Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Embers to Ashes

Location: Corellia, Random Location
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Open

Her head continued to throb with intense pain. One instant Shanalex was feeling agitated, angry, and betrayed. The next as she tried to get away, something shot some invisible strike not at her body, but within Shanalex's mind instead. When her collection of memories once whole and organized was suddenly shattered into many pieces. Everything she once knew was scattered into the void of her mind. Suddenly she couldn't remember who she was, what she was doing, where she came from, or how she managed to jump from the depths of her personal flagship to Corellia.

The dark haired woman grimaced as she instinctively placed a hand at her side. Her hand was slick with blood, her blood, as something had pierced her side. The woman was beyond furious, and yet she could not recall who she was furious with. Why was she angry? Was she angry at someone or at something? The woman couldn't recall as nothing came to her. Ultimately, her thought process came down to one thing. Who was she? For that she did not know.

The woman found herself surrounded by wilderness, one of many forests of Corellia. She felt like she came to this planet with a purpose. Something akin to a safety net, but for what? She was incredibly confused as she still tenderly gripped at her side. The young lady felt weak and light headed due to blood loss. All she could do, or think was to make the blood stay within her body. To keep herself from dying. Intense heat began to form within her hand, and she found herself with the wind knocked out of her lungs as her legs crumbled underneath her. Sending her to the ground as she grimaced due to the burning sensation crept around the puncture wound. As the heat cauterizes the wound from the inside out.

However she still felt incredibly weak as she struggled to crawl up to a tree amidst the forest. She couldn't recall who she was, where she came from, or even how she ended up like this. The confusion was perhaps the only thing distracting her of how much pain she was in.

//: Shanalex Shanalex //:
The forests of Corellia had flourished since the breaking of the planet almost twenty years ago. Allyson rarely found time to retreat into the quietness of this part of the planet. Her mind wandered to her padawan-ship while in the Silver Jedi. She remembered the fruitless attempts of her Master and best friend to try and teach the Corellian to sit still, to meditate. Silence and being surrounded by the living Force helped center a Jedi. A place that Allyson could rarely find.

Yet, with everything, she needed to find it sooner rather than later.

"Okay. Let's try this again." Allyson jumped in place and rolled her shoulders back, trying to work out any extra energy that would prevent her ability to connect to the living Force around her. Finding a tree stump, the woman sat down, her legs crossed over campfire style. She exhaled and let her mind relax and settle, reaching out into the void of the Force. Everything was peaceful, and Allyson could find herself finding that rhythm a Jedi Master needed for meditation.

Suddenly, the Force screamed and cracked. Hazel eyes shooting open only saw the greenery of the forest. There was a heavy disturbance in the Force, and Allyson stood on the stump. "What the…" She mumbled and reached back, drawing her bow while the other went for an arrow, drawing the arrow and string taut. She quickly moved through the trees and came across the bloodied figure of the woman. The drawn raised weapon lowered - instinct calming.

"Oh my Force, what happened to you?" Allyson stowed her weapon and ran towards the woman; a hand glowed warm, using the Force to heal the terrible wounds that the woman had sustained. A quick examination and Allyson did her best to heal what she could, but they needed to get to a medical center right away.

Little did she know that this woman was someone she knew from her past in the Empire.

"Ma'am? What's your name? What are you doing out here?"
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

There was a presence that she felt approaching, but what was this feeling? It didn't feel like something her eyes or ears to pick up. Rather it felt like a… bubble within her mind? It was hard to explain, but she felt it nonetheless. She heard the sound of leaves no sooner than she felt the presence. Yet it was a struggle just to stay conscious as she didn't have any energy left to really acknowledge whoever was nearby.

It wasn't until Allyson was next to her with a glowing hand. Something within the woman stirred, like some parasite inside of her tried to shy away from the light. But it was hard to do that without opening up her wound again and frankly she didn't have the strength to lift her hand. The feeling of her vital energy accelerating to speed up the recovery process was a relief, and yet something was strangely slowing down the healing as Allyson might pick up. Like something was trying to resist the wound from being healed. She said something, but it was only then that the woman found her head feeling light and a buzz sensation that made it difficult to really understand what was being said. Save for the one word: Name.

Her name… there was a reflexive response, something she wouldn't have to think about, and yet she found herself silent as a frown crossed her features. What was her name again? It was something that felt familiar, like it was said thousands of times, more than she cared to keep count. It was like she attempted to conjure a memory of where and what her name was. Everything within her mind was in disarray however, and therefore she found it difficult to remember. So many memories broken into pieces, and all of those pieces were out of order within the timeline. Pieces of pain, sorrow, and hate lingered throughout most of her fragmented memories.

Then, a memory of her in a dark room with shelves of tomes lined up along the walls as she sat at a lone desk. Her eyes focused on the pages, and yet she couldn't remember what she was reading. Some glyphs, writing, but the injured woman couldn't recall what each symbol meant. There was a voice, distant, familiar, and it brought a sense of respect and humility. Who was it? The figure that spoke was shrouded in darkness, barely a silhouette could be made. Why couldn't she remember who it was? She felt like she should know, but strangely she could not conjure the image.

"My… name?" Confusion was obvious in her words as she was uncertain if her expressions weren't indicator enough. The corruption within her eyes gradually faded, as the once golden lenses slowly changed into the pair of green eyes. The kind of green that was vibrant as the healthiest tree leaf. Then, she remembered what the voice had said, and how she felt when she was addressed.

"I am… Shanalex Rayelou…" She struggled to say that much before her consciousness slipped and her body went limp. Shallow breathing could be seen or heard from her, but she lacked the energy to keep herself awake. Her garments, aside from the bloodied tear on her blouse, consisted of black and red coloration. A solid red, leather coat kept her warm, yet underneath was a blouse of red silk with black writing on them. A mixture of Ancient Sith language and sorcery of course, and the front open skirt was tattered at the ends. Revealing a pair of thigh high black leather boots with brass buckles. Least to say she wasn't dressed as if she was expecting a fight, but clipped onto her belt was the handle of what might have been the size of a shoto, but it's slightly curved as well. Held tightly with one arm over her chest, originally hidden under her coat, was a tome with pages sticking out from the top. Of course, Shanalex wouldn't be able to recall exactly why she kept the book for she didn't even know she was holding onto it.

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