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Private From One Warlord to Another

In Umbris Potestas Est
Valkoryen Valkoryen
Unknown Regions

It was quite rare for Onrai to be fortunate enough to have a true precognitive moment. Certainly there was much she knew, particularly about things forbidden to most in the past and in the present, but the future, fickle as it was, still remained elusive. She had experienced some moments, such as her prediction to the wraith of Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze that they would one day meet again on Tython amidst the return of Solipsis, but the strength of this particular one was, to say the least, unexpected.

Thus it was that the cubic construct Onrai often used as a manifestation for space travel was yet on its way through the Unknown Regions. She had seen a crossing set of stars, and sought to reach the specific point in space where the night sky was yet visible to her exactly as she had seen.


"Scanners detect a lifeform, Captain Sire."

That was unexpected. It was even unlikely. They were en route back to their home routes from a meeting and it was more than strange that they met anyone, let alone a mere lifeform without a ship out here in this remote area. Was it an ambush, a trap? If it was or not, the combat-protocols demanded the response all the same.

"On screen, Ensign. Shields up, power up the batteries. And open a channel to the Lord Triumvir, He needs to be informed."

The commands of the captain came a mere heartbeat after his thoughts, spoken in a calm and controlled voice directing the bridge crew as they have done many dozens, even hundreds of times before. And they were working as efficiently as they have before, the crews of the Fallen Order were not drafted idiots or pressed refusers, they were well trained and had collected their stripes in various engagements. The communications officer turned to confirm that a channel has been opened, a confirmation unnecessary as the captain had it on his own screen.

"Triumvir Tyrael, Sire. I apologise the unscheduled disturbance, but we have an unidentified lifeform ahead. Shall I alert the fleet and engage or do You prefer to inspect it Yourself?" The Captain was confident but left no doubt who was in charge in this conversation.

After a heartbeat or two of silence, the deep voice responded. "Hold course but keep distance, hail it, I will be on the bridge in five minutes."

In Umbris Potestas Est
Valkoryen Valkoryen

The cube continued to float as the enemy ships approached it. The hail was noted as having been received or acknowledged, but there was no verbal response, at least not yet. The mass of the cube was easily that of a battlecruiser, though it had no visible weapons to speak of - just a scaled exterior whose gaps were filled with oozing ichor. The cube continued to sit there statically, before it transmitted an incredibly powerful, incredibly loud, and incredibly horrific burst transmission across every frequency. The transmission would be broad spectrum enough that even short-range comms in people's helmets, or their handheld communicators, would receive it as well.



Urienz was entirely unphased by the second the transmission echoed through the systems, His violet gaze simply set on the comms-officer who shut it off immediately and limited the input to his console. The man was listening but he simply shook his head after a few moments. "No identifiable message, no encryption known, Sire."

With that Urienz returned His gaze to the screen where the unknown object or subject was. The galaxy was far and wide, it was full of strange occurences and phenomena, it was chaotic at heart and that was what His people were meant to be doing: bring order and rip out the anarchy. It was a delay and He was not fond of being delayed. He did not enjoy the feeling of being out of control at all.

"Launch two fighters, vicinity scan. Run a complete scan of the object from here as well. Keep hailing it. Arm guns and missiles. Once the scans are complete and do not yield any result, open fire."

The crew got to work after every sentence was finished and not two minutes later, two fighters would rush out of one of the hangars and towards the object.

In Umbris Potestas Est
The great cube in question did not react in the slightest to the fighters, though it did turn towards the flagship, almost as if it was the head of some great and unseen creature that looked at the beings on the bridge. While the fighter scanned the cube, a form began to manifest on the bridge of the ship - shadowed, wraithlike, a vaguely feminine form comprised of the purest darkness, whose only true distinctive features barring the outline of a woman were the two pale milky orbs that gazed over at the warlord in question.

"I am Onrai, Queen of the Stars and beneficent goddess of the galaxy. I have come a long way to meet you." She said. "The universe spoke and said to come - so it was that I have arrived, to invite you to a greater future."

Valkoryen Valkoryen


The crew was not shocked or awed or in any other way incapacitated by the appearance of a creature in their midst. Those working at stations, actually continued doing so, following their discipline and upholding their duty. They were feeling the presence and they were certainly not relaxed if they had been before. The captain himself stared at the being with narrowed eyes as he remained on his throne, quickly tapping on several runes on his keyboard.

On the bridge itself was a squad of guards, warriors of the Black Legion, clad in the armor which gave the unit its name. Their weapons came up as soon as the materialisation process became obvious, their blasters aiming directly at it as they moved to various angles but did not approach. They were silent and professional, there was no doubt about their training nor their ability in the way they moved and handled the situation.

Two warriors from either flank of the Triumvir moved forward, drawing long blades and moving into an opening guard from which they could both attack and defend if the being should decide to do so as well. Their long red tabards resembled that of the Triumvir, their armor a lesser version of His, their longswords similarly crafted.

But amidst the activity and feeling of urgency, of alarm, Urienz remained absolutely unmoved. He emitted a presence of calmness and authority which overshadowed everyone else in the room like a sun outshined a flashlight. His simple standing and observation of the situation suggested that He felt neither intimidated nor actually surprised by the ongoings.

"The Galaxy offers a great many beneficiaries. Just as many as it holds gods and destroyers. What do you seek on My ship, Onrai Onrai ?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
“You.” The shade said. “Your ships. Your men. There is no reason to continue to languish in the obscurity of the Unknown Regions when there are much greater worlds to conquer, greater legacies to be written, and greater foes to be vanquished.” She replied. “In the core of the galaxy, an Empire ruled by a capable Emperor, filled with skilled warriors, seeks to destroy the corrupt and shambling Alliance that rules much of the galaxy wastefully and senselessly. Come with me, and let me show you a grander future.”

The shade eyed Urienz with a curious glance, wondering what his response would yet be: his entire reaction had been, to say the least, somewhat intriguing.

Valkoryen Valkoryen


The expression of the white haired Epicanthix remained like it was carved from marble. His bright violet eyes stared at the being who boarded His ship without permission, who sought a meeting without knowing each other. Urienz was interested to hear what this self-proclaimed deity had to say or even share. She certainly believed He was unaware of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and the Dark Empire and for the time being, He let her.

"You expect me to trust in your promises, to be in awe of your predictions and accept a judgement of obscurity and mediocrity? To simply cast away what I know for what I do not know? Why? Why would I be impressed by any words uttered here?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
For a moment, the spectral form of Onrai said nothing. Turning away from him, she looked out the bridge window into the void of space. From within her own dark essence, a stone, amber in color on one side and amethyst on the other, came to the palm of her right hand. She raised the stone, which began to glisten and gleam as she looked outside the bridge. Before them, behind the great cube-construct that stood against their sovereignty, the fabric of space seemed to ripple - before it was fully torn asunder.

"Because there's more than words to be considered." She said. "Through this rift, there is much to be seen - a pathway to an Empire where your fleets and talents as a commander willhave an impact on the very fate of the galaxy as we know it." She turned back, head over her shoulder. "A chance for the Fallen Order to yet rise and the Exiles to return. You would not be the first of Panatha that I have brought into such service - for the same forces we fight are those that exterminated the planet off the galactic map."

Valkoryen Valkoryen

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