Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Death Shall Rise a Man and the Shell Reclaimed

From Death Shall Rise a Man and the Shell Reclaimed (Armor Dev Tread)

A lonely home sat in the fields on Mandalore. No one was home this night and no one would be home till the next afternoon. A single person approached the house. They made there way up to the front door and stopped there.

A hardweaved bodygloved hand tapped the code panel and entered a series of numbers. There was a affirmative beep and the door slid open. The stranger entered the house and slowly walked towards the back room taking in everything in sight. The stranger stopped at the master bedroom and opened the door.

Immediately the stranger was assaulted with the strong smell of incense. Inside the room in the back corner sat a mantle with a holo pic of a man in his 40s. Along side this were other personal affects that belonged to the man. Above the picture and affects sat a set of mangled mandalorian beskar'gam.

The armor was dusted but not cleaned. There were blood stains from long ago. The stains were visible on wounds in the abdomen armor and some other spots. But the killing blow was reviled by the crusting the upper right of the chest plate and most of the lower right side of the helm. Most of the armor in these spots was missing. It wasn't hard to see how this man was killed.
The stranger approached the mantle and took a knee in front of it. The stranger sat there for a few seconds before picking up afew items off the mantle. Standing up, leaving the room, and shutting the door the stranger made his way to the last room in the house.

This room was was similar to the first. An incense burned and a mantle was adored with a smaller and not as damaged set of armor than the first. There were many personal affects and a vase with a flower in it. The picture on this one showed a young man with a punk styled haircut and a face free of marks of war.

The stranger grabbed the incenses and put them out in the flower vase. Opening a duffle bag the stranger put the armor and everything else in the duffle. He then went around the room putting alot of the objects in the bag too. Looking around one last time the stranger shut the door and left the house. Walking away into the darkness.
The stranger walked for aways until he reached a speeder hidden behind some bushes. The bike was just some standard speeder bike that was rented from a company a few towns away. Getting on the speeder the stranger removed the balaclava he had been wearing. Now revealed from behind the mask was a young man with a punk style haircut very similar to the picture inside the house. The only diferancd was this face had many many scares and didnt look as young as he had in the photograph.

Stowing all the stuff that had been taken from the house on the back of the bike. The stranger dawned a biking helmet and started the long drive back to the town were he'd rented the bike. He would never again go back to his old home. There was nothing left there for him.
Getting back into town around midday Kango pulled his rented speeder around to a local bar and grill. Walking to a booth in the back of the restaurant he ordered a light meal with a beer. No one payed him any mind as he sat there waiting on his food. He didn't really know were to go from here.

It had been a whole year since his fathers death. Last night was the first and last time he'd been in his home since then. Everyone here thought he was dead, but it had only been his father who'd died. They had both been hiding behind the same piece of cover when the rocket had hit that day.

It had just been another paid war by some big army. Him and his father were just another couple of mercenaries paid to fight in a war that meant nothing. That day there had been heavy fighting. Both he and his father had already been hit. His father had been hit in the gut by a slug and shoulder by a blaster. He himself had taken a slug to the knee and was unable to walk. His father had dragged him to the wall after he'd been hit.

They'd sat there taking out alot of the enemy, but they had sat in one place for too long. It was his fault. He had been reaching for a fresh magazine that his father was passing him when the rocket hit. It killed his father instantly and knocked him out.
Just then his food came along with a nice cold beer. While eating his little meal he began to think back on everything that had happened that previous year just after he'd been knocked out. When he came back to conscious he found himself in a room that had good sized portions of the wall missing from previous firefights. He had no armor and no weapons so he assumed he'd been captured and he tried to escape. Attempting to stand his right knee gave out on him and when he tried catching himself he fell flat on his face. He laid there in disbelief. His whole left arm had been severed. He also noticed just then that he was looking with only one eye. His left eye and left side of his face had been shrapneled and done extensive damage.

Apon hearing his tumble a woman quickly entered the room with her sidearm drawn ready to kill anyone on site. This woman was none other than his fathers best friend and long time comrade [member="Sabra Eaxii"]. After seeing it was only Kango that had caused the commotion she put up her sidearm and relaxed. She calmed him down and moved him back to the floor mattress he'd been laying on. She started to tell him what happened after he'd gotten knocked out while she removed the bloody bandages and applied fresh ones.

She'd been fighting a couple houses down from were Kango and his father had been and had kept good communication with them all day. Unbeknownst to her that they'd been hit with the rocket she had tried to communicate with his father and when she received no reply she got worried and went to go look for the father and son team. It didn't take her long to find them. She immediately noticed Kango's father was dead with most of his upper right portion of his body gone. She immediately went to work on Kango to try to save his life. She stipped off all his armor and started to quickly patch him up. He hadn't been all too bad but he had lost alot of blood. The only thing that had saved his life was that he had two hearts.

Out of luck or misfortune when she finished medicing him she came under fire. She threw him over her shoulder, leaving all the gear behind, and got away from the battle. With them now behind the main front she took him to a house that she could easily defend and patched him up as best as she could. Both of them ended up holding the position for afew days, Sabra did most of the defending while he slept, until reinforcements were able to reach them and they were able to medevac.
Unfortunately for them they'd been employed by the loosing party. Any of the mercenaries that hadn't gotten paid never would and any that were found involved in the war were executed. The only good thing that came from the war was one of the peace treaty agreements. It was that the now ruling party was to return the corpses and belongings of those who had died in the war to the families. This went pretty well without too much looting having been done.

Though for the exmercenaries it didn't seem too great. Sabra and him ended up getting stuck on the planet for almost a year and all the while they had to hide there true identities. Unfortunately he had to spend half of those months sleeping and bedridden as his wounds healed. Sabra and a retired medic took care of him till his arm healed and strapped him with a cheap POS replacements for his arm and eye. Sabra paid for most things as she landed a great job as a manager for a big merchant company. When he himself could work he worked manly as a cook for a restaurant with a few odd jobs in between shifts. They were both saving up enough credits to get themselves off world.

While they were hold down on the planet he was always thinking that he had shamed his family. To him honor was one the best virtues as a Mandalorian warrior. He and his ancestors before him all fallowed the old ways of the Mandalor. He would rather be dead before he ever showed dishonor. The day after he received his replacement limbs he swore that he'd never shame his family again. To do this he believed he had to separate himself from them forever. They were to never to see him again.

He told Sabra his plan and even though she didn't like it she swore to pretend she'd never scene him. Eventually they earned enough credits that they could both leave the planet for Mandalore. At the last moment Sabra declined to not leave the planet and stay at her job. She gave all her trip money to him saying he'd need it more than her. After attempting but failing to decline the extra money he took the credits and bought a few things for what he planed to do once he got back to his home world.
His plan had worked so far and he had accomplished what he wanted to. Placing his plate and bottle ant the end of the table he went up and paid for his meal, he made sure to leave what little credits he had left as a tip to his waitress. After he left he made his way farther into town to the creds station and checked his account balance. Reading the balance he almost had a heart attack.

It read a windfall amount of money. His mother must not have given up on him being alive and left him with most, if not all, of his fathers money and possessions. He transferred all of it to his personal credstick. It was time to get some stuff done with this new assets.

The first place he went was a private garage and storage center. Walking through the gate he made his way to a garage. Hopefully they hadn't changed the codes. Entering his personal code the lock disengaged and he pressed the Open Door button. The door opened to the garage and he made his way to the back were something big and long sat under a tarp.

Pulling off the tarp slowly so the dust wouldn't touch the thing underneath. It revealed a custom speeder bike. It was his personal bike he'd modified and painted himself. Gathering up the rest of the stuff in the garage he loaded it on his bike and drove out of the facility. His next stop would be his most important and a costly one.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Kango Fett"]

Basaba looked up when she had received information, someone was asking for help and she could work with that while tinkering. The shoulder mount for chai la to use on their armor systems was heavy and took up a back back slot while she moved over some of the things. They were working on it to have a more focused weapon head using the reishi tubes as she spoke tinkering with it and her armor was on display. The heavy armor with more built in weapons then many knew what to do with or use here in their warehouse. "When he arrives let him in." The multicolored armored forms of the bladesisters were standing around as they worked on other projects. Getting the cerberus with a new manufacturer in Chai La since it had expended was an important part of it all. These shoulder weapons and after they had developed the horak rifle into a scary ten in one weapon system that was lightweight and able to resist lightsabers... well she was more then happy with their work.
Kango had everything he owned loaded onto his bike. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it wasn't much. He needed to find a place to stay once he was done with this. They're was so much that he needed to plan for. But he was ready for it, hopefully.

He had some awesome music on in his helmet and was head banging as he drove to the coordinates he'd been provided. He slowed his bike down and sat up in his seat. In his view was a large industrial warehouse with a big cargo ship outside. By the looks of it they were testing out equipment.

He pulled up to the building and powered down his bike. Getting off he removed his ridding helmet. He looked much different than he used to. The scars had harded his face and made him look older than he used to. He dismounted and grabbed the rucksack that held his damaged armor. As he started heading towards the door two bladesisters came out and walked up to him. They checked his identification and he handed them his weapons. He handed them a Ranger's Field Pistol and Ori'buyce Kal. They then guided him into the building.

@Basada Willamina

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Kango Fett"]

Basaba stayed where she was working with some of the things, they were dusting off and bringing their war droids out of mothballs to well improve upon them. Change out the beskar allow for hybrid plexiplast a very nice mixture if they could do it of the material needed to make it superior against blades, blasters and lightsabers, emp and concussion impact was another thing it could be protected against. THen they could overhaul the weapon and add more to it, some launchers, some thrusters, some impressive levels of customization for just what they could do and she was wanting to start working towards making this ancient beast a massive force on the battlefield for going from space to ground and being picked up again. She looked at the one who arrived and grabbed a chain dropping down while herself and the other sisters were there with their attention. "Welcome vod, what do you need?"
"Hello Vod. I was needing my armor overhauled."

Reaching into the duffle bag he pulled out his destroyed helmet. The left side of it was torn apart and riddled with shrapnel. The rest of the armor was also destroyed and covered in dried blood. The damage to the armor showed on his scared and damaged body. His prospects were the same standard replacements, nothing special. Holding the helmet with his poor prospect left arm he rubbed his head nervously and smiled.

"I know it's bad and I don't know how much of it is recoverable but please try to save as much as you can. Money's not a issue so whatever upgrades and extra stuff you wana do you can." [member="Basaba Willamina"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Kango Fett"]

Basaba was looking at hima nd then at the armor as he brought it out. Her eyes flicking around checking out all of it so she could get a better idea of what they had and what they would be able to do. "It is quite alright." She said it seeing some more of the damage before motioning over to check out some parts of it along with some sections where they could start making some mocked up parts to it. She wanted to go for the full overhaul and they had some equipment with that including but not limited to well the beefed up parts of the internal weapon systems. She had for tech heads a twenty two n one weapon system that was made to be interchangablke, shoulder cannons, built in stealth system and they could even get some weapons for smashing through walkers. "We got all sorts of toys for armor."
As requested he pulled out different sections of the armor setting them out on a table. Most of what was left was sitting on the table spread as if being worn. The whole left arm section was gone and pretty much everything was damaged.

"We got all sorts of toys for armor."

He smiled at the thought of everything the armor could be. He could finally get good stealth and recon armor that would have awesome protection and integrated systems that he could do everything from.

"I'd like to be able to see and control everything thats mine from within the armor but also have it light and stealthy enough to do recon in.

He could see it monitoring his vitals, a fully controlled HUD and systems, and even controlling his vehicles from the palm of his hand. Speaking of which he looked down at his poor prospect hand and flexed his fingers. He looked around and saw all the robots.

"Do you think you could build me a new arm and eye to replace these pieces of sith?"

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Kango Fett"]

She was looking at many more parts of it, where they could check it. Building up the components would come in handy as she thought about what they could do. "We can use the advanced weapon systems in the arms, have one of the stealth units on the belt and give it gravity leveling technology which will let you move around at directions others can't. With the proper training and once you get used to it you could carry more equipment but still have it weigh a fraction the weight of another soldier." A small look on her face though while she had a grin. "There may be some other small improvements. We have been working on new firespray models and circuits to slave them to be recalled and automated attack or protection."
"We can use the advanced weapon systems in the arms, have one of the stealth units on the belt and give it gravity leveling technology which will let you move around at directions others can't. With the proper training and once you get used to it you could carry more equipment but still have it weigh a fraction the weight of another soldier. There may be some other small improvements. We have been working on new firespray models and circuits to slave them to be recalled and automated attack or protection." [member="Basaba Willamina"]

"Anything that can increase my combat effectiveness. Here's this."

He held out a cred stick to her.

"This is a blank stick. You can buy whatever you want with it and it should be covered as long as your not buying a freighter. Ive also included a list of stuff I'd like added to the armor but if you think somethings better or anything I missed go ahead and add it too. Are there any measurements or bio data you need from me?"

He had a lot of work and moving he needed to do. Plus he needed to upgrade his armory and go grocery shopping.

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