Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private From Peril to Promise


The shadows flickered as a dirty, disheveled young man darted from one to the next. Each step was taken with slow precision so as not to draw the attention of the people working inside of the bodega, or the shoppers going in and out. He slipped inside by walking directly behind someone else, moving quietly off to the other side of a shelf before someone could spot him. Quick in, quick out, he told himself, his stomach grumbling. It had to be something nutritious, something that didn't require a lot of effort to fix and didn't require anything added to it. Preferably something he didn't even need to heat up. Something like fruit and dried meat. Easy things to acquire and easy things to carry when he left. More importantly, easy things for him to conceal.

He grabbed two jogan fruit and shoved them into his pockets when nobody was looking, and then made his way towards the meets, grabbing a few dried sausages as well. It would last him a couple of days if he rationed it. By then he could maybe come back without anyone noticing.

"Hey, kid!"

Or maybe not.

He broke into a sprint, running out of the store, pushing past people going in or out, he wasn't sure.

"Stop, thief!"

Whoever was yelling at him had come outside. He glanced back and saw a couple of security personnel look from the store to him, and then they started to chase. He ran as fast as he could, feet splashing through a puddle as he rounded a corner and darted down an alley. Leaping over a pile of trash in a way that was unnatural to a human, he landed on the other side and ran on without even breaking stride. The two security guys had to climb up and over the pile to chase him, which increased his lead on them. They weren't giving up, though, and drew out their blasters. Blue bolts shot passed him, stun rounds aimed at knocking him down so they could catch up and cuff him. He turned again, down another alley, and jumped for a fire escape, climbing upwards as fast as he could.

They rounded the corner and one started firing at him while the other gave chase, but he dashed through a window, across someone's living room with a "Sorry!" and out into the hall beyond. He raced back down the stairs, out a door, and managed to knock over the one security officer that had been shooting at him. Before he could shoot again, Caelan kicked the mans gun from his hand, then ran across the way and down another alley. He ran and ran until he eventually reached the place where he'd been staying and climbed inside of the dilapidated building, lifted a piece of fallen metal, climbed beneath and sat back against the wall, holding his food as if it was the most precious thing in the galaxy while he waited for his breath to come back, and hoped he'd lost them.

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant I Undercity
It wasn’t particularly an odd thing — odd being that the NJO sent Jedi Patrols into the underbelly of the bustling metropolis of Coruscant to help keep law and order… after all, it was their job to defend those that couldn’t speak or defend themselves — they were the light in the dark places.

Padawan Anneliese Kaohal walked steadily down the busy corridor that was the market of the undercity. Her saber was tucked within her robes so as not to draw attention to who she actually was… but it was more than evident she didn’t belong here. Like several upworlder’s who frequented the lower markets — her clothing was clean, and her scent fresh, likened that to an earthy, floral scent… regardless if she wanted to fit it, she wouldn’t by any means… but all if anything the people of the market would simply see another sucker to hook and over charge on their wears.

As Annie weaved through the crowd, her eyes scanning for any trouble, any wanted poster signs she’d familiarized herself with, she felt the disturbance in the force before she actually saw it. A young boy — his clothing tattered, filthy and his body malnourished… and he was running from local security … clearly he’d stolen something.

This didn’t bother Annie — why did he have to steal? This bothered her. Not all crime spawned from an inherent evil desire to cause harm. Was he lost from his family? Were his parents dead? Was he trapped into slavery? Why did she feel the traces of a taint as he passed by?

Her eyes narrowed. He needed help. She was coming.

Her fists tightened as her whole body loaded like a clock spring. Slipping through the crowd and into the same alley way, she took off at almost an inhuman speed — the desire to help this young boy and ensure she found him before the security did guiding her footsteps. If she could find him, she could bring him to the Enclave, to the Prosperity, she could get him help — she could help make him safe.

Hugging against a wall, two disgruntled security guards began to curse and slowly make their way back the opposite way. A ornery grin crept up and curled on the corners of her lips — “smart boy — you evaded them…”. Reaching out into the force, Annie closed her eyes as she allowed herself to breathe… he was here somewhere.

Walking in front of a broken down and almost demolished building, Annie stood. Her fiery red head of long curls poured down and all over her shoulders as her soft emerald eyes scanned the structure. She cleared her throat and began to speak out, her voice soft and reassuring. “Hello? Hello? I saw you running earlier — hello? I’m not with those guys — I just want to help? Little boy?”



He reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the jogan fruits, which he promptly took a bite of. The sweet juice ran down his chin and he wiped it away on his sleeve, not caring that it was already dirty and in reality he'd likely just smeared dirt on his face. There was no reason to care about his appearance anymore. No parents to laugh at his antics, no sister to chase after him as they ran through the streets, enjoying the company of the people of their kingdom. There was only the hum of the city and the rumble of his stomach whenever he grew hungry.

Looking down at the fruit, he stared at the bite he'd taken out of it and wondered what the point of continuing on was. If everyone he knew and loved was gone, what purpose did he have? Could he ever regain his family's kingdom? How would he do that when he was confined to the dark underbelly of a city planet that never slept and didn't care about him? He was just a dirty street kid, stealing what he needed to survive. Nobody cared.

Taking another bite he paused as he felt something out of place. He didn't know what it was, but there was something that felt strange to him. It was like the times he'd been in the castle and felt his mother drawing close to him. But she was dead and gone. There was no possible chance this was her coming to find him. He knew she was gone. Everyone had confirmed it. It had been in the news even on Coruscant. His whole family was reported slain, himself included. Nobody was going to come for him unless they wanted to kill him to tie up loose ends.

Then someone spoke and he froze. Little boy? he wondered. Was she talking to him? He was actually relatively tall for his age, though ion his current state he was pretty emaciated and he probably did look little. But this could be a ruse, couldn't it? Someone trying to get him to let his guard down so they could get to him. She didn't sound very old, but who was to say they wouldn't use someone like her? Did age matter when it came to hunting down and killing someone?

"How do I know you are telling the truth and not gonna kill me?" he asked eventually. "You wouldn't be the first to try."

While there was fear within him, he didn't let it tinge his voice. Time spent on the streets had told him that expressing fear was a good way to get yourself into worse trouble. And there were worse things out there than being killed.

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant Underworld
Objective: Find & Rescue

As the boy, well, young teenager spoke up from his hiding, her ears perked up and her soft emerald eyes came straight to the general area she'd heard him speak from.

His words stung at the air and hung when he'd asked if she was trying to get him out, just to kill him -- her heart cried out for him. Without knowing his story -- she knew, he was a victim of some awful circumstance, no one... no one should ever be made to feel this way. Raising her hands in the air, open to show there was nothing in them... moving slowly she undid her cloak and let it gently fall off her shoulders. Moving her hands still slow, allowing every move to be overly articulated, she unclipped her saber and held it up into the air -- a loud 'crack-hiss' breaking the silence as the yellow blade lit up the area like the mourning sun. "You see this? This is a lightsaber... my name is Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal... but you can call me Annie. I'm going to disengage my saber, and set it on the ground. You have nothing to fear from me..."

True to her word, her saber disengaged and she set it neatly on her robes. Standing back up, she took a few steps towards where she presumed the young man to be hiding. "I know what its like to be alone... to be afraid... but I promise, if you let me help you, nothing will happen -- I won't let anyone hurt you." Her heart beat heavily in her chest -- tear's wanting to break free from the empathy she was feeling for this youngling -- it wasn't right, it was an injustice. "What about you? It'd be easier to talk if I knew your name... " Another few steps towards the build as she kept a non-threatening demeanor... until, two gruff chuckles behind her broke the silence.

Two security guards approached at flank towards Annie, blasters drawn, sickening grins painted on their faces. "What'daya know... I told you this nemodian would lead us to the brat. Two birds, one stone. Get to beat the brat... and, we get a sweet little treat." They both laughed as anger rose up from Anneliese. Her fists would clench as her lip came up from clenching her teeth, her canines protruding just out of the corners of her mouth, her once kind emerald eyes now ablaze with a sickening righteous fury. "Take one more step towards me... or the boy -- you'll be visiting the hospital." Her threat was ice-cold, she told him -- no one would harm him... and like a protective sibling, she meant that chit.

Their boots made another advance... she'd warned them both.

The force swelling within her body, she pivoted on her right foot, spinning around with deadly precision until she blurred in, now in front of the first man -- the less chatty of the two, her fist square in his stomach as he stood there... blaster dropping to the ground, gasping for breath until he passed flat out, slumped over and onto the ground. Turning her head to face the man who'd made the sickening threat and insinuation, she spoke -- this girl was scary. "Shame on you -- ganging up on someone you thought you could take advantage of... ". The man took a few steps back, speechless as he dropped his blaster, hands raised begging for mercy.

"I-I didn't mean it!!! I swear!! I'll go -- and I won't come back!!"

And leave this man without punishment? Let him harass and harm another soul? No -- she had to leave a lasting impression and make him toe the line.

Her body tensing and coiling like a clock-spring once again -- she moved with deadly precision, coming straight at him with a ferocious haymaker, her soft voice now coming out with adrenaline filled cry. "CHAAAA!!!"-- the blow making contact as her fist plowed through the side of his cheek, launching the man off his feet and a yard away on the ground, like his fellow companion -- passed out cold.

Huffing out just slightly she nodded her head as she turned back around towards where the boy was, her emerald eyes a lit with passion. "Nothing -- is going to harm you as long I'm around." The promise ringing out into the air.

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She was a Jedi?

He had a hard time believing that, just because of where they were. Mostly it was because he couldn't possibly be so fortunate, could he? After however long it had been, he'd lost count of the days thanks to the lack of sunlight, someone had finally found their way into his life that could actually help him? It seemed too good to be true, but he still found himself shifting to look around the side of the large piece of debris that he had made his home beneath. In his hand was the half-eaten fruit still, partially forgotten, but still held because he'd been holding it.

Sure enough, she had a lightsaber. It was yellow, a pretty color, and definitely one used by Jedi. At least as far as he remembered from his studies. There were a lot of lightsabers still inside of the royal vault. Or, at least, there were before he'd been forced to leave. For all he knew, there wasn't even a castle left there for him to call home. They could have razed the whole thing.

She didn't look like someone that could have been sent to kill him. They'd all been older, wearing dark clothing to hide who they were, other than the guards. They hadn't wanted their identity known. And the people that had been looking for him on Coruscant hadn't looked like her either. It didn't seem likely that she was there to hurt him. The realization that he was finally getting help threatened to overwhelm him and he started to hyperventilate, a hand clutching at his chest.

And then came the voice. Not hers, but people that wanted him. They wanted her too, but not for the same reason, and he found that made him angry, but he was too scared to come out and do anything. But he watched as she confronted them. They were confident and bigger than her, but she knocked them down as effortlessly as the wind did leaves from a tree. And in short order, both were unconscious on the ground, and she barely looked like she'd broken a sweat.

He pushed the debris aside and stepped out then, looking at her for a moment before rushing over to wrap his arms around her in a hug.

"Thank you," he said, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I've been so hoping for someone like you to find me, but I didn't think someone would ever come. And thank you for protecting me."

He looked up at her. "My name is Caelan Aereen Valoran and I'm the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Devit. I need your help."

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

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Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant Underworld
Objective: Seek & Rescue II All Hail the Fallen King
The debris surrounding the building shifted, a lanky shadow darting her way as arms enveloped around her lower torso -- it was a good weight that slammed speedily into her, a smile spreading across her cheeks as she rested her check against the top of his head, struggling to fight back tears and the urge to sob by his words. Shushing him gently she spoke, her hands stroking his matted hair, her words soft and reassuring. "Hey -- I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere... I promise. Your safe... your safe with me..." It was no good -- her heart, her level of empathy she had for people... a small, silent sob broke as her lip quivered... now wasn't the time. Pushing down the sorrow and focusing on the task at hand she focused herself.

Squeezing him with as much love as she could muster, she looked him in the eyes, her intent emerald eyes looking him up and down. His features were sunken just slightly, her brain assessing any potential medical needs... her eyes worriedly staring at the wound on his cheek, steeped in some sort of dark-sided taint -- it was far beyond her experience of healing, and she hated that.

Acknowledging his name as he spoke it, she cast yet another warm smile that seemed to radiate and lit up the area they were in -- staring at Caelan as if he was the only one who mattered to her. "Calean, that's a strong name... your parents must be sick with worry about you. If you can tell me where to go... I can get you back home, back to your kingdom." She had no way of knowing the tragedy that had struck the young Prince... and how the King and Queen, had been slayed -- and were fallen.



It felt comforting to hug her. Like when he hugged his mom after skinning a knee when he was younger. She wasn't that much older than him, he didn't think, but she provided a level of comfort that he hadn't felt in a while. Even the fruit he'd been eating had dropped from his hand at this point. What use was there in it any longer now that he had someone there to save him? But could she help him save his Kingdom? That was the real question. Could anyone save his kingdom?

When she asked about his family he closed his eyes and buried his face against her. If only it were that simple. He was lost, but he wasn't lost from them.

"My parents were killed," he said in almost a whisper.

It was still hard to think about the fact that they were gone. Fresh wounds and all that. But it was the truth. He didn't shed tears when he said it this time, which was good. If he could learn to talk about their demise without breaking down maybe he could move past it? He knew what his father would have told him in this situation: your duty is to the people and you must take care of them no matter what happens. It was hard, though. He wasn't really ready to lead an entire world on his own. He hadn't expected to do so for a very long time. Not until he was much older.

"The people that gave me this scar killed them. I escaped. I hope my sister escaped, but I don't know. I fled here to find help, but there were people here hunting me too."

He looked up at her again.

"I don't know what to do now."

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal


Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant Underworld
Objective: Rescue

Her heart felt as if something had reached in and ripped it out -- the pain in his voice was an outward reflection of the pain she too knew all too well. Fighting back the lump in her own throat she did her best to give him a comforting smile as she cupped his cheeks, her tone still comforting as her hand ran through locks of his hair. "Hey -- I understand. My parents are gone too... it's ok, but your being so brave..." Pulling him back into a hug, all the love she could muster into it -- her head shook... she had to get him to the temple, they would be able to help him there.

Taking a few measured, but deep breaths Annie racked her mind on what to do.

This was clearly a situation unlike she'd dealt with before. This wasn't a few thugs, or a force user she needed to fight -- this was a living, breathing and very much so hurting young man. She couldn't force him to go anywhere, but that wouldn't matter -- she had no intention of leaving him. He needed help, and already she was attached to him.

Squeezing on him once again, she pulled back and looked into his eyes, her emerald eyes steady, strong -- exuding her calm and peaceful demeanor. "I'd like to get you to the Prosperity. It is our Flagship in Orbit, it is home now to the New Jedi Order. I believe the Master's in that Order should be able to help you." Pausing, her nosed scrunched just slightly, if people were actively hunting him -- they would need to be careful. Holding her right hand out, her saber flew and landed in her hand. Clipping it to her belt she spoke once again as now her robe came to her hand, Annie wrapping the clean and warm robe around Caelan -- her pleasant floral scent now lingering around him. "I told you -- I'm not going to let anyone put their hand on you. If they do --..." Her eyes narrowed. "Big Sister is going to beat the chit outta them. Plain and simple." The word "Big Sister" ringing in the air with all sincerity as she stared at him.



How strange was it that the Jedi who found him had also lost her parents? He never would have guessed that would be the case. His understanding, based on the histories he was taught, was that Jedi came to the temple at a very young age to begin their training, and rarely spent time with their parents. At least, that was the old way of doing things. Granted his mother wasn't that way. But why couldn't others have lost their family and ended up with the Jedi as well. He supposed that seemed quite feasible. It also made him feel better.

"I'm sorry you lost your parents," he said, stepping back from her. "It is- hard to think about the fact they are gone, but I know I must accept that they are and focus on making things right with my home."

One such as him had been bred not to wallow in misery. At least, as much as one could avoid it. It served no purpose for him to do so. His entrapment in the city's lower levels was not because he was feeling down and didn't want to see people, just one of pure necessity of his survival. It was imperative that his bloodline continue, if only for the sake of his people because he knew that those who would sneak into a home and silently murder the people within would never care for the people he loved on Lazerian. Their intentions were likely to exploit the presence of the Empeth Crystals, and they would keep the people away.

Or worse: enslave them.

"Please take me there. It is imperative that I learn the ways of the Force and return to my people as quickly as I can. They need me to stand for them. I was supposed to go to the Senate to seek aid, but I'm not even sure I can do that safely. If I were trained as a Jedi it would be so."

When she called herself big sister it made his mouth work, but no words came forth. He didn't know what that meant. He was the big brother to his little sister. He didn't have an older sibling. What was that like? Did she actually mean that, or was she just saying that in a protective manner? Surely it was the latter, right? They'd only just met and even though they shared a connection in their family trauma, did she really want him, a lost prince, as a brother?

"Will- will you help me retake my home when the time comes?"

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal


Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant Underworld
Objective: Rescue II Bring to The Prosperity III Meeting with the Council
Annie stood there and listened as she couldn't help but to smile proudly at him. Here, standing before her, was a malnourished, prince -- no... King of his people, and his first thoughts? Were they on himself? No. Where they on the hunger that clawed and ate away at him? No again. Were they spent wallowing in self pity at the loss of everything he held dear and what he referred to as normal? Not even once.

This boy was special -- and she was so fething proud of him already.

A grin of sheer pride curled up the corners of her mouth exposing the pearly white canines that lay in her mouth. "Your heart is pure Caelan.. and that's such a special thing -- I know Ashla has been guiding your footsteps and I know she's here guiding them now. Never loose your desire to help others, and to put them first -- but, it is ok to take care of yourself too. Here -- walk with me, my ship is up in the upper levels."

As she began to walk with him from his 'home'... she stopped as he asked her for help retaking his home. Squaring up to his shoulders, she smiled that warm smile and looked at him as if he were the only one that mattered. "Its my duty to help people -- but when I tell you this, I say it for you. I promise I will be there right by your side when you get strong enough, and -- wise enough to retake your home and reclaim your throne. I promise." Annie reiterating the words once more so that they held weight, had substance to them.

Turning around, and grabbing his hand, she began to lead him away.

Expertly weaving in and out of the crowds, Annie's robe did the trick at concealing the young man -- as now her saber was out in full sight and like most people in the underworld... they wanted nothing to do with a Jedi, Padawan or not. As they came to the elevators, she flashed her clearance passes to the guards and gave an account of needing to take Caelan for medical assistance as a 'goodwill' mission for the Order.

They bought her story... and regardless -- after what he'd seen earlier... she would have most likely put him out cold too if he'd taken one step towards him.

As the turbo-lifts carried them up and towards daylight, to the upper cities, she looked over at him and smiled once more. "How about... before we go to my ship, we get you food and a change of clothing? My treat?"



"Ashla?" he questioned.

This was a name he did not understand, but the way she spoke of it made him think it was a deity of some kind. While he'd been taught a lot about Jedi history, he didn't know everything. Most of his teaching had been superficial in that regard, because his focus had been in learning to lead his people and deal with galactic politics. Working with other people was also a skill he had developed because it was a necessity on his home world. While the Kingdom of Devit was deferred to when dealing with entities off the planet, there were still independent cities on Lazerian IV that were outside of their control. He had to look out for their best interest, but he could not command them.

"I appreciate that. I believe the people who did this were after the throne for the purpose of harvesting the Empeth Crystals. They are a Force connected crystal that grows in a valley in the royal estate. They'll leave the world in shambles if they do."

He walked with her, still holding the jogan fruit in his hand. When he noticed it was still there, he took another bite of it because, even though he was happily distracted for the first time in some time, he WAS still hungry. It did feel nice to know that he was going somewhere he'd be taken care of. Likely they would have regular meals and he could stop feeling sick between eating. Clean water would be nice to have as well. Down in the undercity it was hard to get that without stealing it, and he didn't feel right stealing water when there was water available, even if it wasn't the cleanest.

She grabbed his free hand and pulled him along, but he didn't complain. He'd often done the same thing with his sister, so it wasn't as if he didn't understand what she was doing. They walked in relative silence, and he finished off the piece of fruit as they did. It was delicious, and honestly filled him up quite easily since he hadn't been eating a lot. His stomach had kind of shrunk as a result of sporadic eating habits. The food he'd taken would honestly last him a while.

"I don't think I should eat more until I get used to it. That fruit filled me up," he admitted, wiping his hand on his shirt. "But I won't object to a change of clothes... I'm sure I don't look or smell good, for which I apologize."

It was a bit embarassing, to be seen this way. Growing up in a wealthy situation was hard to overcome when it came to appearances. He was certain he didn't look or smell good, and that made him feel worse for her than for him. He'd gotten used to it, but he didn't like the idea of assaulting her nose and eyes in such a manner.

Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal


Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant II Upper City
Objective: Bring Caelan to the Order

She let out a small smile as he asked about Ashla. As the lift transported them up and to the City -- she knew she had a few moments to share the story.

"Ashla -- she is the embodiment of the Light side of the Force. Bogan -- represents the Dark Side of the Force. Its a pretty long story, which I can tell you later if you want -- but I reference the old ways when I speak of the force. To me, it feels like talking to a friend, what I think it is to call upon a Mother." She smiled warmly as she stared at him as he then began to explain why he believed his Kingdom had come under seige.

It always came to key things -- Money, Position, Resources.

In this case, resources. Thinking inwardly, she wondered what sort of help the Order would offer if they chose to aid in this... if he became apart of the Order, it would involve one of their own -- and it would also be a foreign diplomatic matter, causing further assistance to be given. All she knew was she'd made a promise and she was going to see it fulfilled.

As the lift began to slow down, she frowned slightly as she looked down and listened. "Hey, you don't need to apologize for anything... I would never think anything less about you. You've already showed me just how brave, strong and thoughtless you are -- even I can get dirty, you going to think less of me when I'm sweaty?" She chuckled as she latched back onto his hand, holding him close to her like a protective sibling -- the two of them now making their way across the Upper City walkway. Countless of people, foreign and native making their way to and fro.

"When we get to my ship -- I'm going to have you shower there, and then have Nebula my 'friend' do a medical exam on you. Ok? No exceptions. I need to make sure your healthy -- if not, I can heal you, or at least get you to our healers and get you back to where you need to be." She paused. "We need to stop at this vendor and get you some clothing -- no complaints, I'm buying..." She smiled back at him. "So pick what you want, or I'mma half too." A mischievous grin painted on her face.

She had a natural way of making others feel, loved. Making them feel like they were the only one around -- that they were special and that she truly, honestly cared about them -- about their heart, their mind and their soul.

Coming up to the Vendor, she spoke as she reached in her utility pocket and pulled out a credit chit. "I'd like to get my brother here some new clothing -- shoes, socks, spares, the works. Caelan, pick what you want."



As they rode the lift upward, she explained that Ashla was a term for the light side of the Force and Bogan the dark. That made sense to him. More sense than just calling them sides. Light and dark without the word side actually made more sense to him as well, but what he knew of them was that the dark was a terrible thing that deformed the body. Instinctively, he reached a hand up to touch the wound on his cheek. It no longer bled, but it still felt wrong and he had a hard time feeling good about anything ever since he'd been cut. He wondered if the blade had been formed by the dark, through Bogan, and that was why it hurt him.

He blushed when she asked about whether he would think less of her for being sweaty. "No, that would be rude of me if I did."

It was a fair point. People got dirty at times and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He didn't feel good about himself at the moment, though, being so filthy. It was uncomfortable to him. But she'd promised to take him to where he could clean up and also to get him some fresh clothes. When he returned to his Kingdom and freed it he would be sure to repay his debt to her, whether she protested or not. He would find a way to make sure her kindness was repaid.

She mentioned a friend named Nebula that would look him over. The way she said friend, with inflection, made him wonder what she meant by that. Was it a droid or something else entirely? Maybe it really was a person, but just not a species he would be overly familiar with? Either way, he was sure it would be fine if she said that it would.

"Alright," he agreed, to both the looking over and the clothing.

One thing he knew was that there was no good that came of looking a gift horse in the mouth. She was helping him out and he would be terrible if he didn't accept it. So when they entered the store, he did his best to ignore the looks he received, and walked amongst the shelves and racks of clothing. There was a lot of variety to be picked from. He'd not seen some of the styles they had before. Lazerian wasn't backwater, but the newest things still took time to reach them. He picked out a few things he was certain that he would feel comfortable in, items that could be both practical and relatively formal if need be, and brought them to the counter.

"Thank you," he said to the person ringing the items up before looking at Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal . "And thank you. I will never forget this kindness you have bestowed upon me. I only hope I can adequately repay you in time."


Items: Lightsaber I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X III Theme Song IIII Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant II Upper City

Anneliese couldn't help but to beam with joy as she watched Caelan shop for new clothing, accepting her gift to him... it made her heart full and gave her true happiness. As Annie flashed yet another soft smile at Caelan when he walked up to her with the items he'd picked out, she spoke softly. "Good choices -- they're going to look great on you." Looking to the shopkeeper, she gave him the credit chit to pay for what he’d picked out, simply exchanging a "thank you" as he handed back her chit.

Walking out of the shop and now on their way to the shipyard -- Anneliese looked over towards Caelan. "You know -- adequately repaying me isn't necessary... just saying. I told you, its what Big Sisters do." Her hand once again coming out as she held his hand -- keeping a steady pace. She didn't want to linger in the open any longer than she had too... her mind focused and engaged on the conversation at hand, but constantly checking her surroundings for any lingering threats in the area.

Coming to the busy shipyard, they approached a sleek Huntress Class ship that was Anneliese's. Pressing a button on her wrist, her ship ramp lowered. Walking up the steps, the soft 'clanks' of their feet against the metal, the lights on the interior began to come on, illuminating the inside. It was clean -- tidy and extremely organized... something Annie took pride in when out and about on personal and missions for the Order. Pointing towards the back of the ship -- where a single door lie, she spoke. "That is the bathrooms -- and shower room. I would say go ahead and get cleaned up, and then Nebula can check you out."

As if on queue, a computerized, female voice would chime throughout the ship. "Hello -- I am Nebula. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Annie -- I was unaware that we would have a visitor... I believe I've expressed my desire in knowing when others would accompany us."

Rolling her eyes she spoke up. "Hey -- Knock it off Neb, be nice. Your a ten-ton flying machine -- one more organic isn't going to slow you down. After Caelan get's cleaned up, I want to do a full medical check-up to make sure he is alright... if not, I'll need a report to give to our Healers once we dock on the Prosperity... Please?" The tone in her voice pleading -- almost sounding annoyed with her AI.



It wasn't really about whether or not he needed to repay her. It was about it being the right thing to do because, in reality, he was well enough to do that he shouldn't have needed her money. Only the situation required it. If she didn't want him to pay her back in that fashion, as that was what he expected she objected to, he would find a way to repay her that did not require such. Maybe he could make something for her or help her with a problem in return for her generosity. That seemed both plausible and an acceptable resolution.

She lead him to her ship, which he admitted was both sleek and beautiful. The last one he'd been on was a public transport. It had been crowded and dirty, utilitarian in nature. This one seemed design to be fast, but also to be good at whatever role it needed to fill. In this case, it was her personal transport.

Following her aboard, he found it cozy. Her organizational habits were impressive given the size of the vessel. He studied it studiously, only pausing when he heard a voice coming from within the ship that had no body. Well, had no body other than the ship. He realized, then, that Nebula was the vessel itself. An artificial intelligence. That was pretty fancy. The closest he'd ever come to artificial intelligence was in droids, not in a ship that could think or speak for itself.

"Hello, Nebula," he said in greeting. "My name is Caelan. It's nice to meet you."

Best to be nice to it so it didn't spy on him while he showered. That was exactly where he headed after introducing himself. The sooner he could get cleaned up, the better he would feel. Even though he longed for a hot bath, he made sure the shower was short because he knew the ship could only carry so much water, and he didn't want to waste it. Besides, they were both waiting for him.

Once out of the shower, and with undergarments on, he allowed Nebula to assess him, take measurements, and anything else she needed to do before putting on the outfit he'd picked out earlier. It took him a few moments to get it on because it was all new, but eventually he was set and he walked out of the fresher to find Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal waiting for him. While he was certain he was malnourished, and the scar was still problematic, he didn't think that Nebula was going to find a lot wrong with him.

"Thank you, Anneliese. I feel much better now. I hope I am presentable enough for introductions on Prosperity?"


Items: Lightsaber II Engagement Ring II Outfit X X II Equipment X X X II Theme Song II Bloodline Tattoo
Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Location: Coruscant II En Route to the Prosperity
As Caelan showered, Anneliese went and sat at her chair in the cockpit of the Quasar. Running through the ships pre-flight sequences she spoke to Nebula. "Neb -- how are we looking for take off? Have you submitted our flight plan and our clearance codes?" Her voice ringing out in the air of the silent ship. "Yes, of course. As you know Annie, I am capable of completing multiple tasks simultaneously... the Prosperity is aware that we are soon en-route."

As Annie and Nebula continued their conversation, she heard Caelans voice break the soft humming that was the ships life support systems. Turning around and coming out of her chair she waved him over to a flat, white table, patting the flat surface as he helped him up. As she would help lay him down, two sets of arms would come down and out of the ceiling as Nebula's voice would chime in. "I've been told by Annie that my bedside manner is the most important thing I can offer organic patients... but I tend to disagree. Please hold still while I scan for injuries -- I would prefer not to have to re-do this as I have other things I must attend too.." Her eyes widened as she remarked aloud. "Nebula! Manners!"

The arms would begin to move from stem to stern with a light that scanned back and forth on his body.

A few beeps and dings would be heard as Nebula's voice spoke back up. "Findings -- Caelan is in good health, however, he suffers from extreme malnutrition. Furthermore, I have noted a wound on his cheek -- which I have no known data for, and have detailed my findings in the report for the Jedi Healers." Frowning just slightly as she looked down at the cut that Nebula spoke of, she couldn't help but worry. Something sinister had made that wound -- and Annie hated it for him, her mind wondering if it hurt, if it caused him discomfort.

Helping Caelan lift up off the table she cast him another gentle smile -- she needed to get him to the temple, not just for medical help, but so that she knew he'd be safe and he'd be taken care of.

Helping him to his seat, she showed him how to buckle in as she did herself as well. Looking over, her eyes coming to the control levers a mischievous sisterly grin crept onto her face. "You wanna push the lever? You know you want too!" Her last syllables coming out like a song rather than just words.



TAG: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

He laid down on the table as instructed and allowed Nebula to do her scanning before getting back up off of it. She confirmed what he'd already suspected to be the case: he was generally fine, just malnourished. The scar on his cheek was something else and there was no ignoring the fact that it was infected with the dark side. It wasn't something that was just going to go away on its own. While he certainly hated how he'd gotten it, it had become a part of who he was and he didn't want the scar itself to go away. It would serve as a reminder that not everyone in the galaxy was worth trusting.

After she helped him off of the table, the went over to the controls of the ship and he looked out the viewport at the city beyond. Somewhere out there were people still hunting for him, hoping to catch and dispose of him so that he could never retake control of the Kingdom. Why they hated him and his family he didn't know. The only people they sent to the penal colonies anymore were violent criminals. The practice of sending political dissenters had ended a long time ago.

She asked if he wanted to push the lever and he looked at it, then back to her, then back to it.

"Nebula, is she always like this?" he asked, wondering if she was always goofy or if she was just trying to humor him.

Either way, he reached for the lever and pushed it because, well, he did want to. Who wouldn't want to?

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Items: Lightsaber II Engagement Ring II Outfit X X II Equipment X X X II Theme Song II Bloodline Tattoo

Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
As Caelan would ask Nebula the question, Annie would slowly turn her head as the Nebula’s voice would break the silence. “It is from my experience that Annie is indeed a very unique individual — one that exhibits a wide range of emotions.” Her emerald eyes narrowed slightly as she exhaled softly, that was a very tame answer compared to what she normally gave… praise Ashla.

He pulled the lever, and a giggle of satisfaction escaped her lips as the ship would begin its slow and powerful ascent into Orbit.

The feeling of breaking orbit was something she never got tired of… the pressure you felt climbing into the planets atmosphere until finally, that weightless sensation overtook your body and made you feel light… and unfettered by anything.

Pure bliss.

As her ship broke orbit and began its approach to the Jedi Flag Ship, the Prosperity, Anneliese looked over at Caelan. “Once we’re aboard, I was told there would be a few Masters that would meet us and escort you for testing and assessment.” She paused as her emerald eyes softened. “I won’t be able to to with you — it’s, not my place as Padawan.” Her hand could come over as she placed it comfortingly onto his shoulder, as if offering him her own strength. “You’re gonna do great. I’ll wait at the fountains until your done — that way I can be there to congratulate you once your done.”

Or to comfort him she thought internally. She held no sway over the council — and she wasn’t going to pretend that she did.

As the Prosperity came into view, she let out a small gasp as she spoke once again. “We’re home — and the view never gets old.” Flipping a few switches she spoke aloud on the now open comm frequency. “This is Padawan Anneliese Kaohal requesting permission to board and land in the hangars.”

A ringing silence would hang in the air until a male voice would chime up over the channel.

“Padawan Kaohal, we had your arrival for earlier today, your late for check in… run into trouble?” Sighing slightly she responded. “No Control… I ran into an unexpected friend. I’ve informed the council and they are aware of our guest.”

Verifying her story, the man once again came over the comms. “Cleared for entry Padawan.”

With that the channel would close as her ship slowly entered the hangar bay, the sleek ship slowly entering through the force field that kept the vacuum if space contained. The ship setting down and the engines cutting off, she turned and smiled assuredly at Caelan. “Time to change fate — let’s go.”



TAG: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

They lifted off of the planet and it was the first time in ages that he finally felt free. Hiding on Coruscant was no longer something he needed to do. He was being taken somewhere that he would find freedom to be who he was, freedom to learn and to grow, freedom to be able to, eventually, return to his home world and reclaim what was lost. That made him smile almost as much as the sensation of flight did.

What she said got a nod from him. He could face that, no problem. It would be no different from facing a court of nobles. Answer the questions they gave you, be polite, listen to what they say, accept reality. That was something he'd been schooled on his whole life. Though he suspected their testing would have more to do with his abilities in the Force, to see if he was truly suited to becoming a Jedi. Of that he had no doubt. Almost everyone in his mother's lineage had been at one point or another.

They approached, were given clearance, and eventually landed. He turned to her then, and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you, sister," he said before pulling back. "I will endeavor to make you not regret your decision to bring me here, though I do not think it will be difficult."

He smiled at her, and then departed into the larger ship. From there he would meet the group of Master's, and be taken for testing and questioning. As he was instructed, he answered all of their questions smoothly and succinctly, choosing not to beat around the bush. They asked about his scar and he told them it was made by a blade the likes of which he had never before seen, carried by someone clothed entirely in black. They asked about his family and he told them they were gone, though he did not know of his sister. They asked him to tell them things about his connection to the Force and he told them, including his mother's family lineage.

In the end, he was released to go to the fountain where Annie said she'd be waiting for him. He approached her, but first looked at the fountain itself, a beautiful sight.

"I have been instructed that I will be trained by Knight Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic ," he said to his new big sister. "As for the wound on my cheek, they told me that in time I will know what to do about it. Thank you again for bringing me here. I hope that we will be able to spend time together even during our studies."


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