Phantom of Pain

Logan walked through the streets of Nar Shaddaa with his hands in his pockets, walking at a fairly brisk pace. He was in no rush, but there was much to be done today. Today was the day he made a name for the Red Ravens on Nar Shaddaa... Well, at least to try. He had lived on Nar Shaddaa his his entire life. It was the only home he knew and he loved it in a twisted way. The streets had tried to take his life from the moment he stepped out onto them, the giant maw of evil and corruption snapping at his throat through his whole life. The black market had brought out the worst of the gangs and violence in the underworld. It had impoverished families and forced them to live on the streets in fear of the Ganks that roamed the streets in packs, like rabid wolves looking for a bone to fight over. The would kill almost anyone or anything as long as the payment was high enough, except for Jedi or Sith. They feared them and them alone it seemed. Luckily for Logan and the few men he had with him, they weren't going to the heart of the Undercity, but rather a place that seemed to be right in the cross section of the Corellian sector and he Red Light sector on the fringe of the underworld. He had recently purchased some street front property that had housed a storage facility once. It was a fairly large area compared to the little shops in the rest of the area, and he had gotten a good price on it since the inside was in shambles.
The posse kept to the sides of the road, lurking in the shadows as best as possible, avoiding the intruding gazes of the denizens. He had brought his most loyal and smartest friends with him today to secure the new property. He didn't exactly trust the locals to not squat there or trespass as the place had been abandoned for years now. They made their way through the winding streets that were all too familiar. Eventually they came to the abandoned lot, the metallic smell of rusted metal and dust filling their noses if they didn't have any sort of filter or barrier covering their nose and mouth. It was nothing pretty by any means, just a giant heap of metal, stone and old neon signs that once held showed information about the company for all to see as they walked by. Logan stepped toward the dented and rusted metal door and pushed on it lightly. He sighed softly to himself as it swung open with a load creak, the rusted hinges making one hell of a noise. He stepped inside building, his thick leather boots kicking up a cloud of dust inside the building. He whistled to himself and turned his head to the door again. "In ya' get boys. Damn place ain't gonna rebuild its self eh?" They had all decided that spending credits hiring locals to do work they could do themselves would be a waste, so they were on their own on this project unless from Ravens came to help them out.
Several of the boys tossed their bags onto the ground with loud thuds, echoing around the room. Logan turned to his friends and pointed to two of them. "You two go check for squatters and the likes. I don't want any damn surprises." He nodded as they grunted in agreement and made their way around the old warehouse, checking in the side rooms and in the back of the building. He turned to the other two thugs/friends he had brought with him and grinned "You're helping me get all this debris and rubble into the compactor outside." The two smiled back at him and said agreeable words and the trio started working. They labored for about 20 minutes before the duo making their rounds finished and came back to join the group. Without the need for a cue, they began helping clear everything out of the main room. Logan stood up suddenly and stretched his back, already feeling the muscles tensing up and putting strain on his spine. He walked over to the main entrance and he took off the outer layer of his attire, the little bit of armor he had now coming off, save for the comm system hooked up to his left wrist. He grunted as he picked up his canvas bag, pulling a container of drinking water out of it. He poured some into his mouth and wiped the moisture out of the corners of his mouth with his his sleeve. He sighed as the luke-warm liquid ran down his throat, cooling him down slightly regardless of its temperature. This was hard work and he reckoned warm water would even be a relief.