Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Here to There

Undisclosed Space Station
Somewhere Near Coruscant Space
[member="Jared Ovmar"]

En route to There, now stuck wherever Here happened to be. This was the sort of life Fennec lead - always between here and there and never, ever, anywhere of significance. The constant romaing from station to station, startport to starport was what sustained her. There were always people needing things done, needing things fixed, and it was typically the latter that supported her bad habits and migrant lifestyle.

A credit here, a meal there, sometimes a full tank of fuel for her ship. She wasn't picky, so long as the work kept coming.

Idleness, she hated it.

So here she was, on her back beneath the belly of a grounded and dilapidated freighter, pulling wires chewed through by mynocks clear of the hull plating. It was a lucky break for her - and hopefully would be enough to get her along the final leg of her journey to There.
The Admiralty
Undisclosed Space Station
Near Coruscant Space

Sometimes people liked to claim that Ovmar didn’t do anything, that he simply strolled to life with an unlimited supply of cash, women on his arm and power at his beckoning - this was probably true. Think about it this way, when you are a Sith Lord with the capability to destroy worlds by uttering a single word and when you had enough money to -buy- said planet with three words, would you really busy yourself with some 9 to 5 job at the daily kiosk?

The answer to that, obviously, is a no. But with that being said, sometimes Jared liked to get out for a while and simply rummage through the Galaxy, see the sights, maybe find a good opportunity for some of the companies owned by him, you know the usual.

Today he found himself on some backwater station close to Coruscant, backwater and yet it presented some form of opportunity. In the past it had actually been a small refitting station for the smaller-scale ships, but with the Republic pulling back into their core-worlds and the Sith invading deep into Republic-space? That quickly got out of profit, and so the former owner sold it off to another guy who simply turned it into a refueling depot slash ‘place where you can get wasted, when you are tired of traveling’-station.

A mouthful if anything.

Jared figured this could be a wise investment, either the Sith would steamroll the Republic further and unite the space under one rule, or the Republic would finally show some teeth and take their lost territory back. Either way, a station in a strategic position (with some nifty modular capabilities) could come in handy right around then.

So he bought it, obviously.

The Sith Lord was about to depart when he noticed this girl beneath the freighter, and if there was anything that Jared like it was- well you know. He lit up a cigarette and walked over to the ship and the would-be engineer beneath it, addressing her.

Miss, I just bought this station. Would you like a fresh drink on the house?

An original opening line, if anything.
Elbow-deep in grime and unwraveling a rather wily knotting of poorly-fitted cables in the undercarriage of the vessel, Fennec didn't notice the shoes that had approached. She did, however, notice the smell of the cigarette only moments after it flared to life. Bleary blue-green eyes looked out from the shadow of the hulking freighter and blinked up at the face of a man who was entirely too smug for his own good.

There was little thought put towards the matter. A drink on the house?

"Yes," she replied, "when I finish."

The blearly eyes disappeared as she pulled herself further under the metallic beast. Near [member="Jared Ovmar"]'s feet several tools scuttled past him off their own accord. A man of his measure would sense the Force, easily. Several minutes ticked by before the woman rolled herself out into the open and slowly stood up. She stank of engine oil and electricity.

A meager effort was used to wipe her face clean with a nearby rag, which worked only enough to reveal an otherwise healthy-ish sort of human being underneath all the grime. As healthy as Fennec would ever be, which was to say ... questionable?

She moved with a shrug passed the man and up the freighter ramp, disappearing inside without a word. Shortly after the engines of the ship gave a guttural rumble, chugged thrice, then quickly died down again. When next she appeared Fennec had in her hands several credit chits that she immediately shoved into a pocket of her black cargo pants. Grabbing a bag, a jacket, and several other affects, the woman turned to Jared and gave a curt nod.

"Ready for that drink. Do you have another?" she eyed the cigarette in his mouth, "I'm all out."

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