Keepin Corellia Weird
Location: Spacers Rift Cantina - Kal'Shebbol, Kathol Outback
It was not terribly often that he remembered things clearly these days. With what amounted to three lives worth of memories in his head, what was real and what was vision was almost inseparable. But never-the-less, he remembered @Jorus Merril. In every aspect, he was a leader and a person to be near. Things just happened around the man. In some he was a dear, close friend who he would struggle to picture being without the support of. In others, just a passing business associate. But regardless the circumstance, him calling an air strike on himself and nearly dying was a bad thing. The man who pulled him out to safety? That man would have the Green Jedis' gratitude. So, after making sure Jorus was on the mend, he had sent a wave to this [member="Alkor Centaris"]. The name rang alarm bells in his head, and old memories ran it as a hated person, a vile criminal. But, again... The mind of his own life had went astray.. How much of it could he trust as being this reality. None of it really, not fully. Besides. There were few who he couldn't beat if he absolutely needed to. Not with his blade anyway. In this Cantina, he wore it proudly on his belt, next to his MP1.
Waiting, he kicked his chair back against the wall and grabbed a bottle of some local vintage. It had a cork, so he bit it out and spat it into his hand, flipping it like a shell casing for a rifle, threading it from finger to finger before plopping it on the table, pouring a straight glass of the booze, and raising it to sniff. Thick, heavy liquid. Dark color. Spice notes. Heavy sugar smell, almost a syrup. A black rum, and poorly made at that. But it was a favorite of local spacers, so he slugged it back and grinned at the man who had sent it to him. Probably wanting to learn about where he had been. About the tattoos at the base of his neck and across his torso.
But that was between him and the Aing-Tii, the Monks. He was here to meet [member="Alkor Centaris"], and not overly much else concerned him at present.