Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Frozen in Time

Khar Delba

The wind howled, and Sinya Kairn pulled the flimsy cloak he'd been given tighter around himself in a futile attempt to retain some measure of warmth. The only moon of the frozen world Khar Delba was similarly bleak and inhospitable, and were it not for the ruins present, there would have been no reason for him, or anyone else for that matter, to ever come here. Hoth was a vacation spot by comparison, and as if some cosmic force had decided that the frozen moon wasn't miserable enough, it never saw sunlight due to it's parent planet's position around it's star.

Still, Sinya had come, because he had no choice. He'd been given a change of clothes, a small amount of survival rations, and a flimsy, one man shuttle that looked as if it was held together primarily by hope, and told to Make yourself useful and find something you can use among the ruins.

As it turned out, Khar Delba had not always been deserted. Millenia in the past, a Sith Lord had apparently built the stronghold that he had just landed on, which had long since fallen into ruins. Other than the fact that Sith ruins sometimes held items of value, Sinya had no clue what he was supposed to be finding, though he'd also been told that Nobody will waste their time training you until you train yourself, so personally he was hoping for a manual. A how-to holotape. He'd even take a pamphlet if it meant he could go somewhere warm again.

He didn't know who had inhabited the citadel, but what was left of it was impressive, even though the walls had holes in them, the stairs were cracked and missing in places, and most of it had appeared from the air to have long since been deprived of a roof. Which meant that he was unlikely to find warmth inside either.

Cursing the day he'd been found by the Sith, he began to trudge up the ancient steps.
Areia had pissed off the wrong war lords and they were NOT happy with her. She had manged to escape but her ship had been damaged and she needed a place to hide till things cooled down. This planet was perfect no one in their right minds would EVER come here so it was the perfect place to hide for a while.
Her ship was smoking and limping badly she cussed at the her little r2d2 droid
"Snip its one big ball of ice and snow just find a place to land it for force sake!" the droid seemed to cuss at her with beeps and whistles.
"Dont talk back to me Snip or I'll return you to the junk yard and this time I WILL leave you there." The droid beeped again from where he was plugged in by the copilots chair. She had found the droid years ago after her father was killed and she had pretty much rebuilt the droid from pieces she manged to scavage. He wasn't perfect in fact he was a little...well crazy but he was all she had so she had grown to love the little droid and wont replace him for anything even when she threat to.

The ship zoomed low going past what looked like a old shuttle "There's a shuttle down there we might be able get some parts lets land as close as we can." The droid beeped at her and they manged to bring the ship down. She hit a switch turning off the alarms. "well that's a mess you got us into Snips." the droid throw his little arms up beeping.
"how is it my fault! your the one who switched shipments!" she sighed standing "We should be able to hide here for a while till we get the ship repaired." she walked back to the armory She put on a what armored chest piece that looked like a thinner version of the stormtroopers chest piece but was colored black to match her robe and shirt. she slide two blasters on each hip which hide the two parts of her lightsaber well but still made it easy to get to both if she really needed them. She slide two light daggers in holsters on her wrist, sliding a smaller gun in her boot. She slide on a heavy white coat, gloves and a face mask to protect her from the cold. the last thing was the E-11 blaster rifle which she strapped onto her back. It had a custom paint job with strips of leather over the handles and some beads hanging off it. Sometimes she did weird stuff when she was alone in space for so long. She prob didn't need all these weapons but her father had taught her better to be safe then dead.She strapped a bag around her waist and pulled the hood over her her hair opening the ramp. Shevering as the cold came up the ramp she sighed she always hated the cold.
She called back up the ramp. "Im going to check out that shuttle Snip see what repairs you can make. The droid beeped from the cockpit and she stepped down the ramp.
All she could see was white for miles, "Nice place.." she sighed reaching out with the force to see if she felt anyone or anything she needed to be wary of. Her father had taught her to hide that she could use the force when she was on a planet where there was other people but she didn't think anyone was on this cold planet she was more worried about creatures then people. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath behind the mask connecting with the force feeling out and feeling nothing so far.

[member="Sinya Kairn"]

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