Outer Rim
As ever, the city was abuzz with activity.
It’d been some time since Akhlys set a boot planetside on Jutrand, mostly to avoid the slim but possible interaction with a man(?) now known as The Dead God. Not really out of fear, just plain avoidance of encountering a old Master which might’ve been awkward. And perhaps just slightly questionable given the passage of time since they’d last seen each other in the flesh. Still, what showcased the Order’s power — and its ruthlessness — could be found on this maze of a city-planet
Today’s outing didn’t concern the squabbling of the Order though. He was there to meet a contact for an economic deal, hopefully one he could sway in his favor. Kairos was well off-enough, but it could always use support. Support came from connections, simple math.
As the cyborg strode nonchalantly through the streets towards the cantina where he’d arranged to meet one Vale Braste, he double-checked that things were in place. Force quick to respond, vibroblade sheathed on his back, daggers on the right and a small set of throwing knives on the left in hidden compartments. All in relatively easy access positions. And if they had a gun: well, that ammo could be tracked along a line, dodged, held in place, or redirected. Market types weren’t really ones for guns unless they were hired anyway. Or maybe they did. Maybe that was one of the changes he missed out on.
But, one could never be too careful.
Once he arrived at The Rift Cantina, he ordered a Revnog and took a seat in the corner to observe. People watching was really a fun pastime, his diagnostic scans sent him information on people he honed in one and displays overlaid in his vision gave him information on unfamiliar games as well as drinks and their contents. He’d given this Vale a loose description of him as well as his alias, he wasn’t the sort that could be missed unless he wanted to be. Hush hush and all.
It was fun to watch, especially when you weren’t sure which little birdie would come to perch. So, he was content to watch and sip and wait for a time.