Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
New Plympto

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
It had been a couple of years since her mother's death. The day etched in Abaigeal's mind, cut there forever and as raw and painful as if it was only yesterday. Although she had come to terms with it all somewhat, the burning desire for revenge remained. Her mentor and master, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] had given her very valuable advice, to be patient. The day will come when Abaigeal will meet her mother's killer once again, but not today. And so Abaigeal trains, grows stronger with each passing day, each step she takes a little closer to her goal and time is on her side. A strange meeting to have met with Sio. It was no coincidence, meeting the woman that has fought Kaine almost crushing him and now prepares her for the same. It was the will of the force, Abaigeal knows that now.But there is something she wants, laying at the bottom of a valley on Panatha, her mother's lightsaber. No one simply walks into Panatha, it is fortified, impenetrable and strikes fear into hearts that simply look upon it. The idea of her going back there, made her blood run cold, but she will. Since Abaigeal had joined Firemane she had access to the database and computers, she had been doing some personal research on the Zambrano family, plenty to read there since it seemed that Kaine had made sure of his immortality by producing copious offspring. But one name stood out from the rest.
Could he be her way into Panatha? The intel held nothing of his personality, very little to go on save for a hint that he might hold a burning desire for ambition that could be beneficial to her. A strange ally? Only a meeting would determine this and so Abaigeal had contacted him and arranged to meet on New Plympto.
The Crossfire Hurricane, her mother's old A-Wing, came out of hyperspace over New Plympto, a long journey it had been and so to end it. Abaigeal touched down and docked at the starport of the city of Phemiss and would make her way to the meeting place.