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Approved NPC Front Security Services

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Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Standard Tactical Flash

High-Vis Tactical Flash (usually in visibility patrols in civilian areas)

Alternate High-Vis Tactical Flash (usually in sensitive areas, for the imperial fist of ISF is more neutral in public opinion than COMPNOR colours)
  • Unit Name: Front Security Services
  • Affiliation: Commanded by Provost-Marshal Orik Dakari Orik Dakari , with rumours of affiliation with the Imperial Military Protectorate
  • Classification: Military Police/Provost Unit. Primarily light infantry with some organic anti-armour, anti-air light artillery support, and motorised capacity.
  • Description: Front Security Services deploys in multiple Company-sized formations to be doled out to clients as needed. They are notable for dressing in the standard colours of the recently-fallen Empire and organising along those lines. Their primary purpose is as Military Police and rear security- apart from guarding command posts, traffic routes, and POW filtration, they also conduct rear area security and civilian outreach.

    The most notable aspect of FrontSec is the tight leash on discipline and following the laws of war- actions on the part of FrontSec officers ensure that the laws of war are strictly followed in the handling of enemy combatants and civilians. FrontSec contracts with clients explicitly give their officers the legal authority to deal out corrective actions and punishment to any caught breaking these laws, even in allied formations, as long as FrontSec is expected to operate within the chain of command. In the chaos that has befallen much of the Mid and Outer Rim since the collapse of the Empire, Concord, Enclave and Crusade, some warlords see this a small price to pay to secure the services of a professional unit.

    While primarily infantry, to make up for a lack of armoured support, FrontSec Companies bring with them an assortment of different emplacements and rocket launchers to give some punch to their static command post defences or convoy security operations. They also have organic motorised and transport capacity. Most FrontSec personnel don distinctive red armbands- denoting their institutional lineage from the Imperial Military Police Corps, as well as a symbol of their current primary role in a similar capacity.
  • Imperial Standards: The recruitment and training of FrontSec companies is largely patterend off the Empire and New Imperial Order's standards. This means that every member of FrontSec has professional standards in combat potential, and especially in discipline and morale.
  • "MP stands for multi-purpose, right?": All Provosts of FrontSec are cross-trained in the primary roles. This all Enforcers of FrontSec are able to conduct any of the many duties they are expected to do (as listed above) as long as they have the tools to do so (and even when they don't, they make do, such as converting makeshift POW holding sites if barbed wire is not on hand.)
  • POGs: FrontSec Companies are primarily used for security, reconnaisance and support, intended to follow larger formations into battle. If forced to the frontline alone, they will still fight, but are relatively ill-equipped to do so, without much in the way of high-powered weapons or assault training, serving mostly as second-line infantry support.
  • By The Book: If ordered to act in contravention of military law such as firing on civilians or committing terror tactics, FrontSec will not follow such orders. In addition, they may even come into conflict with employers that do so, jeopardising unity of command and operational efficiency.
In the aftermath of the fivefold collapse or shrinking of the Maw, Empire, Mandalorian Enclave, Ashlan Crusade, and Silver Jedi Concord in the mid 870s, large swathes of the Galaxy effectively became hunting grounds for warlords, slavers, sadists, and worse, despite the almost unprecedented generational Peace that came over the Galactic Alliance. Into this void sprouted self-claimed kings and emperors and dictators, and their perennial assets- mercenaries: those who fought, killed and died for credits, the highest bidder, a self-forged moral imperative, or something more ill-defined.

One such group was the Frontline Security Service (more often called FrontSec or the FSS)- emerging from the Collapse of the Empire, FrontSec grew from a small body of Imperial Army troopers and Imperial Security Force enforces attempting to defuse the increasingly brutal wars between petty fiefdoms and roaming raider groups. At its core was the 303rd Forward Security Battalion of the Imperial Army, a mixed unit primarily concerned with security, law enforcement and military policing duties at the front. While they were unsuccessful in stemming the tide of chaos, the Battalion garnered enough remnant units and lasted long enough that they had to reorganise, and reorganise as an independent mercenary unit. So was born FrontSec.

In the past two decades, FrontSec specialises first and foremost in the enforcement of galactic and wartime laws and norms in an increasingly unlawful Galaxy. Clients hire FrontSec knowing that it brings both the image and substance of legitimate conduct, derived from the many legacies of wartime accords signed in the past century (not counting rogue states like the several Sith Empires). Beyond that, FrontSec has also been hired to act as neutral arbitrators and DMZ peacekeepers between factions. Other 'limited contracts' include 'normal' military operations, with a focus on forward command post security, rear area policing, traffic and logistics control, and prisoner-of-war maintenance and exchange duties. Business has never been great- few are the warlords who would pay money to be scrutinised and judged by mercenaries, but as a military unit, FrontSec maintains its high standards of Imperial discipline and morale, and in that sense, the free market has not deemed them redundant by the end of the 9th Century ABY.

Observers claim that FrontSec has ties to the growing Imperial Military Protectorate, with several sensationalist stories already being spread about its use as a front for gaining funds and legitimacy for the IMP. Such rumours are true but officially denied.
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