Rain poured outside the townhouse on Bastion where Vereshin waited to receive an Acolyte of the Sith. One troubled by the spirits of her past and seeking his assistance in binding the ghosts to her will. Every once in a while, the mystical Sith moved away from science to focus on more inexplicable and esoteric forces. A candle on the windowsill sat next to the peering eyes of his cat, who gazed with a disconcerting glare onto the civilians outside. The discrete orange flame welcomed Shalla to the door.Vereshin's servant arrived to greet Shalla and lead her into upstairs living room. The sorcerer himself, assimilated numbers at the desk beneath the window. A geometric chart splayed wide across the surface and beneath the roll of his pen. Arcane trinkets and spheres of dark energy decorated the house and books of magic and science strewn across surfaces, crowding shelves and space. From his desk, Vereshin kept his eyes diverted the lines of the chart and waved a hand over his back in a gesture of dismissal, sending his servant away.
Moving around, he turned to face Shalla and removed his glasses, sliding them into the collar of his black cardigan, which he wore over a dark grey shirt and suit pants. His bare feet padded across the floorboards as he rose to greet her and the thin tattoo of an inverted triangle stood in sharp contrast against his pallid skin above the jutting bone of his ankle. His black fluffy cat, who he had named Marka balanced on the windowsill and strode past the arcane devices. Vereshin kept an eye on him to make sure he did not knock over the candle.
"Welcome Acolyte, my name is Vereshin. You may call me Vi if you like." Vereshin offered his usual coy smile and reached over to pick up his cat as he walked closer to the candle. He hugged the ragdoll to his face and stroked his ears, setting him down on the lounge and drawing his attention back to Shalla. "I am just preparing your first series of spells." He explained and brushed the fur off his clothes. "Please, sit down." He waved a hand over the lounge and gestured to the Acolyte to make herself comfortable.
"Please tell me more about the spirits who are haunting you and I will certainly assist you in removing or manipulating them, whichever you desire." Vereshin strode over to the chair next to the lounge and sat down next to Shalla. He maintained an elusive lifestyle and rarely offered his services as a necromancer unless a client approached him with a situation which truly interested him. As he allowed Shalla to gather her thoughts, he combed the energy surrounding her and tried to detect the invasive presences.
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