RC 212
Location: Tatooine
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Tatooine seemed an acceptable location to begin. A major hub or trade and commerce in the Outer Rim, and rife with spacers and scum of all types. This was without a doubt the easiest of all places to blend into. And blend Vassara did. She was wearing her homespun Tusken Raider cloak, pulled tight around her, to conceal her spacers jacket.
Her shotgun as usual was poking out from a sheath on her back and her bantha leather gunbelt hung loosely on her black trouser clad hips, beneath the cloak. the cantina was seedy, two levels, a round bar at the top level and a lot of old chairs and tables at the lower. Brown mud walls, a horrible band, and a motley crew of armored baddies among the smoke filled den of corruption rounded her out.
She had been in contact with an associate from the Underground, Coren Starchaser. Another Warden much like herself. Both family bloodlines had plenty of pilots in them, though Vassara's legacy was rather new amongst the galaxy, being the first of her name to break free of the freighter business after her family was all but slaughtered on Alderaan.
Coren and her had arranged a meeting to discuss a mutual occupation of theirs. A secret order few knew about, and even fewer were able to handle. Being a Warden.
So there she sat, under the name of Emma Rose, musing in the corner...
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Tatooine seemed an acceptable location to begin. A major hub or trade and commerce in the Outer Rim, and rife with spacers and scum of all types. This was without a doubt the easiest of all places to blend into. And blend Vassara did. She was wearing her homespun Tusken Raider cloak, pulled tight around her, to conceal her spacers jacket.
Her shotgun as usual was poking out from a sheath on her back and her bantha leather gunbelt hung loosely on her black trouser clad hips, beneath the cloak. the cantina was seedy, two levels, a round bar at the top level and a lot of old chairs and tables at the lower. Brown mud walls, a horrible band, and a motley crew of armored baddies among the smoke filled den of corruption rounded her out.
She had been in contact with an associate from the Underground, Coren Starchaser. Another Warden much like herself. Both family bloodlines had plenty of pilots in them, though Vassara's legacy was rather new amongst the galaxy, being the first of her name to break free of the freighter business after her family was all but slaughtered on Alderaan.
Coren and her had arranged a meeting to discuss a mutual occupation of theirs. A secret order few knew about, and even fewer were able to handle. Being a Warden.
So there she sat, under the name of Emma Rose, musing in the corner...