Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private From the Sky



Dressed In: Plain Country Gear
Tag: Caen San Tekka


She went back to where it began.

Roon was the first time she had seen a Nether-Rift open and close in the blink of an eye. From the depths of the unknown one of her dearest friends had been eschewed, changed, and without a single memory of his history. That had been months ago. The Knight Obsidian Tower that had secured the area in the wastes didn’t have any more answers now than they had when it happened. Fluctuations and temporal distortions. Groundquakes. A burst of light—And then it was gone.

Srina had traveled from one end of the Confederacy to the other looking for more details on the Netherworld but it seemed to be a rather guarded secret. Sith Sorcerers, including the Vicelord, were capable of opening portals but it seemed that tangible knowledge was exceedingly thin. Roon was a planet that had evolved from smugglers and pirates to an almost workable, though, eclectic society.

The Confederacy didn’t bother them unnecessarily and they liked it that way. Even with a Knight Tower their presence was entirely minimal. The Death Wind Corridor was hard, even now, for starships to travel. Settling within the general banner of the droid nation made that task relatively easier because it made access to coveted technology, relatively easier.

Though—Only relatively.

Even the ship she chose, the Ferocity, had a little difficulty.

Srina sat within a well-kept tavern within the heart of Nime. It was a port city on the Roon Sea that used to hold great significance when the Galactic Empire had reigned supreme in days of old. There were people bustling around from all walks of life, children, adults, flying in and out of the main portal tracking mud just about everywhere. A good portion of the population was human but there was also a great deal of Twi’leks and Sullustans. The Exarch stuck out like a sore thumb. She was too spotless, too pale, and overall, too “white” in coloring. It screamed foreigner.

Anyone that lived on Roon, even in the city, eventually got covered in a layer of dirt and dust. Nothing fully got clean. The owner of the tavern seemed kind enough and kept checking on her when the regular crowd got rowdy. “Can I get you anything else, Miss?”

“Another black tea, please. Bread and cheese?”

It was a simple request that she found obligated to make. She had been taking up a lot of time here. Reading, studying, and meeting different people. She occupied a whole table in the furthest corner near a window. That meant that any other business was essentially blocked. She ensured that she tipped generously and ordered things, even, when she didn’t plan to eat it.

Moonlit hair spilled down her back like a waterfall while she scrolled through a data-pad and reviewed some of the information that had been sent. She wore a long navy skirt that hid sensible brown boots beneath a white top. A pattered white and blue scarf lay around her neck and a deep blue cloak lay over the back of her chair. She didn’t look much like an Exarch. If anything—She looked more like a lost traveler that shouldn’t be wandering around the galaxy alone.

The tavern owner returned and set down a plate with freshly baked bread and for a moment her stomach rumbled. She’d forgotten, that actually, she was hungry. “Thank you. I’ll likely need to extend my stay. Can you accommodate that?”

“Certainly. How long will you be?”

“Another week at least.”

“I’ll mark the books. Though…You really shouldn’t stay down here after dark, Miss. Some of the men that work the fields can get a little over-excited and tend to drink a little too much. It’s not exactly the safest thing for a little lady like yourself.”

Srina tilted her head and glanced up at the tavern owner. She was slight of frame, seemingly soft, with achingly delicate features. “I’ll be fine.”, the words were deadpan, cold, and without an ounce of care. The tavern owner shook his head and wiped his hands on the apron around his waist. She was so sure of herself…He hoped that didn’t get her into a world of hurt.

The Echani reached for the bread and began to slowly nibble while she worked. For an outdated backwater, truly, it was quite good. It was the reason she’d chosen this establishment. The company was questionable, the floor sticky, but the quarters were secure and the food was acceptable.

On Roon? She might as well have been a princess in a palace.

Caen San Tekka




"All right, I admit it," Caen said with his hands out in surrender. "Going through the Death Wind Corridor was a mistake, okay?"

DeeBee, the small BD-79 droid, which served on the Pathfinder, a YT-2400 freighter, glowered with optics. The droid was in charge of maintenance and repairs, for the most part, and it did not appreciate the disingenuous manner Caen had had regarding the hyper-route that was known as dangerous.

"We're here, we're fine, the ship's in great shape-" Even with a few scrapes and a possible punctured cooling line. "-so I don't know what you're so worked up about? Fine. Fine. I'll say I knew the corridor was more dangerous that I was letting on, but it doesn't change anything - here we are, safe and sound!"

"BeeYoop BeeDeepBoom."

"Hey, uncalled for," Caen frowned at the small droid that had followed him to disembark. He started to walk down the ramp backward, eyebrows raised. "If you can't do it... I can always consider upgrading, little buddy."

DeeBee remained silent, before it reached over its small shoulder joint and produced a repair tool.

"That's the spirit!" And with a dismissive wave of the hand, Caen puffed some air and walked away from the ship with a smirk. "Just make sure no mudmen slink onboard and steal the ship, okay?" DeeBee seemed taken aback, as its little droid body stiffened at the top of the ramp way, and then regained itself to blurt some sounds as its owner departed.

It didn't take Caen too long to make his way through the port city of Nime. He stopped several times, for short periods, as his eye was caught by various objects and items. One such thing he purchased, a small trinket that had been decorated in Bocce symbols... however, hidden within the placement of the words were connected shapes that were significantly less innocuous. Sith, by the initial look of it. The stall vendor didn't know, clearly, as the price was ridiculously low, so Caen tipped a percentage more to not feel guilty about it.

Caen tucked the item into his jacket pocket, his fingers brushing another item within, then continued on his way.

He didn't want to be late, after all...


As the rugged-looking explorer sauntered into the tavern, he cleared his throat and considered the establishment. It was relatively clean, most of the dirt was cleaned away from outside, though the floor did stick to the soles and there was a rowdy bunch to one side. Caen supposed he should take a moment to look for the individual he needed to meet, to which he scanned the spacious room--

Okay, so let's... ah.

--and without a need to second guess, Caen knew exactly who he needed to approach. It took all of a handful of seconds, in fact, as he saw the white-haired young woman seated at the far end of the tavern. Compared to the din throughout the space, she almost glowed, especially with the light of the window nearby her. Caen studied the Exarch a moment, his blue eyes taking in details, before he nodded to himself and began to walk that way.

"Waatsh it, schooba!"

"My bad, friend."

With a smile, and a sidestep, Caen avoided a collision with one of the sentient patrons. The bulky alien was headed to the bar, more than a little wobble to the step, so it made sense to avoid offense. Still, a small part of Caen wanted to put a boot out and send the buffoon to tumbling... but he didn't, and instead returned attention and direction to his contact. Caen walked over, and stopped a short distance away, where he looped his thumbs into the belt around his waist and cleared his throat:

"Ahem, hi, I believe you're expecting me?" The explorer offered a friendly smile, then motioned to the seating available. He also noted the bread, which smelled pretty good now that he considered his lack of eating today. "Caen San Tekka... may I?"

Subconsciously Caen reached up to scratch his neck, before he lowered his hand and brushed against the item secured in his jacket. He had some suspicions about the device, given the design and inscribing, and hoped it wasn't something too sinister. Granted, he was curious, so maybe the purpose of the relic - and how it was used, by others - wasn't too big an issue for him, so long as he got to see and understand what it did and what it was...

For now.

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Dressed In: Plain Country Gear
Tag: Caen San Tekka


She might have turned around at hearing a gruff and creative epithet come from one of the patrons but it had become commonplace over the last few days. If the noise, the cheers, or the sound of the occasional broken bottle bothered her? None would ever know. She simply toiled away with her datapad while using the remaining light day had left to offer. She could turn up the backlight after extended use it made her eyes tired. The slender young woman couldn’t have that.

At the sound of a clearing throat, though, she did pause.

Few introduced themselves like that there. The native people of Roon could be rowdy and they all seemed to know each other. She had watched them slap each other on the back so hard in greeting that they might as well have their lungs pop out the other side. This was too genteel.

“Greetings Mr. San Tekka.”

The words flowed from her lips with the precision of a well-oiled machine. There was a hollow aspect that almost made dulcet tones seem unearthly, like a recording, though the delicate creature was very much so alive. He asked about bread she had begun to try and she nodded her head. “Please…”, she responded, cultured and polite. Thin fingers nudged the cutting board closer to his side of the table. She wouldn’t finish it all.

Though, she had a fleeting thought. He was either brave or stupid.

For all he knew she could have poisoned it in the anticipation that he might find it as appealing as it smelled. She shifted in the wooden chair and straightened while her right leg crossed neatly over her left and her foot tucked to the side of her ankle. Her hands fell to her lap and mercurial eyes surveyed the explorer who had come to potentially solve her problems. She wasn’t sure of his usefulness. Yet. He seemed personable enough. Friendly. His features were prepossessing. That combined with quirky humor was likely a frequent, simple way, out of trouble. “I trust that your travels weren’t too difficult?”

Any spacer worth their salt could find a way to Roon in one piece. The Corridor was a challenge, certainly, but it was hardly impossible.

A loud crash echoed behind them, followed by yelling, while a few different guests started getting into a debate over some card game. Sabacc, she guessed. She could hear one of them yelling partially in basic and partially in extremely creative huttese about someone trying to steal the pot. A gentle sigh escaped primrose lips. No doubt there were several stomachs sinking into infinity within the establishment as the ruckus got louder—But this was not her fight.

The voice of the owner rose above the rest but to no avail. Srina kept her back to it. It was like this every night. Sometimes louder. Sometimes, the owner called for the authorities a little sooner than later and they were all sent home with a drunk and disorderly.

The next day they all returned the best of friends until one of them offended the other.

Rinse and repeat.

“Do you have something for me?

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