Active Member
From Death Shall Rise a Man and the Shell Reclaimed (Armor Dev Tread)
A lonely home sat in the fields on Mandalore. No one was home this night and no one would be home till the next afternoon. A single person approached the house. They made there way up to the front door and stopped there.
A hardweaved bodygloved hand tapped the code panel and entered a series of numbers. There was a affirmative beep and the door slid open. The stranger entered the house and slowly walked towards the back room taking in everything in sight. The stranger stopped at the master bedroom and opened the door.
Immediately the stranger was assaulted with the strong smell of incense. Inside the room in the back corner sat a mantle with a holo pic of a man in his 40s. Along side this were other personal affects that belonged to the man. Above the picture and affects sat a set of mangled mandalorian beskar'gam.
The armor was dusted but not cleaned. There were blood stains from long ago. The stains were visible on wounds in the abdomen armor and some other spots. But the killing blow was reviled by the crusting the upper right of the chest plate and most of the lower right side of the helm. Most of the armor in these spots was missing. It wasn't hard to see how this man was killed.
A lonely home sat in the fields on Mandalore. No one was home this night and no one would be home till the next afternoon. A single person approached the house. They made there way up to the front door and stopped there.
A hardweaved bodygloved hand tapped the code panel and entered a series of numbers. There was a affirmative beep and the door slid open. The stranger entered the house and slowly walked towards the back room taking in everything in sight. The stranger stopped at the master bedroom and opened the door.
Immediately the stranger was assaulted with the strong smell of incense. Inside the room in the back corner sat a mantle with a holo pic of a man in his 40s. Along side this were other personal affects that belonged to the man. Above the picture and affects sat a set of mangled mandalorian beskar'gam.
The armor was dusted but not cleaned. There were blood stains from long ago. The stains were visible on wounds in the abdomen armor and some other spots. But the killing blow was reviled by the crusting the upper right of the chest plate and most of the lower right side of the helm. Most of the armor in these spots was missing. It wasn't hard to see how this man was killed.