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Fruits of Success

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[member="Erin Tenel"]

Nathema Orbital Complex

The casualties had unfortunately been quite significant, according to Vanessa's records. Losses for the Battle of Corellia consisted of eight battleships - all of the experimental Saturn-class - along with two corvettes and multiple fighter and bomber wings. Still, the gains were significant - the evisceration of the Flare Fleet, the near-annihilation of the Hyperion Ascendant's escorts and severe damage to the dreadnaught itself, the crippling of the Mandalorian fleet unit, harm caused to another Silver Jedi fleet, and most importantly, the effective destruction of Rogue Squadron. For a battle that was effectively a forced retreat from the Corellia system, Vanessa considered the casualties inflicted to have been serious.

And now there was someone who wished to speak with her regarding such.

Vanessa was not entirely sure who this supposed visitor was - she was a woman, human-appearing at the least. Vanessa had a holocapture of her and was still browsing through the records, looking for information on the woman.

The Dark Troopers would soon escort her to the Sith Lord's office on board the station.
The Sith Empire, Er'in had discovered, was a riven warzone of factional infighting held together due to fear of the Emperor.

One Sith, one loyalty indeed.

At least Er'in was honest that she didn't care if you were Sith, Jedi or a Dathomiri Witch - power was power, power was victory, victory was freedom.

Freedom from chains. Every chain.

This particular Sith Lord - well, Sith Lady - commanded a great deal of material power. That was absolutely clear. Er'in had no personal use for that, not right now. But she did have a personal use for friends in high places and friends who were interested in... how did Vader put it... oh yes, things that were 'insigificant compared to the power of the Force', but very useful if your foes also had a fleet. Which seemed increasingly likely now she had to cast her lot in with the Empire - with the Jedi helping secure the core, and being unwelcome in CIS space, she had no real desire to join the Knights of Ren... so a little flattery might go a long way.

Besides, it wasn't as if ship design bored her... it just wasn't quite as interesting as live vivisections, or a good paperback book and a glass of wine. Er'in viewed both about equally.

She glanced from one Dark Trooper to another. She wasn't sure about the helmets. She liked personality in her protectors and minions... not that she had any, anymore.

She walked gracefully into the office, taking in the view and the occupant in a slow glance, letting all of her senses absorb what was before them, deciding to wait until spoken to.

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]​
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Er'in did have preconceptions about the Empire. Vanessa was one of the few who legitimately believed in the concept of the Eternal Empire, that a Sith-led governmental power would last forever in some form or fashion and maintain its existence despite withering attacks from any and all sorts of lightsider ne'er-do-wells who would try to fight against what the people here were willing to accept. Her belief, however, that loyalty was earned through support of the followers instead of instigated through fear was at the least somewhat unique.

The Dark Troopers - Powered Dark Troopers to be precise, left, their suits of powered armor quite audible in nature as Vanessa sized up the woman. She was quite attractive, that was a given - the figure was exquisite and reminiscent of the Hapans Vanessa had once acquired blueprints from after salvaging their former flagship. "So you're that enigmatic Sith woman who was looking to garner more information about my exploits. A pleasure. I am Vanessa Vantai, though there are many other names people may know me as. Executrix of the Greater Maldrood. The One who Cares. Darth Pandeima." She said. "Please, sit." She motioned to a couch as Vanessa moved to sit on the side furthest away from Er'in. "What is your name and where are you from?"

[member="Erin Tenel"]
Er'in considered the woman in front of her, wearing her best courtly poker face - which, to give her credit was actually good enough to not appear at all false. She smiled what might well be genuine thanks - the implied seating arrangement was considerably more egalitarian than some Sith would manage, which of course said a whole world of things - or Darth Pandeima (as Er'in immediately labelled her) wanted it to appear as if it did.

No matter how far from home you get, court politics still follows you. Maybe you should try the Unknown Regions?

She as offered and crossed her legs.

"I am Pelin'a Er'in Tenel, Knight of the Sith. I am Hapan by birth, as my name might give away, but as to where I'm from..." Er'in's crystal cut royal accent paused for a second as she considered how to answer that. "... I am the former apprentice of Darth Metus, whom I don't think I need to introduce, I am here in Empire space thanks to the good will of Darth Avacyn, whom I met in typically unusual circumstances."

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
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"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Er'in." Vanessa smiled. Now here was a Sith who was, at least in a facade, exceptionally polite. Vanessa was very appreciative of the fact that Er'in was not either confrontative or dismissive - her attitude was, in all honesty, normal. It was a refreshing change from the brooding Sith she had grown used to, as so few adult Sith she'd met had a sort of pleasant and enjoyable attitude.

"Darth Metus…" Vanessa lingered on that name for a bit. Of course she knew who Isley Verd was. She had previously conflicted with him during her time on the original Confederacy of Independent Systems. Her flagship was a constant reminder of that time. "Avacyn… That's Kaalia Pavanos, right? Well, I'm certainly glad to know that she brought someone so respectful into our fold. Common courtesy seems to have fallen off the map nowadays." The Sith continued to ponder over what sort of a future relationship she could have with this woman.

"So, my dear Er'in, what would you like to know about the work I'm doing here in the Maldrood?"

[member="Erin Tenel"]
Er'in seemed to consider that question for a moment - several moments in fact.

"I'm given to understand you're one of the Empire's premier ship constructors and... well, one of it's more powerful Dark Ladies."

She replied, her tone one of someone making sure she is clear on her facts.

"I am... not prone to such desires, or perhaps I should say that the Confederacy under Darth Metus does not promote independent fleets and personal capital ships, with a few exceptions. So I am curious to see how we may be... mutually useful to one another. I understand I am not yet on the level of an equal..." It didn't come out through grated teeth, but the words took effort, even if they reflected reality. "...but I am not without my resources."

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]​
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"The Empire for the most part desires to construct ships of its own types. National corporations are far more reliable, after all, than a company that could theoretically turn on you. That said, my corporation has developed some of the most advanced technology available to the Empire. That individuals do not utilize it to the degree they should is their own issue."

Vanessa smiled, but the smile dissipated after she heard of the policy of Metus. "My fleet is hardly independent. The Maldrood is intended for one purpose - to function as a means of keeping the Empire alive should catastrophe befall us. I have put myself in the unenviable position of preparing for the worst case scenario - the scenario of Emperor Zambrano's death and a resulting struggle for power within the Empire allowing such miscreant lightsiders as the Silver Jedi and the New Republic to devastate our current territorial gains. In the event of such a cataclysmic occurrence, I have many within the Empire who will assist me in ending the power struggle and maintaining the Empire's defensive screen against its enemies. At least until someone more worthy than myself takes charge and leads us on an expansion-oriented path once more."

She looked at Er'in curiously. "Tell me, Er'in, do you believe as some Sith do that the Empire under Emperor Zambrano will never face a trial? That we will continue our conquest unabated until the galaxy is ours? Or do you believe that one day, the Emperor will either make a mistake or otherwise will become a casualty, leading to a future power struggle?"

[member="Erin Tenel"]

Er’in considered her words once again for a moment, but what might appear has minor hesitation was, for her, a cautious eternity of thought.

“You must look at three factors when considering that question: the lessons of history, the nature of the Force and the separation between Emperor and Empire, between Sith and Empire.” She replied, honestly and perhaps a little didactically. “History teaches us that no Empire, no Republic, no government or people survives the weight of years - in our galaxy, this is a fact. The nature of the Force, as outlined by lumarines such as Darth Sideous, Velok the Younger and as far back as some of the scattered remaining works of the... heretical Revanites of the ancient Sith Empire, teaches us that light and dark exist in a state of continual conflict. Finally, while the Empire is the Emperor, the Emperor is not the Empire - without his guidance it will fall, but he does not require it to be free. Although given his actions, he might find few places to shelter him should it come to grief.”

She leant back, looking thoughtful.

“No Sith who walks among the living is a God - there are no Gods, only the Force. Yes, it is impossible to state when or how, but one day the Empire, it’s Emperor and the Brotherhood of the Sith will face their test, and by nature a test can be failed. How many supplicants litter the path to that of a mere acolyte?”

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
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Vanessa nodded. “Wise words. Very wise words, Er’in.” The woman pondered over the circumstances of what the Hapan had said. “Unfortunately we in the Empirebdon’t seem to acknowledge our own limits. The people of the Emperor’s own homework’s believe him to be a god - such is selective cultivation of a location’s learning in action.”

She looked at Er’in. “It is the truth of your words that is a rationale behind my decision to create the Maldrood and prepare for the worst. We have stockpiles of fuel, weapons, ammunition, and everything required to war with any of the Sith’s enemies should it come to that. I would prefer not to have to put the assets at my disposal to work, but if we collapse, it’s the only hope the Empire has of survival.”

She smiled, looking at Er’in with a curious gaze. “The question is, though, would you perhaps desire to help in these preparations?”

[member="Erin Tenel"]
“I am of course willing to assist the Order of the Sith.”

Er’in replied with a soft nod of agreement.

“I am however curious as to what I might practically be able to offer such endeavours - laudable as they are, I do not - yet - have the resources you or others have to contribute, anything I could give in terms of material aid would pale by comparison.”

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
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[member="Erin Tenel"]

"Your body is more than suitable." She said. "Every man and woman I have at my employ is a boon to the continued stability of the Empire - and to my ability to defend it should things go horribly wrong." Vanessa thought for a moment as to what she could utilize Er'in's skill in. "I could certainly use a lesser Sith to provide a differing opinion on certain situations. Given your background and history likely differ significantly from mine, perhaps you could let me see what I ordinarily would not. And in exchange, I could always assist you in making a variety of connections..."

It was a tit for tat deal that seemed fair enough.
"I should be clear, I am not - at this time - looking for a patron or master. Such a decision should not be rushed. But a... mututal agreement of use of my services, freely given, in return for connections seems as if it would be appropriate."

Er'in chose her words carefully, avoiding anything that implied servitude or... for that matter, anything else. It was a fair trade, one she was happy with. But Sith were all too keen to trap one another in little deals. That much was no different from Hapes, it was simply the terms that differed.

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
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[member="Erin Tenel"]

"Oh, I figured such was the case." Vanessa said. After all, the woman seemed significantly more skilled in her arts than most Sith who would be out and about making connections. "Such a mutual agreement is something I am certain we can come to should we work together on this."

Vanessa pondered over what she would be able to offer this woman in exchange for her services. She was certain they could come to some sort of agreement. A wave of the hand would see a droid enter the room and bring Vanessa a small cup of tea. "You mentioned you were a Hapan. I'm curious - did you spend much time on your homeworld, or are you an expatriate?"
“My name is no affectation, although I do not truthfully know if my lineage is true - family legend holds it is.” Er’in replies softly. “But yes, I grew up in the Royal Court, I am a Princess of the Blood, and well aquatinted with the Queen Mother - in some ways, both the actions of the Sith and her own actions are part of why I am here. But... while I am of the blood, I... do not engage in that murderous dance anymore. I still have connections, of course.”
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"Well, we could always find out, if you were curious." She said. "Given a good deal of my background is in sorcery and alchemy, I also have a great understanding around the scientific part of such genetic manipulation. If you were to provide me with a sample of your DNA, perhaps a hair or some blood, I could compare your genetic structure to other known examples of genetics within your lineage." She said. "What sort of connections do you have?"

Perhaps knowing what Er'in could offer would make hashing out such a relationship a bit easier.

[member="Erin Tenel"]
Er’in laughed lightly and crossed her legs, leaning back with a smile that was far more inviting than her dismissive laugh - abrupt and cut off as it had been - might imply.

“I’ll decline on the subject of giving you an arcane link, if you don’t mind. I’m scrupulously careful about such things.” She raised one polished set of nails. “All fake, just in case.”

She sipped at her drink and considered.

“I have reasonably widespread contacts within the confederacy, particularly among the Rylothian Witches, technically I am one - although their spirits have no hold on me. Obviously you know I am... shall we say sponsored by the Lady of Defiance, as we have... much in common. I’m also reasonably deeply involved with the Sith-Imperial Historical preservation society, I’m attempting to get several expeditions off the ground and into the Unknown Regions in pursuit of some... interesting artefacts.”

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
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“I’m not one to try and use that sort of thing.” She responded. “I knew individuals who, at one point, used such - personally have always found it distasteful to trace one through blood. It atrophied one’s abilities.”

Thinking over the remainder of what she had said, she pondered for a bit. “The Confederacy is still run by an individual I have... issues with. I didn’t know that Witchery had spread to the planet of the Twees - an offshoot of the Dathomiris, I presume, or were they able to artifice their own traditions? Your sponsorship by Kaalia means both little and much to me - support of other Sith has never mattered in the grand scheme of things, yet Kaalia is a respectable woman who cares about the growth and preservation of her family, so her approval of you is a good thing.”

It was the last part that intrigued her the most. “I spent twenty years in the Unknown Regions, traveling from world to world, plundering just to keep myself and my loyalists alive. The truth is, much of the Unknown Regions consists of frontier worlds with primitive alien civilizations, most confined to their home planet. All that remains of powerful civilizations are the ruins and rubble of their buildings, with nothing worth scavenging still remaining. Not once did I come across a planet that had anything of value or worth beyond a few trinkets of interest. There are also multiple abominations to be found out there, abominations such as the Mnggal-Mnggal - do you know of it?”

[member="Erin Tenel"]
"I am afraid I do not share your assessment of the value of the Unknown Regions, based on practical personal experience as well as detailed research."

Er'in replied calmly, her tone curious.

"But yes, I am familiar with the Rot God, to use it's rather eloquent nom-de-guerre. I am also familiar, if not personally, with several of the attempts to transform it into a more... useful weapon."

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
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[member="Erin Tenel"]

"Very well - perhaps we should plan an expedition out there to sate both our curiosities." She replied. "In fact..." Was now a good opportunity to inquire as to whether she could make use of the woman's services? "I am planning an expedition to the world of Mugg Fallow. to recover a piece of technology I feel we can suitably reverse engineer for use on deep-space reconnaissance ships. Would you perhaps be interested in joining me? Barring that, there are other trips I am perhaps interested in making, of a more quiet, more permeating nature."

Perhaps this would give her an opportunity to work with Er'in.

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