Conqueror of Heaven and Hell

O B J E C T I V E | Figure out my surroundings
G E A R | Literally nothing
A cryogenic pod had been bought off the black market, purportedly containing a bio-modified human male. Supposedly trained to fight, he'd sold for a rather cheap price for a human slave- no-one wanted to spend too much to buy a goon who could turn out to be a weakling, of course.
Consciousness came first. Even as his muscles were frozen and immovable, Imperius groggily opened his eyes. He was in a cryogenic pod- a generic model, considering how he barely fit inside- and the fogged canopy revealed two silhouettes right outside. Medical Personnel of the Union, perhaps?
Just as motion was slowly returning to his limbs, The canopy abruptly flew open, causing him to stumble out and fall to his knees, face slamming to the floor. A glance upwards revealed a smartly-dressed third person further away, sitting on a chair. Instead of the White-and-Purple Uniforms of the Union Medical Corps, the two individuals that he had noticed earlier looked like the sort of stereotypical thugs you would find in a dark alley- ragged clothes, dishevelled appearance and an overall worse bark than bite.
The man-on-the-chair proceeded to monologue- apparently, Imperius was to serve his organisation as an enforcer until he died.
Only the frozen state of Imperius's muscles stopped him from physically facepalming. Hopefully, he'd regain full use of his body in a few days and be ready to escape- he had absolutely no intention of playing second fiddle to a second-rate Criminal. Better yet, if luck was on his side- as it often was, because the Force was magnificently partial to its chosen- there would be someone or something that would expedite his exit...from wherever he was right now.
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