, ankles crossed as out of the corner of her eye, she closely watched Sumiko. For it was always a dangerous situation when former Inquisitors showed up. Some where friends, but many many more were foes. And some risks just couldn't be taken. Plus here on the lounge chair, she had her beach bag which held a couple more weapons should she need them in the end.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

Amidst the mass of insignificant mundanes who were laughing, playing and making merry in their puerile ways, Sumiko saw her. Mirien Valdier. Outwardly Sumiko's features betrayed nothing. Her lips continued to be curved into a smile and she kept sipping her drink as if she did not have a care in the world. Internally she could not suppress the slight anxiety that welled up inside her. What were they? Calling them friends would be a massive stretch. They had worked together, sometimes against one another. There had been an understanding in the old days, though with a clear hierarchy. One that involved Mirien holding the cards, though ironically in the end she had been as much a slave of the System as Sumiko.

Everything about the Atrisian seemed calm and relaxed, though beyond the placid facade she was deep in thought. To an extent she had kept tabs on the former Grand Inquisitor since escaping from Atrisia. She knew that Mirien was employed by Firemane and she was reasonably certain that she was having an affair with Kerrigan, which was no surprise given the Countess' well-known reputation as a womaniser who was unable to keep her legs shut.

Sumiko was also quite certain that it had been Mirien who fired the shot that ended Madeline. Except...the Atrisian had cause to believe that the Empress had survived. This might give her leverage. Yet the former spook could not help feel naked without weapons in her grasp, though her blaster pistol and lightsabre were hidden in her beach bag. She could ignore her or make contact, which could go either way. A violent encounter would be undesirable for a number of reasons. One of them being the fact that Sumiko thought it was very unlikely that she would prevail.

Fortune favoured the bold. There was no such thing as chance and so their encounter could not be a coincidence. It was the Force that had brought them together, but its purpose had yet to be discerned. Looking casual she put her glass aside. It was immediately filled by a male servant who was built like an adonai and had not seen the need to wear a shirt over his muscular chest.

Sumiko oggled the hunk just long enough to appear as if she was actually interested before looking at herself through a compact mirror. In actuality she was watching Mirien through the corner of her eye. The former Grand Inquisitor would feel a telepathic brush against her mind. Bellalika is a traitor, Soma has vanished, Aegir is dead, Nick Kahoshi and Olra'en never counted. Aesham is in hell. The last four words meant spilling a secret she had found out recently. Having tracked Naamah Aesham to Terminus, she had found her torture chamber of an apartment abandoned, save for a malnourished, horrifically tortured girl. The Clawdite's Bando Gora minion had raved but eventually spilt his guts, then died. We can go our separate ways or talk.
There came that prickling sensation at the back of her neck. A slight warning that someone was watching her. Good girl, you remember your training. She thought to herself as she shifted in the chair, running a hand through her still wet locks. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she laid one arm behind her head, trying to appear as relaxed as ever, enjoying the sun.

At the telepathic brush against her mind, Mirien's eyes would snap to Sumiko meeting with hers in the mirror she held. Bellalika was always a traitor. Never one of us. Soma, had gone in deep cover in Fringe space, contact was lost some time ago, presumed dead. Yes ... Aegir, a shame. Kahoshi and Olra'en were never true Inquisitors, they lacked the skill and the stomach for the job. Not worth the dirt beneath my heel. Worthless creatures in the end.

That last part got her attention. In hell, really? Now that is an interesting development.

Mirien sighed. We can talk, but you'll have to come to me. This lounge chair right here looks nice and comfortable. The former grand Inquisitor had to keep control, and maintain the upper hand. This was just one more step in doing so. As long as she controled the territory, the place where they actually sat and spoke, it made it easer for Mirien, more comfortable. You, she was still quite paranoid after all this time.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

An intake of breath, a sip of her delicious wine. The manling servant was rewarded with her hand tracing across his delectable chest. Just one more way to blend in as a moderately decadent socialite who had come to have a good time on the beach. In actuality she was focused purely on Mirien. There was a small conumdrum here. Neither woman was particularly trusting. Both had a strong desire to gain and uphold control. For if they had control and dictated the rules, they were safe. This included controlling the territory. There was also the fact that the power balance between them was rather asymmetrical. The former spook was not eager to return to a situation where she was out of control.

Sumiko took a sip from her glass and gave the servant's butt a seemingly admiring swat when he departed. I am going for a swim. Join me if you wish, she responded to Mirien then arose gracefully. Then she kicked off her sandals and walked across the sand towards the sea. As was well-known, you could not hide a blaster or a lightsabre in a bikini. Waves crashed against the beach as she slipped into the warm water.
Mirien simply watched her for a moment as she sipped her wine, played with the manling. All of which Mirien knew was just part of blending in as her cover. In a way the former Grand Inquisitor was proud. She sighed heavily, her body still damp from her own swim. She shifted ever so slightly in the lounge chair, still keenly watching. Always watching.

At the last brush against her mind, Mirien's eyes narrowed. She didn't like this. Didn't like not being the one to choose the territory, to have absolute control. But it seemed for this, she was going to have to give just a little if she wish to talk with her former acolyte. After a good minute or two, the former spook rose slowly to her feet and followed to the water's edge. At least in the water, it was just them, and she knew it. Weapons were at a minimum here, left to what could be hidden in a bikini - which for the record wasn't much.

After another moment, clearly showing her irritation with not getting to choose the location Mirien finally walked into the clear blue waters to join Sumiko. After she got out just up to her neck the Ice Queen stopped. Her eyes moved slowly over her former charge, taking in every detail. "You want to talk, so let's talk." She said coldly, seemingly as unfriendly as ever but as most knew it was just part of who she was. If you could crack through that cold shell, there was a warm caring woman beneath it all. After all most Inquisitors knew they were family and that she personally would give her life for them.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

So here they were now in the water. From one paranoid ex-spook to...paranoid ex-spook. It was just them. The plebs who were making merry on the beach or diving did not matter at this point. Mirroring Mirien, Sumiko's eyes slowly moved over her former superior, taking in every detail. "You don't trust me, I don't trust you. Trust implies absence of threat and if either of us had been weak, we wouldn't have survived," she spoke, voice cold. Also mirroring Mirien, when you thought about it. Deep down she knew that Mirien had cared about her family, which was what the Inquisition had been. A twisted one that protected its own even while it caged them, peddled death like a commodity.

"Atrisia burnt for betraying us. You were the one who fired the shot at Madeline." Spoken as a statement not a question. She leaned in closer when she spoke the following words. "I have reasonable cause to believe that she is still alive, in a manner of speaking."
So much danger between the two of them, so untrusting of one another. Not that anyone could blame them for that. They both were trained killers, spooks and well paranoia just came hand in hand with that. She listened not saying a word just yet, wanting to hear Sumiko out completely before she spoke at all. The woman lifted a brow as Atrisia was mentioned, and then Madeline.

When Sumiko leaned in closer, Mirien had to resist the urge to take a step back to keep distance. Her eyes widened as she processed the news, "What?" She exclaimed. "That's impossible. She was gravely wounded. Dying. How the hell is it possible that she is alive in any manner at all?! That's just not ..." Mirien stopped herself. "How is she alive? And how do you know this?" Basic questions that she needed answers to now that she was getting over the shock of this information. A million thoughts were racing through her mind, almost unable to sort through them all as she worked through the different scenarios of how the queen could still be breathing.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

"Alive in a manner of speaking," Sumiko said enigmatically. "As for what leads me to believe this, Skaldi's droids may not feel fear or pain, but technomancy makes their mind an open book. Suffice to say I encountered one of her HRDs, destroyed it and salvaged the broken chip. Most of the information stored on it was irretrievably lost, but I caught a glimpse...of Skaldi carrying Madeline away from the palace,," she said coldly.

Maybe it was a sixth sense or her paranoia talking, but it seemed to her that some of the people on the beach were paying more attention to them than she would have liked. Time to blend in some more. So in a flash she leaned closer towards Mirien, pressing her body against hers. They were close enough to kiss now, though Sumiko was smart enough not to make that move. If this had been Naamah, it would have also been an excuse to 'get close' to Mirien, but for Sumiko it was simple expediency. Just playing the part of two women enjoying a relaxing day in the lake together.

"I do not fully understand the process, but the metal queen has a way to turn organics into machines. It's what they did in the camps. I believe Madeline was turned into one of them. It's what I'd do." Of course, Sumiko was still in the dark about the new entechment process. The same applied to Madeline's cover identity. So if she met the former Empress in all likelihood she would be unable to identify her.
"Glad you ventured into this skillset, my dear. It's ... useful." She said with something akin to pride in her voice.

Mirien listened patiently, hearing the whole tale out from start to finish. Even with all of her training the former spook could not hide the concern on her face. "This is extremely worrisome. If Madeline still lives in any regard, even as a machine, it presents a grave threat to all force users in the known galaxy." The brunette said with a sigh.

Mirien too had been watching, given the amount of people on the beach even she did wonder if there wasn't one or two that were taking a little bit too much interest in the pair of them. Still, she didn't much care to be so close to Sumiko. After all Miss Valdier had a thing against public displays of affection. Still a soft smile played upon her lips as she reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair back from her former acolyte's face, in what seemed a loving gesture when really it was just a guise. All playing the part that was required of her.

Another sigh and Mirien felt like revealing a single card of hers. "Madeline was making an anti-force user virus. Something that would break down beings with the genetic marker for force sensitivity, at the cellular level. It would essentially within minutes turn you and me into a pile of sludge, completely destoryed. No cure, and not even time for a cure. It's important that her research never get out and be used. It's concerning if she is still alive. Not only that, after she killed so many of my family the woman deserves nothing but death. The most cruel and painful one that could be imagined. If only I'd gotten her head, and not her stomach and chest. She would be gone and this, this would not be a worry." Mirien managed to growl, angry clearly, but able to still look happy as ever on the outside. After all it was her job to play the part.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

Outwardly Sumiko looked controlled, even happy. After all, she had to put on a good show for whoever might be watching. Hence why she managed to play the part by leaning into her former superior's soft touch. Inwardly the Atrisian was far more troubled, which was something Mirien would undoubtedly pick up on.

"An anti-force-user virus," there was a sharp intake of breath there. Somehow she still managed to look calm and even joyful to any uninitiated outsider. Years of getting self-control drilled into her in the Citadel had paid off. "I applaud her ingenuity and curse the fact that the terrorist who blew up Akio did not claim her as well," the former Inquisitor hissed. "Are there any samples of this virus? If the queen survived, Skaldi has her knowledge and the means to create it. If I were them, I'd devote every effort to do just that. Skaldi has her own droid company...a perfect front for her. They must perish. But we must go about this intelligently." For one, she doubted that they conducted their unsavoury experiments in the open since they weren't fools.
Mirien still kept that same happy expression upon her lips, her body language loose and comfortable. It just seemed that too happy ladies were enjoying themselves in the warm soothing waters. They by all appearances were having a great beach holiday with a small tender moment or two spent to themselves. Mirien nodded slowly, "Yes, not news you want to hear either, I know." The Ice Queen had known about the virus for quite some time but with Akio around she trusted it had been kept safe, and away from Madeline and anyone that would mess with it.

Speaking of Akio, "Well about that terrorist.... Akio did not perish in that bombing. It was all to get Madeline on the throne and free himself for other exploits." The brunette said with a sigh, still smiling as she wrapped her arms around Sumiko gently, before gently running a hand down her back as a lover would. All part of the game. "He assumed that Madeline would run the nation like he did. Akio was just not aware of the grudge that Madeline held against the Inquisition over her son. Well that and the fact that Madeline long ago knew about the Inquisition well before she had the crown. Something that she should have been jailed for, given her station. Or at the very least had the memory removed from her mind. Unfortunately we did not see it in time. She was very good at keeping secrets." Mirien said with a sigh, though her face still kept with what she wished to portray, her training making her guise seamless.

Now for the most unfortunate news, "There are samples of the virus. But it's likely too late. As my sources say the particular security deposit boxes on Bonadan were cleaned out within two days of Madeline's death. So I suspect they have them already. Only positive is that Madeline was having a hard time with mass dispersal. That will take her time to develop. Which gives us a little time." She nodded, "Yes ... I was aware Miss Skaldi was an HRD some time ago, though not aware of the company. That makes sense really." Another nod, "Agreed, but we are talking about taking down a company, that rivals Firmane's and the Inquisition's Intel networks. We'll need help. Because I do not see us succeeding in this task alone."

Something was starting to bother her about the beach. Probably her paranoia. "I think we should move this conversation somewhere else." Spoken as she leaned in to nuzzle lightly at Sumiko's neck. Just playing the part, not trying to invade your space. Never know who is watching. She said brushing up against Sumiko's mind. Not that Mirien would have minded if it wasn't part of the game they needed to play. Just, she wasn't the usual type to jump right into bed. That usually took a bit of alcohol or a few dates first.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

Sumiko's eyes narrowed as she absorbed the information. It seemed this was a day where both of them would be made privy to uncomfortable revelations. The Atrisian had never been an unquestioning follower of Akio. Truth be told, her loyalty had been to the Inquisition and though she had been devoted to Atrisia as her homeland, she had cared little for who sat upon the throne. "That makes two Kahoshis to murder. One slaughtered our family and is a danger to all Force-users. The other is an irresponsible idiot who betrayed his country," she said frostily.

A brief slip in the mask, but soon it was back on again as she accepted the fake embrace Mirien had pulled her in, likewise wrapping her arms around her as a lover would. Internally she froze even more when she heard about the virus samples having vanished. "Then we must devote every effort to gaining the resources we need to take them down. I imagine you took the time to raid her lab, yes?"

Less of a question and more statement because that was Sumiko would have done. "If you acquired any of her research, maybe it will contain clues to counter her virus." There was no cure or time to administer one post-infection, but that did not rule out the possibility of preventive vaccination. She would have continued on but then she felt the same as Mirien. Maybe it was her paranoia talking, but she felt like they were being watched and she did not like it. Agreed. She gasped slightly in pleasure when the brunette nuzzled at her neck. "It's been so long. You need to tell me all about your new job, darling," she said brightly, seemingly like a lover would, then abruptly pulled Mirien into a deep, passionate kiss.
"Two, indeed." Both needed to die. Both had done grave things against their nation, against their kind whether they believed they had or not. Both she and Sumiko knew the treason.

A small smirk formed on her lips, as she lifted a brow, "Did you really expect anything less of me? I did not go to Atrisia just to shoot the queen. I had other things in mind as well." The technology and research was simply too good to pass up. Even for Mirien.

"We may want to start digging through it, or find a scientist we trust to help dig through the mess. Cause hell if I understand half the scientific jargon used." She pondered that for a moment. "May have just the person to do that, though not without risks." Elanil was always an option but then again that woman wasn't fond of force users, or anyone except the people that funded her projects. Mirien did smile at her next words, but the kiss took her a bit by surprise but she did not resist or show any outward signs of that. No doubt Sumiko would have felt the surprise ripple through Mirien.

Pulling away from the kiss, she smiled again. "Why don't we go dry off, and grab a bite to eat and I'll tell you all about it?"

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

Sumiko did feel the surprise ripple from Mirien, though she did not let it stop her as she deepened the kiss. When the former Grand Inquisitor pulled away and spoke, the Atrisian gave her a smile. "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way, dear," she said, one hand tracing down Mirien's back. Whether it was just playacting, genuine desire or both was another question. At this juncture at least she was focused on business. No, actually it was more than business. It was self-preservation.

Soon enough Sumiko, dripping wet was stepping out of the waves and onto the sandy beaches. A towel was quickly found at a beach lounge chair and she dried herself off, for she was obviously quite wet. Once she was done and Mirien was presumably ready as well, she took the woman's hand and began heading towards the small beach café.

There were a number of guests there, but it was not so crowded that privacy would not be achievable. Presumably many were still out enjoying the sun or swimming around in the lake. However, despite this Sumiko was wary. For you could never know whether the cute waitress, who was giving you a wink and whose blouse was probably showing cleavage because she hoped this would provide her with a tip, might not be a spy. Same applied to the charming water with the nice eyes. No, she was not paranoid at all. Well, actually she was. Beneath the surface, Naboo was far less tranquil and idyllic than it seemed on first sight. All these people who hoped to find a virgin world unspoiled by the harsh reality of the Galaxy were just deluding themselves. Anyhow, they would soon be seated and a waiter would take their orders. It was no coincidence that their seat allowed them to watch everyone else.
Mirien followed Sumiko out of the waters, after drying off, she picked up her bag that had been left by the lounge chair. Though she did manage a discrete sweep for bugs before she slung it over her shoulder, heading to the cafe.

Coming into the little Cafe, Mirien sighed. This still felt far too out in the open to her, but for now she was going to have to put up with it. After all she had chosen to go to the beach in the first place. And that alone came with it's own special set of risks. Risks that hadn't seemed that bad when she left home. Especially when these days, she was less involved in the galactic intelligence game. It wasn't that she didn't keep track, oh, she did. It was just that other people were the ones gathering the intell, not her. Though, she did still do the analysis of the majority of the gathered data. Just like old times.

As soon as they were seated, she reached across the table to take Sumiko's hand. "Well, darling ..." Her eyes skimmed the restaurant as discreetly as could be managed, looking for any tiny thing out of place before she turned her attention back to the woman in front of her. Truthfully she wasn't sure what she should share. It wasn't like her job title wasn't public record. "I suppose at it's simplest I just manage security and other assets within the company. Nothing major." Well, at least nothing that she'd say out loud. Disclosing what would happen to Kaeshana was not something she'd do today. "It's a lot quieter than in the old days, and the kind of things I handle has largely changed. Different, but still the same game at it's core."

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

So here they were now in the café. However, the game still continued. From one paranoid ex-spook to...another paranoid ex-spook. Pretending to be sweet and make polite conversation, while undoubtedly searching for hidden meanings and keeping the truly juicy stuff hidden. Common cause against the metal bitches did not magically produce instant friendship and perfect trust. Mirien's official position in Firemane as head of intel was a matter of public record. However, the intelligence services of private corporations were frankly even more professional and secretive than those of most nation states.

It made Sumiko wonder what 'other assets' could be. Secret weapons projects, artefacts? Firemane was not just a private company, but de facto part of the government of Kaeshana, with its own holdings and military force. Doubtless they had skeletons in the closest and it was Mirien's job to keep them hidden. Needless to say the former Inquisitor was unaware of Kaeshana's coming doom. "Sounds lovely. I imagine there's more...freedom of action than in the old, restrictive days." A coded way of saying that Mirien obviously did not have a killswitch device anymore!

"How are things with your bosses? I hear such interesting stories about them in the media. Then again, tabloid gadflies are not a reliable source of information." Rumours about Mirien's relationship to a certain Lady Kerrigan were bound to surface. "I've moved away from security work into private contracting. Artefact recovery and acquisition, translation duties. Less 'glamorous' than certain holovids would have us believe, but still quite interesting." Sumiko's...interest in arcana - including Sith arcana - was something Mirien would obviously know about. Of course, the Atrisian would not be mentioning her run-in with a certain Sith called Darth Shadow or her collaboration with Maja Vern to acquire an ancient holocron. At least not right now.
Ah the joy of having two extremely paranoid ex-spooks in one place. Such a complicated game, and such a complicated lives between them both. Mirien nodded to Sumiko. "Much more freedom. Admittedly I threw those shackles off some time ago." Hinting that she got rid of that fun little device before she got into Firemane.

"You'd be surprised how much is at least based in fact. Even if they get all the details wrong." She gave a small shrug sipping from her glass of water as she spotted someone across the cafe paying them a little too much mind. Her eyes darted back to Sumiko but for now she waited, merely wanting to confirm before she did something about it. "Private contracting, it pays the bills at least, even if it isn't so glamorous."

Her attention once more was drawn to that same man sitting behind a paper, seeming to be reading but she could feel his eyes upon them every so often. There's a man in the far corner on the right. The one behind the part. He's been paying a lot of attention to us. Too much for just simple curiosity.She said as she brushed up against Sumiko's mind.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

"Indeed. Some assignments were quite thrilling though. You can imagine how much arcana has flooded the market recently. Most of it is counterfeit, of course. Or crude imitation. And the serious stuff...well, it mostly comes down to children playing with toys far beyond their simple minds," Sumiko said.

However, much like Mirien she had noticed the interloper. The man was seemingly hiding behind his paper, but sneaking glances at them every so often. Her mechu-deru senses tingled, as they always did in the presence of tech, and she picked up on the presence of a datapad. He was probably trying to record what they were saying or sending messages to his bosses. Agreed. Two can play at this game. It was time to draw upon the awesome - and rather poorly defined - magical power of technomancy.

Mechu-deru boiled down to doing weird things to machines through use of space magic. Apparently some people could use it to mind control legions of droids. Well, Sumiko could not do that, but she had fancy tricks of her own, which she put to good use when she pulled at the tangled web of the Force and then deployed her power. It was comparable to the way a surgeon acted rather than a butcher, somewhat akin to a mystical computer virus, which would slowly infect the man's datapad. The action would come surprising and in small doses, making countermeasures even more difficult. Step by step, she would insert a Trojan to infect the system and track him, then move on to being able to read his messages. Outwardly Sumiko carried on as normal and as if she had noticed nothing.
Mirien smiled sweetly, "I can imagine." A nod followed, understanding too well about the minds of the usual children who toyed in such things.

Do let me know if you find anything. I suspect we'll need to grab him anyway. There's a safe house not far from here we can take him to. She whispered to Sumiko's mind. Let's see if he follows us out, as I bet he will. Would rather grab him in the alley behind the cafe if we can manage it. Quieter that way. It paid to know the lay of the land when out in about in a world of intrigue and spies.

Reaching into her pocket, she withdrew more than enough credit chips to pay for their drinks, and laid them on the table. Pulling on Sumiko's arm, she attempted to pull her up, and draw her into a deep kiss. Looking like an all too eager couple who couldn't wait to get back to their place.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

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